Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3388: Go to the Nether


Ye Chen went back and forth from outside, and appeared directly in the main hall of Chaos Tianfu.

I saw that in the magnificent and majestic Temple of the Lord of Heaven, densely packed figures had long been gathered. Not only did they have their own wives and children, they had their parents, they had friends, but also another peerless figure appeared.

So familiar, yet so gentle as jade, as always.

She was a girl of eight years, her black hair was like a waterfall, she was tall and graceful, her appearance was no less than that of Zhao Jingruo, Chen'er, Yuqing, etc., and she was a bit more charming.

In his arms was a gentle white little beast.



Finally it is out.

Ruo Xi, who seemed to be in a reaction, was stunned and chatting with others with a smile, and Ye Chen appeared as soon as he looked back.

Even if Ye Chen has been promoted to the eternal king to perfection, it is different from the past, but the heartbeat still makes her recognize it in the first time, whispered to her brother, and threw herself into the latter's arms like a swallow. My brother was tight, very happy.

The little girl who had depended on each other in her previous life, even if her strength is now greatly improved, is still very attached to Ye Chen.

After all, the feelings of many years cannot be separated.

Yi Yi didn't even see the field lying on Ye Chen's shoulders, with dark eyes open, very cute and cute, and constantly rubbing his face: "Eh, little moon--"


Ye Chen was very happy, seeing the closest person or beast appeared, and the depression in his heart suddenly disappeared.

He hugged the little sister and Yiyi tightly.

"Sure enough, Xi'er, you might really be that daughter." Ye Chen felt the majestic power in Ruoxi's body no less than the level of the Primordial King and the continuous terrifying power of blood, he knew. , Ruoxi is most likely the oldest child in existence.

And all the traces have already been shown.

Ruoxi also seemed to know the truth, and she hugged her brother tightly as before, smiling with tears: "No matter who I am, I'm still my brother, your dearest and dearest sister."

"Yes." Ye Chen laughed, rubbing the soft and fine hair of little sister Ruoxi.

"Baboo yeah-"

Yi Yi also rushed forward, rubbing Ye Chen constantly.

Ye Chen also rubbed Yi Yi's small head, and also felt that Yi Yi was much stronger. Even Yi Yi's origin was so extraordinary, but it came from the forbidden race of Chaos Sea.

The two have been closed for many years and have reached the level of Primordial Kings, and the dormant power in their bodies is definitely stronger than the ordinary Primordial Kings.

Undoubtedly, it is a great thing for Chaos Tianfu, and the overall power of Chaos Tianfu is even higher.

"Auntie, Yiyi--"

With the sound of milk and milk, I saw Xiao Junlin staggering over.

Hundreds of years have passed, but Xiaojunlin is still as a child.

On the one hand, it was because Xiaojunlin was in a seal for a while, and also because Xiaojunlin's own physique was a true chaotic dragon, comparable to the ancestor dragon.

Ye Chen was worried that this potential would do too much harm to Little King's Landing, and he couldn't adapt. Many times, he sealed it so that Little King's Landing could gradually adapt to the majestic power brought by this terrifying potential over the long years.

On the other hand, true dragons generally have a very long juvenile period, not to mention the chaotic true dragon at the top of the true dragons. The juvenile period can easily be thousands of years.

Therefore, Xiaojunlin is still four or five years old, and of course he is very smart.

Of course, with the potential of Little King's Landing, even if he has been in deep sleep for most of the time, he still has long become a great power.

Moreover, the quasi-king-level divine power is also sealed in the body.

To some extent, it is much more against the sky than many emperors, emperors and heirs of the Fairy Way.

Ruoxi hurriedly hugged Xiao Junlin, very fond of this playful and cute nephew. After a few kisses, Yi Yi was also quite affectionate. Holding Xiao Junlin, the two little guys looked terribly cute.

Ye Chen's eyes swept over the people around Le Yerong. Those were parents, those were wives and children, those were relatives, those were friends...

Suddenly, he felt very satisfied inside.

With them, everything is my own.

"Yue, are you all right."

Yi Wu and his wife and children came forward, worried about his madness not long ago.

In their impression, Ye Chen has always been steady, and rarely so crazy.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm fine."

When everyone saw his clear eyes, they felt relieved.

Ye Chen looked at the people around him, feeling extremely satisfied at this moment, and whispered softly: "Sorry, everyone, I have worried you and waited a long time. We didn't return that day. From now on, let's officially return to the lower realm."

"it is good!"

The people around also laughed.

After waiting for hundreds of years, is it finally coming back?

Many people are looking forward to it.

After all, most of them came from the lower realm.

On this day, Ye Chen asked King Wuxiang to take action personally, knocking on the road from the upper realm to the lower realm of the heavens.

"The heavens and myriad worlds are extraordinary. I suspect that after the myth has shattered, there are still some alien races that have never been extinct. Hidden in the heavens and myriad worlds, there are some extremely terrifying aliens. So you have to be more careful in this line. "

The king without phase warned.

Ye Chen accepted it, but he also had enough confidence that he was not afraid at all.


Shout out!

The supreme shot was extraordinary, and directly tore the barriers between the two worlds.

The rules of heaven automatically line up both sides, working hard to open a passage to the lower realm.

Amid the rumbling noise, a special road was blasted open with the extremely bright brilliance.

The heavens and all paths seemed to be wailing, the heavens were shaking, and there was a kind of healing channel power emerging.

This is the origin of the Pangu universe, consciously blocking the connection between the upper realm and the lower realm to protect the lower realm.

Only the Supreme Human Race like the Wuxiang Monarch possesses such great power to blast away, otherwise it would be difficult for the emperor to blast away.


The unphased king stood up and blasted out with a punch, the supreme supreme mighty force was rippling, and the supreme emperor was blooming, supporting the passage, making it impossible to close it for the first time.

"Hurry up, you guys, although I can open the two-world channel, but it also indirectly consumes a certain amount of the origin of the universe, and it cannot be opened for a long time." The Wuxiang King said in a serious tone.

"it is good!"

Ye Chen looked back His eyes swept over the wives of Goddess, Chen'er, Yiwu, Yuqing, Abenu, etc., and also saw the children of Yaya, Chihiro, Chenxi, Xiaojunlin, and the King of Peacock , Zhanwang and other friends.

Farther away, there are powerful people who belong to Chaos Tianfu standing on the horizon, one after another nervously watching this place.

I can vaguely feel the concerned gaze from my parents in this life...

Ye Chen's eyes trembled, and soon he became firm, and said softly, "The time is up, let's go!"

"it is good!"

Everyone responded!

Accompanied by the supreme piercing the passage, Ye Chen and the others were already ready to enter the passage directly to the lower realm.

"The heavens and the world, I am back!"

The passage disappeared, and there was only a faint voice reverberating between heaven and earth.

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