Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3376: Sweep 8 Desolations

Even though foreign races have invaded a more terrifying army these years, the number of emperors is no less than the number of hands, but the emperor is still the highest level of Optimus pillar-like power, and it is the recovery of the sleeping emperor in the ancient universe of the foreign race. Ten figures appeared.

If one was killed, it would definitely be extremely distressed even to a foreign race.

It's a pity that the foreign emperor seemed to be aware of it, and turned around and desperately fled outside, at all costs.

Moreover, the alien emperor personally took action, tore open the world, and established a supreme passage to attract the alien emperor.


At the last moment, the three emperors joined forces, and even Emperor Xing and Futu Emperor Ge smashed out. The two supreme emperor soldiers were recovered to the extreme, and they were smashed on the foreign emperor. They were shattered once and suffered heavy losses. Unfortunately, Finally let him escape.

As for the remaining alien army, they are not so lucky.

There is no need for the three powerful emperors to personally take action, Ye Chen takes action, showing the peerless king-level combat power, destroying the dead, and pushing everything horizontally.

Not to mention a long time, even if one hour is not there, the alien army in Qixia Region suffered absolutely heavy losses, with heavy casualties. Important powerhouses such as eleven Primordial Kings, including a Seventh Heaven Super King, were all crushed by Ye Chen alone. Kill, blood stains many large areas.

As for the alien army, in the end, only a few kittens and puppies were left to escape successfully, but the important combat power was wiped out.


The battle of Qixia Domain's hidden heaven and earth, the immortal pass, came to an end with Ye Chen, the world-famous fighting sage.

There is no doubt that this battle has made Ye Chen's prestige further, and completely pushed to the pinnacle of the universe, whether it is prestige or deterrence, the same is true.

Raise your hand to kill two foreign kings, knock on the immortal gate alone, bravely rush to the trial channel left by the ancient emperor, destroy millions of gods and demons, and slam the seven super king-level strongest gods and demons. Heaven-swallowing beast, you can see the burial coffin of the Supreme Emperor...

In the first battle of Qixia Region, he led the Pangu Cosmos Army to push the entire Alien Ancient Cosmos Army to slay the Seventh Heaven Super King.

Such a record is enough to shake the world.

In the eyes of countless people, the Primordial King is the overlord of the universe. It can be described as the pinnacle of legendary existence. In normal times, it can even replace the human emperor and dominate the ups and downs of the world.

But now, in the eyes of the world, this kind of supreme king, like the general ruler of the world, was swept by the fighting holy king thunder more than his hands, especially the more powerful and seven-layer super king, which can be described as the king of the ancient kings. The general powerhouse is still not the opponent of the fighting sage king, this has to make people shocked, and it is hard to imagine how powerful the fighting sage king is today.

On the contrary, compared with the great victory of the Pangu universe, the alien ancient universe suffered heavy losses.

Not only were many Primordial Kings killed, but even the emperor who was sitting in the Qixia Region was almost killed.

As for the only emperor soul of the vacuum ancient emperor, it was swallowed and killed by the Nirvana Immortal Phoenix in Phoenix just after successfully seizing the emperor's corpse.

Originally, the Alien Ancient Universe relied on the chaos of the Prisoner of Heaven to contain the strongest Supreme Emperor, and could barely compete with the Pangu Universe, but now with the sudden birth of the Fighting Saint King, it is directly lost. heavy.

Everyone knows that with the return of the Fighting Saint King this time, the days after the Alien Ancient Universe will inevitably become more and more difficult.

Although the top emperor supreme and emperor have never lost, they have been restrained, and now the Pangu universe is back to fight the eternal emperor of the holy king, and there are two great emperor-level existences around him.

There is no doubt that it will make the victorious balance lean toward the Pangu universe again.

In fact, it was the same. After Ye Chen returned, he simply reunited with his family for half a month, and immediately led the Chaos Tianfu powers to join the battle personally.

Under the leadership of Ye Chen, a peerless king-level supreme power, and even the powerful enslaved on the Ancient Path of Origin, the overall combat power of Chaos Tianfu suddenly skyrocketed, and began to cooperate with the Pangu Universe Army to sweep the alien ancient universes in various domains. Army.

There is no doubt that under Ye Chen's personal action, and the emperors of the ancient universe of the alien race are all constrained, even if there are many peak powers from the eighty to ninety layers under the emperor, they are still constrained. , To a certain extent, Ye Chen is the extra super strong.

The peerless king is so powerful, far superior to the ordinary king by countless times, and the ordinary king is by no means a one-in-one general.

Especially the Sealed Gate, which has long been tempered and evolved in the King's Tribulation to become more powerful. Once the ten puppets of the king are born, it is conceivable that the peerless king can be worthy of a battle.

Under the situation of his strong horizontal push, the alien armies sitting in all major regions were almost completely defeated. Even effective resistance was not formed here, and they were directly pushed across, and countless strong men suffered heavy casualties.

Many of these important domains have Swire Kings.

Generally speaking, they are relatively important domains, and the army is more powerful. It is a pity that you are facing a perverted terrorist like Ye Chen, even if the alien king has long learned that the fighting king is coming, he wants to Fleeing, but still being separated by an infinite field, killed by one shot, blood stained the sky, and perished.

Even the Primordial King was in a deadly situation, not to mention the other alien powerhouses under the King, who were even more vulnerable.

After Ye Chen consciously wiped out the quasi-kings and above in the alien army, the Chaos Tianfu powerhouse swept through in a destructive the mighty, killing a large number The foreign army of China has achieved a very rich record.

South Horizons.

Ye Chen stands tall in the sky, standing with his hands behind.

Wherever his eyes were directed, there was the light of fire rushing into the sky, and there were many large mountains and huge mountains that collapsed.

Of course, it was the alien army that suffered heavy casualties.

Just at the foot, you can see the boundless earth collapsed, and the starry sky above the head is also **** and dim. I don't know how the stars collapsed.

However, seeing a few huge and boundless alien bodies that surpassed the stars quietly and without aura fluctuations, they were all dead, but still revealing the terrifying heavenly might of the shattering world, they were indeed the Primordial King, the Primordial King of the alien race.

Naturally, these were the alien kings that Ye Chen personally killed!

He was always expressionless and indifferent, as if he had killed just a few insignificant ants, without any pride to show off.

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