Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3375: Ancient emperor death

"The Qixia Territory has revived. Is it really a vast expanse formed by a perished Immortal Phoenix?"

The world was shocked, thinking of various rumors in Qixiayu.

At this time, Ye Chen was caged with hundreds of thousands of ancient Chaos Qi, like a chaotic divine attack, constantly attacking the ancient vacuum emperor, and directly chasing and killing the 33rd layer of the outer starry sky.

At this time, the alien emperor who was sitting in the Qixia Territory was awakened for the first time, stepped directly onto the land of the outer starry sky, and shot Ye Chen.

But on the Pangu universe side, there were also emperors suppressing them, entering the starry sky and blocking foreign emperors.

He looked at the alien emperor indifferently, and said: "You still don't want to make a move."

"Huh, the ancient emperor of the ancient universe in our world, although in weakness, is not something your little king of the Pangu universe can oppress."

The alien emperor coldly drank, even a peerless emperor, in front of such emperors like him, can indeed be described as a little emperor.

The emperor's method is far better than the ancient king who doesn't know how much, slamming the starry sky and smashing it.

The emperor on the side of Pangu Universe, but the emperor who came from the ancient road of origin, is naturally familiar with Ye Chen’s Chaos Avenue, even if the latter becomes perfect after being promoted to the ancient emperor, he still recognizes it, it is impossible to make this full An accident happened to the infinite potential fighting saint king.

The battle between the two emperors in the star space has spread far and wide.

Silently, Emperor Hun Yue appeared, and did not make a move, but protected Ye Chen.


With only one word, Ye Chen dealt with the vacuum ancient emperor.

The peerless king-level battle broke out, Ye Chen fought in anger, and the ancient imperial capital regressed in a vacuum.

Although the ancient vacuum emperor possesses the supreme level of fighting consciousness and also controls the emperor, Ye Chen has also been promoted to the supreme level of fighting awareness many years ago, and has been taught by the ancient emperor, not to mention the inheritance of many supreme. He has seen battles at the eternal giant level up close, which has a huge impact.

Nowadays, due to the vacuum of the ancient emperor, he did not lose the wind at all, and even began to suppress it with the help of the most powerful means.

The heavens and domains, at least thousands of big domains can see this peerless king-level peak duel, shocked by the appearance of the ancient foreign emperor in the Immortal Pass, but even more shocked by the mysterious appearance of the chaotic figure. But with a single force, the ancient emperor vacuum, the legendary ancient emperor, kept going backwards.

"Emperor Hunyue, take action and kill his emperor soul!"

Although Ye Chen wanted to kill with his own hands, he didn't want to have many dreams in the night.

"it is good!"

The Emperor Hunyue appeared, the emperor's power exploded, shaking the starry sky, and struck the vacuum ancient emperor.


Facing Ye Chen's attack, he could still contend, but the emperor's offensive that was far superior to the emperor would not do.

The starry sky collapsed directly, the emperor's chest collapsed, and the emperor soul in his body suffered severe damage.

This is still the vacuum ancient emperor who dodges the most terrifying eyebrow attack dangerously, otherwise the emperor will be crushed by Emperor Hun Yue.

The ancient emperor, even if the emperor remains immortal, after all, a lot of the power of the emperor has been lost in the endless years. What's more, after the terrible battle of the year, the emperor is far less than the peak period, how can he stop the terrible offensive of the monarch Hunyue, an alternative holy emperor.


The emperor is immeasurable, and it is naturally impossible for the alien emperor to let the vacuum of the ancient emperor's fall and sit idly by and take action at an infinite distance.

But the unphased king sneered and blocked it.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Almost at the same time, on the side of the alien army, many emperors appeared, showing infinite power.

The emperor of the Pangu universe did not show any weakness, and the shadow of the emperor stood up, if they wanted to confront each other, the infinite power seemed to break through the eternal time and space.

This battle has already risen to a higher level to some extent.


Ye Chen suddenly sacrificed a supreme emperor soldier, which was the emperor star, which was a hundred million li in diameter across the starry sky.

The emperor was blasted down for the first time, and the vacuum of the ancient emperor's soul in his body was severely damaged, almost annihilated.


At the same time, Qixia Domain rushed out of infinite light, flooded the starry sky, vaguely transformed into an immortal phoenix, enveloped the infinite domain, grabbed the emperor and dragged it down.

"His Majesty Ancient Emperor!"

The emperor of the foreign race changed color and wanted to take action, but the emperor of Pangu Universe and the emperor of Hunyue both shot, blasting them away from Qixia Region, and blood stained one star region.

"No, this emperor managed to escape the Chaos Ultimate Battle and survived, and took the body of the other emperor. Don't just perish like this—"

Only heard a horrified roar from the ancient vacuum emperor, the emperor's skeleton was held by the transfigured Immortal Phoenix, and finally sank into Phoenix City.

If it is looming, Phoenix City is like a giant egg with an immortal phoenix dormant inside. The emperor's skeleton appears in it, and an emperor soul rushes out and is swallowed by the immortal phoenix.

I only felt that the supreme fluctuations in Phoenix had grown many times stronger, and the Immortal Phoenix seemed to be recovering.

"Immortal Phoenix, how dare you swallow the soul of the ancient emperor in our ancient universe!"

The foreign race great emperor was angry, and the infinite vision drowned out how many big domains he didn't know, it was amazing.

The unphased king laughed: "Well swallowed well, swallowed wonderfully, hahaha!"

He slapped the void and directly annihilated all the emperor wrath visions.

The Phoenix City as a whole has become a lot special, the whole body is as red as blood as Hengyang's pure gold, and the special Immortal Phoenix Dao patterns are intertwined on the city body. The avenue of fire between the heaven and the earth is very rich, far stronger than other avenues Many times.

The cultivators in the city can feel that the road of fire can be practiced at a rapid pace.

In the void, a special heartbeat can be heard. It was not until a long period of time that the heartbeat calmed down and even disappeared.

All the supreme fluctuations in Phoenix have calm down.

The vacuum ancient emperor of the alien race was swallowed by the awakening of the undead fairy phoenix in Phoenix before Nirvana, and became the nourishment for Nirvana.

Emperor Hun Yue glanced at Phoenix City with a lingering heart, and only then did he know how terrifying the Nirvana Immortal Phoenix in Phoenix City was.

When the alien side saw that the ancient vacuum emperor was finally swallowed and killed, the emperor groaned, but did not continue to take action, because he knew that no matter what happened, he had to retreat.

"Ultimate Chaos Battle?"

Ye Chen thoughtfully muttered to himself, he felt that the so-called ultimate chaos battle was everything revealed by the time fragment in the heart of Emperor Li's brow.

On the same day, in Qixia Territory, Emperor Hunyue cooperated with another emperor to lead an army of the Pangu Universe to launch a battle against the alien army in this large area.

The result was naturally one-sided, even the reincarnation of the great emperor appeared, holding the emperor star secretly, and the Buddha Emperor Ge was preparing to sneak and kill this alien emperor.

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