Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3389: Heaven crisis

The heavens and myriad worlds are the general name of the infinite plane world of Hengsha.

Also called the lower bound.

Judging from the structure of the entire chaotic ancient universe, it is a star-like sphere, perfectly round and natural.

If the upper realms of the heavens and the worlds are located on the surface of the Pangu universe, the lower realms such as the heavens and the worlds are located inside and are guarded by the upper realms to avoid external invasion.

Darkness and fury are the eternal themes of most of the realms of the heavens.

Filled with the most violent spatial turbulence.

One side after another, the world stands tall in the endless space turbulence, releasing the thunder and lightning to block the impact of the endless space turbulence.


Suddenly, the silence was broken, and the infinite power of the emperor blossomed, forcibly breaking through the barriers between the upper and lower bounds, forming a passage.

Under the mighty power of the supreme and domineering imperial Dao, the birthplace caused the endless space of Fangyuan to turbulently flow into a quiet vacuum place.

The azimuth world on that side was smashed away from this territory.


In the passage, a group of people quickly appeared, appearing in the endless turbulence of space.

They are Ye Chen and his party.

"Finally returned to the lower realm!"

"Not easy!"

After finally returning to the lower realm, everyone felt that it was not easy, and it would be difficult for them to return unless the King of No Phase took the initiative.

Many of them, such as Ye Chen, such as Yiwu, such as goddess, such as Yaya, etc., are all a little bit embarrassed.

You know, back then, they were all princes who came out of the lower realms.

The lower realm is no better than the upper realm. In those days, the saints were all high above, the supreme powerhouses who could compete for world hegemony on one side, let alone the king of heaven.

It is really not easy for them to cultivate to this point.

Ye Chen looked at the heavens and all realms, and sighed softly: "After a long absence, I don't know how the ‘Heaven’ left behind has developed."

In the previous life, he stood out, received the inheritance of the ancient king, and also received the approval of the origin of the little **** world, and created a giant-level power that dominates the heavens and the world-the kingdom of heaven!

Of course, not long after he became the shopkeeper of his hand, soaring to the heavens and domains, so he didn't understand how the country is developing today.

It's just that it was left to some of the most trusted people to help manage it. It is expected that it will not be worse than that.

As far as you can see, there is endless turbulence in the dark and endless space. In the distance, one can see the starry world and the world, and the boundary is shining with infinite protection.

These are all plane worlds in the heavens and all realms.

"The heavens and myriad worlds are too big, and the Hengsha in the plane world is generally endless. Even if the small gods are as eye-catching as the sun, it is not easy to find them."

Some people whispered that even if the rules of the great avenues of the heavens and the worlds are not as perfect as those of the upper world, the power can be exerted at a more powerful level, but they want to find the little **** in the endless world of planes. World is not easy.

Of course, Ye Chen and others are not included.

At the very least, it is at the quasi-monarch level, and there are also many primordial monarch levels.

The first time he reached the heavens and ten thousand realms, Ye Chen was already releasing the monstrous spiritual consciousness, looking for the little **** realm.

In the heavens and tens of thousands of domains, it is enough to cover dozens or hundreds of large domains. When it comes to the lower realm, it is only strong but not weak.

The terrifying power of divine consciousness spread.

The territory that can be shrouded is far beyond the heavens and tens of thousands of times.

What's more, he was the lord of the Little God Realm in the previous life, and he could master the origin of the Little God Realm. Even if he was reincarnated and reborn, the imprint imprinted in the depths of his soul remained unchangeable.

Not long, Ye Chen smiled slightly and found it.

"Let's go!"


A avenue of chaos extended from underfoot, leading everyone to the Little God Realm.


Although the terrifying endless spatial turbulence of the worlds of the heavens and worlds is isolated from each other, it is difficult to cross, but it does not represent a mess of scattered sand.

On the contrary, because of several overlord-level strongest people, in the endless years of the past, the heavens and all realms have been divided into several camps, and there are teleportation arrays arranged by overlord-level forces in each world. Run through each other to form a whole.

The so-called overlord is actually only an ancient power.

The power of ancient times may not be a big deal in the current worlds of the heavens, but in the worlds of the heavens, he is still an absolute hegemon, who is extremely powerful and possesses the monstrous ability to divide the heavens and the worlds.

Basically every overlord-level force has ancient powers.

Of course, there are exceptions, that is, the heaven that controls the Little God Realm.

The Little God Realm was once a huge world ruled by a generation of kings. It was because of the fusion of a fragment of the Primordial God Realm that caused amazing changes in the plane world and promoted to a more powerful world.

The vastness and vastness of the world is far better than the ordinary world, and even comparable to the great world of kings.

Speaking of it, the Kingdom of Heaven is just a domineering power that has only risen suddenly for nearly a thousand years. As early as a thousand years ago, the Little God Realm was even an ordinary plane world. Later, the inheritance of the ancient kings appeared, leading to the revival of the Little God Realm. , The sealed ancient vast continent emerged, and there was a small **** world behind.

Subsequently, the younger generation of kings competed for hegemony and competed for the inheritance of the human king. The winner in the end can get the inheritance of the human king, and even master the small **** world, have absolute control in the small **** world, and master the power of the monstrous small **** world. Not at all weaker than true ancient power.

At that time, a generation of fighting and war holy kings turned out to be born, competing for hegemony with the kings, embarking on the road of the only true king, successfully winning the inheritance of the king of humans, and becoming the master of the little gods.

He personally took the lead and formed a supreme power overlord based on the original foundation of the Little God Realm-Heaven!

As the name suggests, it belongs to the immortal kingdom of God in the nine heavens!

The Kingdom of Heaven is the dominating power of the Little God Realm, encompassing the thousands of planes that the Little God Realm rules.

When the kingdom of heaven came out that year, it directly ranked among the most powerful overlord-level forces in the heavens and the world, and because of some subsequent things, it was recognized by other overlords of the world.

And today, the kingdom dominates the battle and the saint king has been soaring to the upper realm for many years, and the huge kingdom of heaven is handed over to the old people such as the Tianmen, Wanhuazong, and Qicaizong, who have intersected in the past.

Among them, Tianmen is the main one.

Naturally, if you are in charge of the kingdom of heaven, if you indirectly control the little **** realm, and get the authorization of the fighting holy king, you can control the origin of the little **** realm.

In a sense, if the heavenly gate and others hold the monstrous authority comparable to the mighty powers of ancient times, they have allowed the kingdom of heaven to develop magnificently over the years.

In the short period of less than a thousand years, the kingdom of heaven has long since been completely renewed, with generations surpassing generations, far more prosperous than the previous years, and the emergence of powerful people is far beyond what could be imagined a thousand years ago.

However, for various reasons, the kingdom of heaven is also currently suffering from a major crisis.

Little God Realm.

Canglan Continent.

Castle in the Sky.

The sky city hangs on the highest point of the sky, close to the outside world, and accepts the power of the stars and stars. It is the most divine and holy city. It is also the holy city that countless powerful people in the world want to visit.

In the center of the Sky City, a splendid main hall is located, which is the former palace of the gods.

In the Palace of the King of Gods, there were two Supreme God Seats at the top, but there was no one.

Those who are familiar with it all know what the two supreme **** seats represent, which is the absolute spiritual leader meaning of the entire heavenly gate.

There are a dozen or so **** seats under the Supreme God's seat, who are the masters of the heavenly kingdom, such as the six ancestors of the Tianmen, such as the ancestors of the Qi Caizong, and the ancestors of the Wanhuamen.

There are also thrones below, and they are all located with top powerhouses within the rule of the kingdom of heaven, either the master of a big power or the top powerhouse that is famous in the world, with the amazing ability to dominate a party.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the Palace of the Gods was extremely tense.

The powers that almost represent the entire kingdom of heaven are talking closely, deciding the future direction of the entire kingdom of heaven.

From time to time, the quarrels reverberated and became fierce.

For a long time, there was no result.

On the first **** seat on the left side of the two supreme **** seats, headed by the left, an old man with a childlike face slowly raised his head and pressed his palm emptyly, and the whole hall of the **** king suddenly became quiet.

He is the great ancestor of the Tianmen, one of the most powerful figures in the kingdom of heaven, said slowly: "Well, everyone, it is no way to continue quarreling like this, and now the Lingxu God King wants to enter the Little God Realm. , To seize the dominion of the kingdom of heaven, this is a major event related to the whole kingdom of heaven, you must calm down and deal with it together, not you and me quarrel!"

The Kingdom of Heaven still dominates the frontiers of the heavens and domains, and even controls the power of the Little God Realm, but it has received tremendous provocations over the years.

Because there is always a lack of a domineering figure who can sit down.

In addition, the world of the Lord of Heaven, the Little God Realm, is comparable in all aspects to the great world of kings, like a big piece of fat. Over the years, many forces have been staring, hoping to seize it, refine it into their own, and go further.

What is even more frightening is that a peerless and powerful man named Lingxu God King suddenly emerged from the heavens and ten thousand realms. He is the most powerful and incomparable, not inferior to the several powerful overlords of the ten thousand realms in the world. The lord of the Little God Realm, who claims to be the King of Gods, requires the entire kingdom of heaven to be surrendered to him and to his surrender.

Only then has the Heavenly Summit Meeting today.

Hearing this, there was silence in the Palace of the King of Gods, and the crowd said nothing.

It would be fine if you were facing other overlords of the Ten Thousand Realms this time. In the past, the Heavenly Kingdom Lord Douzhan Saint King had fought side by side with them and had a corresponding friendship. Even if they were moved, these overlords of the Ten Thousand Realms would not easily do it.

But Ling Xu God King is an unfamiliar overlord of the Ten Thousand Realms, and his power is too terrible. In the past, he only projected a dagger into the Little God Realm. On the day when the Heavenly Kingdom held a feast, he strongly demanded the Kingdom of Heaven to surrender, and the thunder defeated the sweep The kingdom of heaven is strong and establishes a great reputation.

Although the most powerful ancestor-level figures of the heavenly kingdom that day were in retreat and never appeared, the defeated powerhouses were not lacking in the super powerhouses of the Heavenly King realm, and they were still far inferior to the all-in-one generals of the Lingxu God King~www.wuxiaspot. com~ can be imagined.

The world believes that even if the ancestors of the heavenly kingdom go together, they are afraid that they will not be the opponent of the Lingxu God King.

It was precisely because of that battle that the thunder of the Lingxu God King swept across, bringing absolute power to all the heavenly powers, and they considered it unmatched.

Therefore, God King Ling Xu asked the kingdom of heaven to submit to his control, but many people thought it was feasible, which caused quarrels among the major forces in the entire kingdom of heaven.

Therefore, a major meeting was held in the Palace of the Gods, and the top powers of the kingdom of heaven were invited to come to talk and discuss how to respond.

Some people at the meeting thought it was impossible and vowed to fight it to the end.

Some people also think that it might be better to submit to the management of the overlord of ten thousand realms like God King Ling Xu.

The two sides held their own opinions, and could not reach agreement in a short time.

However, faintly, the majority of people who believe that they can submit to the Lingxu God King, only a few believe that they cannot submit.

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