Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3386: Madness

"Meet with Shidai?"

Ye Chen changed color, why on earth?

If the supreme self in the future shouldn't have met Shidai, it should be a battle.

Faintly, he was shaken by the guess that the existence of the taboo was the supreme self in the future.

I thought it was clear enough, but I didn't expect that after watching the ultimate chaos battle that year, more fogs appeared.

After leaving the Emperor Profound God, Ye Chen couldn't calm down for a long time.

He always has a feeling that even if the taboo existence is not the supreme self in the future, he must have a great relationship with him.

The existence of taboo may know that at a certain time period, he would use the memory of Emperor Profound God to return to that life and watch the ultimate battle of chaos, so he gave those words.

These words must be related to the blood-stained future.

It was clearer than the words conveyed by the dead coffin from the blood-stained future.

Taboos exist, do you want to tell him anything?

However, what is helpless is that even at the stage where the strength is comparable to that of the peerless king, there are still many fogs that cannot be penetrated, still covering his heart, making him confused.

Every time it is impossible to reach.

Ye Chen's soul seemed to be covered with a haze, very depressed!

He wanted to see all this and understand the blood-stained future, but he was so helpless every time.

"Even if it is comparable to a peerless emperor, whether it is the pinnacle emperor, or the emperor, or the supreme of a higher level, or even the invincible eternal giant in the Chaos Sea, I need to keep climbing."

"If you want to know all the secrets, the Supreme is not good, at least you need the eternal giant level."

Ye Chen clenched his fists, feeling powerless for the first time after becoming an eternal king.

Even the eternal king is not invincible, and the supreme is in danger of perishing. I am afraid that in the future, he will be qualified to reach the top and truly know everything.

But how difficult it is, even if his skills are deepened so far, there is still more than one thousand miles away from the realm of the eternal giant.

Even if the cultivation base has reached this point, if you want to become an eternal giant, the future is still bleak, I don't know how long it will take to succeed.

In other words, he still has no right to know all that.

The more so, the more inexplicably depressed inside!

"I want to be invincible and oppress ancient and modern times!"

On this day, Ye Chen took an oath and shouted at the world.

The heavens and ten thousand domains shook, and they all heard the roar of the fighting holy king, and they were shocked.

What happened?


On this day, Ye Chen, like a madman, hit the forefront directly, and even broke into the territories occupied by alien races, straddling dozens of large regions, and smashing two alien primordial kings one after another, killing one hundred million. An army of thousands of alien races, blood stained hundreds of domains.

The invincible posture is fully displayed.

Both armies were shocked by their madness!

"Battle Saint King is invincible!"

The Pangu Universe party shouted, cheering for Ye Chen, followed by the capture of many large areas occupied by foreign races, and successfully regained many large areas, which was inspiring.

But Ye Chen never stopped, and continued to move forward.


The immeasurable chaos and blood obscures the sky and the sun, flooding many large areas.

The sky full of stars shivered, falling one after another, and the scene was shocking.

That was Ye Chen, who didn't conceal his body in the slightest, and even more monstrous chaos appeared, and the visions of the heavens appeared, surrounding him, showing the peerless posture of the eternal king.

He stepped out, stepping on the Great Avenue of Chaos, and directly traversing the territories of ten thousand domains occupied by alien races, wanting one person to reach the deepest place.

"It's not good. The Saint King of Fighting committed suicide. It was crazy. He committed suicide by a dignified and peerless king. It was not in compliance with the rules!"

However, the alien army changed color one after another, facing the peerless king-like fighting holy king who could stop it, being crushed one side.

In an instant, I don't know how many alien creatures were killed, hundreds of millions.

If the Chaos Demon God was born in Ye Chenzhuang, who could stop him if he was rampant.

"Fighting Saint King, so courageous!"

One after another, the majestic monarchs appeared, standing in the nine heavens, shaking the heavens and stars.

The alien king was alarmed!

Although in the first time there were a number of alien primordial kings, more than the number of hands, but all were only below the seventh heaven. Even if there are almost super kings at the peak of the sixth heaven, they deeply understand that they are far from being the one of the fighting kings.合之将.

But these alien kings have no plans to single out.

They were extremely angry, and the group attacked, and many immortal kings flew out, as if one round after another shining through the sky, rushing to the human race to fight the holy king with the great terror power of destroying the world.


Ye Chen fell completely into a madness, struck all the Emperor's Immortal Soldiers, and even shredded a few pieces of Emperor's Immortal Soldiers with his bare hands, and shocked the heavens.

This is simply absolute power, unstoppable!

If you don't reach the level of a peerless emperor, who can stop Ye Chen's invincible power.

When the super king comes, he can only be slaughtered.

Of course, the kings of the alien races did not intend to step forward. They knew the current power of the fighting sage king and retreated. They retreated hundreds of thousands of miles away, spanning one big domain after another, and returned to the alien army. Base camp.

The Pangu Universe party is extremely excited.

Especially the younger generation is full of enthusiasm.

Because Fighting Saint King is also a younger generation, and now he is regarded as an idol and a goal by the younger generation of the entire Pangu universe.

Seeing that the fighting king is so brave, they also feel as if they are incarnation of each other, wanting to slaughter all foreign armies and completely slaughter them.

"Yue, what happened to him?"

In the main hall of the Chaos Tianfu, the faces of Yi Wu, Goddess, Yuqing, and Abenu were worried. Qianxun, Yaya, and Chen Xi all felt that Ye Chen at this moment was a bit unusual, and there was a kind of madness beyond normal.

This is what Ye Chen doesn't have on Although it has been practiced for less than a thousand years, his calm mentality is no less than that of those old antiques who have lived for half an epoch.

Today is uncharacteristic and very special, which makes them faintly worried.

On the front line, on the Pangu Universe side, there are many Primordial Kings, as well as emperors, and even the Supreme Human Race, the King of No Phase, sitting alone. Seeing Ye Chen's power, he frowned.

Because I felt that Ye Chen's current state was very wrong, and he felt a little irrational.

At the beginning of the emperor frowned: "After leaving from the Emperor Profound God, what happened on earth, I feel like the little friend of the fighting saint king is a little crazy."

Emperor Xuanshen was also a little surprised.

The unphased king is high above the world, and his gaze looks down on this area. At the same time, he also locks in the two ancient emperors of the alien race.

He avoided the two ancient emperors from attacking Ye Chen.

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