Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3385: Have you seen the first generation?

The Chaos Sea quake, even the eternal giants also change color.

Talking about the origin?

Does the existence of taboos come from the place of origin?

And the origin is not necessarily the end, it may be a new starting point, does it mean that the path of origin may be a brand new starting point?

At this moment, Ye Chen clearly saw that whether it was the Emperor of Heaven or the First Generation, both of them were originally calm and waveless, there seemed to be wispy waves on their bodies, flashing and disappearing quickly, but they were enough to shake time and space.

They seem to know some inside stories.


Ye Chen withdrew from the memory of Emperor Xuanshen and returned to reality.

But the shock on his face never stopped.

With the help of Emperor Profound God and personally facing the ultimate battle of chaos, he could truly feel the power of the taboo existence back then, far more clearly than the time fragments of the sleeping emperor in the immortal Tianguan.

Only the ultimate chaos battle has left many unsolvable puzzles.

Such as the true origin of the existence of the taboo, such as why he targeted so many supreme, and killed, leaving only the supreme soul.

What exactly does the so-called "road" in his mouth mean?

What is the answer that belongs to him alone...

"In fact, part of my injuries were left over from the Ultimate Chaos War. Even if the taboos existed and did not deliberately target me, the aftermath of the battle still hurt me severely." The Emperor Profound God smiled bitterly, although it was bitter, but also Fortunately, otherwise that taboo existence would really make a move, even as the supreme emperor, there is only one way to perish, and there is no possibility of survival.

Ye Chen was silent. That Taboo Existence did possess such strength. For him, it was too easy to kill a Supreme.

The supreme is vulnerable to taboo existence, as if the ancient king is vulnerable to the supreme.

"Emperor, who is that invincible?" Ye Chen asked, also very concerned.

Such an invincible strongest giant can never emerge out of thin air, it must have an amazing origin!

The Emperor Profound God may not know it, but he should have known it from the eternal giants such as the Emperor of Heaven and the Saint Ancestor of Fighting.

He faintly had a special expectation.

The Great Emperor Profound God shook his head: "I don't know, his name is unknown, but I heard His Majesty the Emperor mentioned that the supreme forbidden existence surrounding Chaos Qi is probably not a human being, nor is it a distant era. The people who have been sealed in the era control the time and space methods that are no less than the time and space of the time and space. The power can reverse the time and space, perhaps from the existence of the future."

Ye Chen's heart trembled. Is that taboo existence really blood-stained in the future?

Even the Emperor of Heaven said that, so it's not far from ten.

The Great Emperor Profound God said again: "After the supreme forbidden existence was born suddenly, he seemed to be looking for something in that era, but he didn't know if he found it, and then he left suddenly."

Ye Chen couldn't help clenching his fist. He wanted to know, if that taboo existence is really the supreme self in the future, why did he go to the early days of God King Era, what he was looking for, and what he was carrying The purpose is coming?

He remembered again. After the blood-stained future, the supreme self in the future seemed to disappear suddenly, causing another heir who had become a giant to return across the long river several times, seeming to find himself.

Is it related to this matter again?

"Of course, there are also speculations that the taboo existence just needs to replenish the strength to hunt down the supreme of that life, especially the alien supreme, as a nourishment for more distant years."

The Emperor Profound God said again, after all, from the deductions of many foreign giants at that time, it is clear that taboo existences are circumventing the infinite time fragments, crossing the ages, traveling against the current, returning to the past, and heading to more distant ancient times.

Of course, this is not necessarily true, because when looking forward to the years, there are no taboos.

Undoubtedly, this speculation is even more shocking. The Supreme has also become a prey for taboo existence. It is regarded as a nourishment, and it is spread out, fearing that it will change the color of all the Supremes.

However, that taboo existence is indeed qualified to say such things, killing the supreme like slaughtering a dog, how shocking and incredible it can endure.

You must know that the ancestor of the alien giant Rift Sky was also killed and turned into an emperor soul.

As for why the existence of taboos is not visible in the long river of years, Emperor Xuanshen gave even more shocking guesses. Perhaps Taboo's control over time and space surpassed the time and space, or his existence transcended time and space and was not contained by time and space.

These are all speculations of the Supremes of the Heavens after the Chaos Ultimate Battle, pure speculation, without much basis.

Ye Chen naturally knew.

However, he was still full of doubts. He mentioned the sentence that sounded after the existence of the taboo disappeared, and said: "Great Emperor, what do these words mean?"

The Great Emperor Xuanshen looked at him suspiciously, and said, "Why did you ever have this sentence back then?"

Ye Chen was shocked, he heard it clearly, and the giants of the sky also heard it.

All this was truly felt through the memory of Emperor Profound God.

But the expression of Emperor Xuanshen did not seem to be fake.

Soon, Ye Chen changed color.

He suspects that it is very likely that only the eternal giants can hear that sentence, and why he can hear it is most likely to be directed at him.

Ye Chen became more and more suspicious that the existence of the taboo is the supreme self in the future, even if it is not, it has a great relationship.

"Death is not an end but also a beginning."

"The origin is not necessarily the end, it may be a new starting point!"


The first sentence represents the place of origin. After the death of the Tianmen gate master, it is suspected that he went to the place of origin.

The second sentence seemed to overturn the first sentence.

It seems that talking about the place of origin is just a new It seems to have opened up a bigger world in a vague way.

As for the third sentence, only the word "reincarnation" was mentioned, followed by Bi never heard clearly.

But Ye Chen believes that "reincarnation" should be the real focus and crucial for the existence of taboos.

As for why it can't really be said, perhaps it involves the deepest secrets of the ages, otherwise why is it so.

"Nothing, maybe I was too shocked at the time and I heard it wrong." Ye Chen didn't explain, it is impossible to tell Emperor Profound God that the existence of taboos is very likely to be the supreme self in the future, and it involves real taboos. Tell, the consequences are unimaginable, and it is easy to change the future that never happened.

The cause and effect were too great, and Ye Chen could not bear it.

Emperor Profound God nodded without doubt.

"By the way, I will tell you a great secret." The Emperor Profound God suddenly said, "There was a rumor back then that the supreme forbidden existence had briefly met Shidai, but did not start the strongest battle."

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