Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3387: good news

"Battle Saint King, take your life today!"


Many large areas are shaking, and the magic is unparalleled.

From behind the territories occupied by alien races, the mountains and valleys shook, and a super terrifying demon king appeared in person. The magic light swept through the 33rd heaven, and shot a battle after dozens of big domains. The column is still huge, spanning hundreds of millions of miles, killing Ye Chen.

"Ten Heaven!"

Ye Chen felt that the power contained in that fight was definitely possessed by the peak king who reached the tenth heaven, and it was the strongest blow.

Apart from anything else, he turned and left, returning to the borders of the Pangu universe, avoiding the blow.

There has long been a peak king belonging to the Pangu universe, always sitting, resisting the blow for Ye Chen, flicking his fingers, fighting sonorously, turning back, and saying indifferently: "Go back, the territory of my Pangu universe is not inviolable by your alien race. "

The demon power is infinite, the peak king of the foreign race appears silently, the pressure of mountains and rivers weighs billions, and the huge figure larger than the big domain is submerged in the infinite demon aura, only the terrifying gaze reveals, indifferent: "Fighting Saint King, didn't you claim to be invincible, so you gave in so much that you didn't dare to fight with this monarch?"

"Hmph, do you use your realm to bully and fight the Saint King? This monarch can fight you."

The top king of the Pangu Universe said indifferently and violently, sweeping across dozens of hundreds of areas.

Silently, Emperor Hunyue appeared, staring at the peak king of the alien race.

The scalp of the peak king of the foreign race was numb, as if being stared at by the mythical murderer, he turned and left, knowing that he was not the opponent of the emperor like Emperor Hun Yue.

Ye Chen was silent.

He didn't dare to shake it hard, but he knew that the result of a hard shake was undoubtedly a serious injury. He was not yet an opponent of the peak king, but he didn't want to use the reincarnation of the emperor all the time.

He wants to become stronger.

But how many years has he been promoted to the King of the Ancients? It is less than ten years, and seven years are still spent on consummating himself, and he cannot go further in a short time.

What's more, he has only cultivated the Tao for many years, and the combination of the two lifetimes has only completed the calculation for less than a thousand years. It is already extremely dangerous to achieve this step.

Entering the emperor in a short time, and even the supreme, is simply impossible.

This is an extremely cruel reality.

Even though he knew this, Ye Chen asked Emperor Hun Yue whether there was a way to quickly reach the pinnacle of the avenue.

Feeling the dazzling blood in Ye Chen's body, he almost wanted to go straight to Xiaohan, boiling the world, Hunyue Emperor suddenly felt that he has a tendency to be intoxicated by fire, and suddenly coldly shouted: "Battle Saint King, you are eager to make it. Peak. How can you take a shortcut on the road? You have already cultivated fast enough, and you want to go further in a short time, and try to climb the emperor, and even the supreme, is simply looking for death."

Ye Chen’s eyes shone like the sky: "I am an eternal king, different from ordinary people. There should be ways to climb higher levels in a short time. You should know some ways."

He really didn't want to stay here, hoping to go further, to know all the mysteries, to live up to the various messages passed to him, and to change the blood-stained future ahead of time.

Although he knew that he was a little eager to get it done, but the chaos ultimate battle gave him too much stimulation.

He hopes very much that he can have such invincible taboos that he can slaughter eternal giants.

"Even the eternal emperor can't ascend to the sky in one step. You need to move forward step by step and build a foundation. Otherwise, you will have no hope of the supreme fruit position for life. You should be very clear about this." Hun Yue yelled and tried to drink. Wake up Yechen.

However, Ye Chen didn't wake up at all and snorted coldly: "Since you don't tell me, I will look for others and find a way by myself."


The endless chaos and blood flooded the mountains and rivers for hundreds of thousands of miles, and the turbulent heavens and stars, he looked like a **** and demon, and left in the air.

How could Emperor Hun Yue allow him to leave, not allow him to have an accident, and catch up with him in an instant, and directly tried to suppress: "Battle Saint King, you wake me up."


The star field exploded, Ye Chen tried to resist, and the eternal king's power was fully displayed, much more terrifying than when he was in the 10th Imperial Pass.

In the star field, I don't know how many stars exploded, turned into bright fireworks and disappeared forever.

The Chaos Law appeared, Ye Chen stepped on the Chaos Avenue, left the Azure Dragon, the right White Tiger, the upper Suzaku, and the lower Xuanwu. The four mythical spirits appeared, and the thunder attacked.

Even if it was a generation of emperors who blocked him, he couldn't block his way.

"this is--"

I don't know how many people have changed color in the heavens and domains.

Including many primordial kings.

This is the fighting king?

Compared with the power shown earlier, the peerless kings of the ancient cosmic armies on both sides have also changed.

Monarch Hun Yue was also shocked. Although Ye Chen had repeatedly overestimated the strength of Ye Chen, he still felt a little underestimated in the face of a full-scale outbreak of Ye Chen.

It is more than comparable to the rule of three million Dao Kings, and at least as good as five million Dao. It is almost twice as powerful as imagined.

But what?

Emperor Hunyue's eyes were slightly cold, and the emperor's power was blooming, and he was domineering the heavens in an instant, suppressing Ye Chen.


The entire starry sky is completely annihilated.

Ye Chen was unstoppable, his figure was blasted down from the starry sky, shattering millions of mountains.

Emperor Hun Yue was condescending, frowning and looking at Ye Chen in the shattered earth. He always felt that he was a little unusual now, and he must be stopped, otherwise he would inevitably make a big mistake.


The sky broke and the earth broke, and Ye Chen rushed out of the broken ground. Although a little embarrassed, his momentum remained undiminished and he could still crush many large areas.

He looked at Emperor Hun Yue with cold eyes: "Don't forget, you are just my protector and have no right to stop everything about me."

"Because I am your protector, I am qualified to stop your mistakes."

Monarch Hun Yue shouted, and continued to take action, forcibly suppressing.


Ye Chen walked away from the sky, avoiding it far, and said indifferently: "Don't force me to shoot."

Vaguely, the reincarnation of the great emperor appeared, with the emperor star in his left hand and Emperor Buddha Ge in his right hand, looking at Emperor Hun Yue indifferently and ruthlessly.


A loud shout resounded across the sky.

The unphased king looked at Ye Chen's scarlet eyes in the manifested world, and his voice carried an imperial rhyme: "Little guy, wake up!"

His head exploded, Ye Chen's scarlet eyes gradually faded, and he gradually became sober.

When thinking back to the past, Ye Chen suddenly felt afraid.

He almost went crazy.

If it weren't for the imperial monarch Hunyue's prevention, if it weren't for the imperial king's order, the consequences would be disastrous.

All these are the effects of the ultimate chaos war.

"Thank you!" Ye Chen was grateful to Emperor and Emperor Hun Yue.

The unphased king smiled slightly and disappeared.

Emperor Hun Yue also sighed: "You finally wake up."

Ye Chen smiled bitterly: "I'm sorry."

Emperor Hun Yue waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, as long as you wake up sober, what's wrong with you, why are you suddenly seeking for a powerful force?"

After waking up, Ye Chen found that he was a little confused.

He has practiced fast enough, and the two lifetimes have been superimposed to practice for less than a thousand years, and he is already an ancient emperor, and an eternal eternal king.

This is not enough. Trying to use shortcuts to climb to the Supreme Realm is absolutely destroying all the foundations of the past, wasting thousands of years of hard cultivation, and will inevitably be useless.

Just as Ye Chen was about to say something, he suddenly received an astonishing news, and his face immediately turned with joy.

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