Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3371: Open the coffin

The many gatekeepers of the Immortal Pass saw this scene, their expressions changed drastically, and they were about to stop, but Ye Chen's eyes swept away, suddenly making them like an ice cellar, extremely cold.

There is no doubt that as long as they dare to continue to block, the Fighting Saint King will definitely take the thunder and kill them on the spot.

Ye Chen signaled to Emperor Hun Yue to prepare, then shot and pushed open the funeral coffin.


With the moment the funeral coffin was pushed open, an overwhelming Ruyuan power suddenly erupted, squeezing this light world, and fell to pieces in an instant.

"Supreme Emperor Wei!"

Ye Chen and Emperor Hun Yue glanced at each other, especially the latter, adjusting the state of the emperor to the most extreme, allowing Thunder to take action at any time.

However, the supreme emperor in the funeral coffin did not rise up, and continued to hang out in the coffin.

Did the immortal pass away?

The two looked at the Supreme Emperor in the coffin with suspicion, and soon discovered that they were not alive at all.

Although the emperor's prestige is immeasurable, it is more of a kind of lingering prestige. Even after the death, the emperor still possesses part of the prestige of his life, and the horror is too much, even the super king cannot bear it.

In addition, the terrifying corpse evil spirit is the emperor evil spirit, terrifying boundless.

Of course, neither Ye Chen nor Emperor Hunyue are in this list, they are powerful enough to bear the aftermath of the emperor's death.

The sleeping emperor turned out to be a fallen ancient emperor. Even a few people didn't dare to get too close, retreating to a place far enough away, and then carefully observe it.

Soon, Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief, because this was not the supreme of a foreign race, nor the great emperor of the human race, but a supreme figure in other areas of the Chaos Sea, a humanoid figure.

Naturally, this great emperor supreme could not end his life, after all, the supreme life was unlimited, there was no so-called old death, it must be killed by people, there were many terrible traces of imperial war on his body, and even wounds directly penetrated his heart.

What was more deadly was the wound on the center of his eyebrows, which was torn open the brow bone, knocked open the Niwan Palace, and hit the most original emperor soul.

Ye Chen and others have reason to believe that this was the fatal blow of the Great Emperor's fall, otherwise no matter how severe other injuries are, it is impossible for a Great Emperor to die!

There was a terrible blood stain on the center of the split eyebrows, and emperor blood was dripping, even after endless years, the emperor blood still showed a bright red, as if it had just died, it was very evil.

Terrible visions appeared in the blood of the emperor, disturbing the world, and the ghosts were crying constantly.

Ye Chen really wanted to know what happened to the ancient emperor that year. He was actually killed and buried in this coffin, buried in the world of light in the Immortal Pass, filled with thick weirdness.

"His Majesty!"

Many guards of the Immortal Pass mournfully knelt down and bowed their heads, even the Emperor of the Ancient Times, with a sad expression on their faces.

Obviously, these gatekeepers are most likely the followers of the supreme. They have always believed that the supreme is still in the world, but because of his injuries, he was forced to fall asleep forever. I didn't expect to see you again for many years. .

Ye Chen turned to ask: "Do you know why your Majesty the Great fell?"

The blank expression of all the guards made Ye Chen frowned.

One of the guards of the Primordial King shook his head and said: "When His Majesty the Great went on an expedition, I did not follow by my side, but guarded in the Imperial City. When His Majesty returned, we discovered that all those who went on the expedition had never returned. Even His Majesty the Great suffered terrible and severe injuries. After sealing me and leaving the corresponding mission to guard and guard the Immortal Pass, I fell asleep. I always thought that His Majesty was recovering from his sleep, but I did not expect that His Majesty was seriously injured. And perish."

This is quite sad news. Until now, they did not know that His Majesty, who had been guarding and waiting to recover from his sleep, had long since passed away.

Ye Chen and the others sighed slightly, not knowing what to say to comfort them.

After all, this is no less than the collapse of faith overnight, and it is more uncomfortable than death.

"This great emperor is neither the Pangu universe nor the alien ancient universe. It seems that the rumors are wrong." Ye Chen sighed lightly, but he had a wish.

Back then, he also wanted to know whether the real emperor was asleep in this immortal Tianguan, but now it is confirmed, and the emperor has long been lost, and the corpse is in the coffin.

Just about to reset the coffin lid, the panic suddenly changed——

call out--

At this time, a ray of light flew out of the eyebrows that were split by the ancient emperor, making Ye Chen and the others like enemies.

"evil Dead?"

But it was soon discovered that this was not a corpse change, but a fragment of time, the supreme emperor, who was flying around the thread, was protected and lasted forever, but now it appeared after being touched.

Only seeing the fragments of time reveal a scene that shakes the past, the present, and the future.

It was an ancient and mysterious place with no limit, vast and vast, and sacred mountains towering into the starry sky stood tall on the wild land.

The heavens and stars are shining, and there are even more rounds of sky and sky, shining on infinite brilliance, breaking through the dark time and space.

This is simply a place comparable to the heavens and ten thousand realms, and even the upper realm of the Primordial God Realm. It may even surpass the above, and it is unimaginable.

I saw the most terrifying scenes appearing. There are endless powerhouses between heaven and earth, flying to escape the earth, shattering stars, and collapsing gods, all of which prove that the most terrible emperor war erupts there, and it is not an ordinary emperor war. Many supreme taboo figures.

On the desolate and boundless land, there are endless dead bodies, hundreds of millions, and the mountains and rivers are stained with blood, and the starry sky is desolately beautiful.

Terrible battles are erupting on the vast and ancient battlefield, involving the emperor and the supreme immortal, as well as the eternal giants, and there are many participants, all of which are truly supreme beings.

The river of years is also emerging shaking the heavens and overwhelming the ages.

This seems to be a terrible battle involving eternal heavens. Judging from the scale, Ye Chen suspects that it can be comparable to the eternal giants battle of the two ancient universes on the ancient road of origin not long ago, perhaps to a certain extent. It.

I saw that in that blood-stained world, the emperor died, the ancient emperor's blood stained the heavens, the Supreme Immortal passed away, and the heavens and all the tribes were buried.

As if everything were to be buried here.

The ancient emperor in the funeral coffin rose to the sky, accompanied by the light of extinction, as if he was going through the most terrible catastrophe.

What kind of scene is this, the Great Emperor bleeds the Buddha, the heavens are buried, the heavens are dyed red with blood, the infinite stars collapse, and everything seems to be buried.

What happened at that time? There will be such a tragic battle, involving the heavens and the eternal ages.

At this moment, Ye Chen's mind was shocked, and his pupils shrank to pinholes.

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