Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3372: Chaos Emperor

In the center of the broken heavens, a hazy figure appeared, looming a mighty and powerful posture.

The whole body was flooded with infinite ancient chaos, like a chaotic heavenly emperor, squeezing the heavens forever, stepping on thousands of ways, above the top, high above.

He wore a crown without a god, and he couldn't see the exact figure, only the chaotic light that suppressed everything and killed everything.

By his side, there was the supreme of heavens participating in the war, but in the end everything was lost. The strongest emperor also seemed to be lost, and there were also fairy kings who passed away. There were countless visions and eternal wailing.

The broken world is full of blood.

It seems that there is only that special chaotic figure left in the world, like the master of everything, accompanied by splendid time and space fragments, seems to cross time and space, too strong, too strong, but no one knows what he is. who is it.

Ye Chen changed color, looking at this chaotic emperor-like figure, and at the top of his head, the emperor's crown, shining with the most brilliant nine-color brilliance, it was the crown of eternity!

This emperor of the world is alone in the heavens, with his feet on ten thousand roads, and the town has been transformed into his possessions forever, years and years, and he is invincible in the world.

The shattered eternal time and space, the conquering heavenly supreme, the eternal giants who have emerged from each era...

The source of the battle seemed to be pointing to the dominating figure like the Chaos Emperor in the middle.

In the end, the ancient emperor in the funeral coffin was covered in blood, fell from the sky, blood stained the sky, and let out a final cry of grief: "I gave everything, buried Eternal, and there is nothing left. It is ridiculous! "

The shocking picture stopped and disappeared, and the fragments of time were completely disintegrated and annihilated.

But everyone was still shocked.

What kind of battle was the last battle of the ancient emperor in the funeral coffin? It involved so many things, including the supreme of the heavens and the eternal giants, all of which are the most taboo supreme beings.

Especially the Lord of Chaos in the center is even more invincible like the Emperor of Heaven. Chaos suppresses the eternal, ten thousand ways, and worlds, circling the river of time, and is suspected to have arrived across time and space.

Ye Chen was silent, saying nothing.

He has a kind of doubt, is that person the supreme self in the future?

But he shook his head again.

It shouldn’t be him, because the ancient emperor in the funerary coffin has not existed for years. Even the supreme self in the future may not be able to truly participate in the first battle across the eternal time and space. Where the ancient emperor is. The most terrible causal punishment will be meted out in the years of shooting.

But if it were not for the supreme self in the future, who would it be?

He was shaken.

Others sucked in the cold, because the existence of the taboo that concealed hundreds of millions of chaotic ancient auras was too terrifying. is this real?

Of course, they did not suspect that it was on Ye Chen.

They suspected that long before the endless years, someone had already used Chaos Dao to prove that they became emperor and reached an unprecedented height, otherwise they would not be so terrible.

Ye Chen looked at the guards of the Immortal Pass, and followers of the Emperor Lie of the Burial Coffin, and said, "You should know what the final battle your Majesty participated in during his lifetime?"

As a follower of the ancient emperor, he should know a little bit, especially the ancient emperor, who is the mainstay of an emperor's dynasty and clan inheritance. It is impossible to know nothing.

Ye Chen really wanted to know what happened back then, especially whether the Lord of Chaos, who was crushing the sky, shattering the ages, and encircling time and space, had a certain relationship with him.

There was silence for a long time. One of the oldest guardians of the Primordial King with a cultivation base of the sixth heaven, the gray-haired old king, slowly spoke, with a sigh: "Before endless years, the old Knowing that era was a blood-stained era, because a terrifying taboo appeared in Hengkong, even your Majesty was extremely jealous when he talked about it."

When it comes to the existence of taboos, not only the old monarch, but also other guardians of the Tianguan gates have lingering fears, as if they have great awe for that taboo.

"Is the person in the center of Time Fragment?" Ye Chen asked again.

The old king nodded and shook his head again: "It should be, but I'm not sure. After all, I have never seen that taboo exist, and there is not even a portrait. Because these taboos exist, the perception is amazing, even the portrait cannot be depicted. , His Majesty the Great never showed that I was waiting. The only thing I knew was that the forbidden existence suddenly appeared in the Chaos Sea, as if it came out of thin air. There is no record of the past, nor is it like a forbidden person in the past era. I found the relevant records, and suddenly turned out like this, and then caused the death of many supreme lords."

Talking about it, it can be known that it was a blood-stained time that swept the entire Chaos Sea, and the supreme was in danger of life, and more than one supreme was suddenly killed and killed in the Chaos Sea.

All of this was done by the taboo existence, and I didn't know why that taboo existence wanted to take action, and suddenly targeted multiple supreme sects and slaughtered them.

Therefore, in the end, there were also the Supremes of the Heavens and even the giants of the ages to fight, just to kill the Lord of Chaos like the emperor.

Afterwards, the old king spoke again, saying that it is not necessarily just because of this person, but it must occupy a very important reason. At the same time, he mentioned that it may involve some hidden secrets that are not known, which is very relevant, that is, His Majesty is taboo. Deep, I don't want to talk too much about some of the most terrifying taboos in the Chaos Sea.

"A taboo figure born suddenly, there is no related record in the past?" Ye Chen's expression is All this points to the supreme self in the future, otherwise, would such a forbidden figure of the world be irrelevant The record must be named in the history, and the ancient stele inscribed on the Chaos Sea will be named forever.

But he shook his head again. He, who is as powerful as the supreme future supreme, should not do it. He travels through the ages and returns to the more distant past. He also strikes at the supreme and slaughters the supreme heavens. The cause and effect are extremely huge and impossible. Do it.

In this way, the entire Chaos Sea's operating rules will erupt, and cause and effect will appear, killing the supreme self in the future.

Ye Chen didn't expect the possibility of fighting between the Saint King and the Heaven-defying Warlord, sending the Heaven-defying Warlord from other time and space to the world.

After all, he is not the saint ancestor of fighting, without the mighty power, unable to summon the warlord against the sky to return from the past time and space, not to mention that he has not been born in that era, let alone do it.

In that case, who is this Chaos Lord?

Why do you control such a powerful avenue of chaos and also possess the crown of eternity.


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