Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3373: Vacuum old emperor

It seems that only this is the most reasonable point, but Taishenghuang is an extremely wise figure, and it is impossible to make an enemy to Pangu universe. Moreover, the opponent is suddenly born, and there must be many strong people who have checked whether it is Taishenghuang.

The possibility that Chaos Ruler is the Supreme Emperor can basically be ruled out.

But besides the Supreme Emperor, who else can master such a terrifying Chaos Dao?

It's not that he didn't expect the future heirs, the heirs holding the Chaos Emperor Sword, but it didn't feel like.

Ye Chen asked: "When did it happen?"

"According to the inference of time, it should be the beginning of the mythical era." The old monarch said.

"In the early days of the Mythical Era?" Ye Chen was surprised, he thought it was in the era of the Mythical Era.

But at the same time, he has a special illusion.

The era of mythology seems to be a rather special era. Not only did the Pangu universe mythology shattered, but also the ancient universe of the Eight Desolates collapsed when attacking the desolate immortal world, the end of the ancient road of old origin, the beginning of the ancient road of new origin, the almost chaotic burial ground Born...

In this era, too many secrets are really hidden.

Everyone was silent. At this moment, Ye Chen silently closed the burial coffin of the ancient great emperor and was about to leave, but at this time, there was a clanging sound. The burial coffin was never completely closed. Opening his closed eyes, a much more terrifying power erupted.

"evil Dead!"

The three of them were all discolored.

"Hahaha——, my vacuum ancient emperor finally got out of trouble!"

There was a crazy laugh from the emperor, with overwhelming majesty, and tearing the sky apart, shocking everyone, especially the gatekeepers of the Immortal Pass: "The ancient emperor of vacuum? You are not your majesty, in the end. Who is it? How could it be in your majesty's remains."

"Even the emperor doesn't know, what era is this?"

The emperor said, with the monstrous dark evil, giving people a cold and evil feeling.

"Vacuum ancient emperor? Are you the ancient emperor of a foreign race?" Ye Chen suddenly looked directly at the emperor.

He naturally knows a lot about foreign races. He once knew that in the early days of the last era, there was an ancient emperor called the vacuum ancient emperor, but because he participated in a terrible battle, he died.

Unexpectedly, the vacuum ancient emperor was still alive, and there existed in the emperor's body.

"Do you actually know this emperor?" The emperor looked at Ye Chen, his eyes deepened a lot, and sometimes a special light flashed, and said coldly: "This kind of original aura, it turns out that you are from the Pangu universe, especially you , I feel that there are similar fluctuations in your body that belong to the fighting ancestor. Who are you from fighting the ancestor?"

"Battle Saint Ancestor is my Saint Ancestor in the line of Battle Saints!" Ye Chen said.

"That's right, boy, this emperor sees that you are very powerful in form and spirit. You are not an ordinary primordial emperor, but also a disciple of the fighting ancestor. If you swallow and refine you, the emperor's strength may not be able to recover. less."

The emperor made a move instantly, with the emperor that annihilated everything, and attacked Ye Chen.

"Father--" Chihiro exclaimed.

At this time, Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he waved that strong and invincible chaotic holy fist, shaking it hard, and the force of terrifying collision directly tore open the world of light.

During the period, Ye Chen only took seven or eight steps backwards, and stopped.

However, the fist has a terrifying and dark emperor evil spirit surging around, like a curse, wanting to corrode the fist.

"Be careful." Emperor Hun Yue said, trying to help Ye Chen expel.

Ye Chen refused, and tens of thousands of chaotic lights came out of his fist, and it began to burn, expelling the terrible emperor evil spirit and turning it into nothingness.

This scene surprised Emperor Hun Yue.

The Qi of the Emperor Sha, especially the Qi of an Emperor Skeleton, is soaked with the Qi of the Dead Body, it can be regarded as a kind of Emperor Curse to some extent, it is extremely difficult to expel it, even if it is from the Eight Heavens The same is true for peerless kings.

But obviously, as the eternal king, the fighting holy king is not among them.

Ye Chen was fine in front of him, and Emperor Li was taken aback: "So strong, your strength has reached the level of a super king at least, not even an ordinary super king, and what you are practicing is the Chaos Dao."

"Your nonsense is a bit too much."

Ye Chen's face was expressionless, and he stepped forward again. This time his strength was a lot stronger, and his fist was raised, like a great hammer, tearing open the Qi of Gungun Emperor's evil spirit, and colliding with the emperor's skeleton, it was the slightest. Leave no wind.

This light world was in collapse, but Emperor Hun Yue stomped his feet to stabilize it.

"What a terrible fighting saint ancestor's disciple, what a chaos avenue cultivator, you are even more terrifying than the emperor imagined." The emperor, also the vacuum of the ancient emperor, frowned, actually colliding repeatedly. No one has the upper hand at all, which proves that the opponent is at least a super power at the peerless king level.

"Damn you, dare to desecrate and occupy the remains of your majesty!"

The guards of the Immortal Pass became angry and rushed forward.

However, the vacuum ancient emperor manipulated the emperor to make a move, and the endless emperor's evil spirit rushed out, drowning them, and in the blink of an eye, he saw that the two ancient kings were all destroyed and turned into flying ashes.

Qianxun had the protection of Emperor Hun Yue, but he was safe.

These gatekeepers who were killed by the emperor, the shattered form gods submerged into the emperor's skeleton through the void, making the emperor's skeleton a little plump, and the aura of the vacuum ancient emperor was also stronger.

"The flesh and blood are good, but it's too little, not enough to eat." Ancient vacuum emperor frowned. If he can swallow enough flesh and soul, he will certainly recover a by then, even the battle saint in front of him. The strongest chaos cultivator of Mai Mai can also raise his hand to kill.

"Then don't eat it, just die."

Naturally, Ye Chen would not easily let go of the vacuum ancient emperor. After opening the Eye of God and becoming the eternal emperor, the Eye of God has evolved to an astonishing level long ago, not inferior to the eyes of the emperor, and penetrates everything about the emperor's skeleton. It was found that there was an emperor soul entrenched in the Niwan Palace in the emperor skeleton, and the manipulator had the emperor skeleton.

He also understood that whether it was the millions of gods and demons in the dazzling passage or the fragments of time that appeared earlier, they all carried the supreme emperor of the ancient emperor, suppressing the emperor soul of the vacuum ancient emperor, and now these have disappeared. , So the emperor soul was able to recover, and this was the scene before him.

Sure enough, the emperor was related to the alien race.

It's no wonder that the alien race did not hesitate to knock at all, and really wanted to let the vacuum ancient emperor leave. Although there was only one emperor soul left, after all, he was a generation of ancient emperors, how can he know whether he can return to the level of Dzogchen Emperor.

Even if it is not possible, as long as enough time is given, the final achievement is probably part of the supreme level power comparable to the emperor of the early days and the emperor of the Profound God.

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