Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3390: Determined

The ten or so ancestors on the seat of the two supreme gods have been watching all this with cold eyes, rarely opening their mouths and listening to the opinions of the various forces.

After a while, the three ancestors of the Tianmen finally spoke and said indifferently: "Although the Lingxu God King is indeed very powerful, he may still be able to compete with the hegemonies of the heavens and the world, but my heaven is not easy to bully. Controlling the world origin of the Little God Realm, even if the overlord of the Ten Thousand Realms comes, he can fight at its peak, so there is no need to surrender."

Very tough attitude!

"Ke Lingxu God King, as an ancient overlord-level figure, possesses the monstrous ability to continuously swallow infinite power from the heavens and all realms. Although the small **** realm is strong in origin, it can compete with these ancient overlords, but it is definitely not a long-term solution. , Once the time is long, it may not be the opponent of the Lingxu God King, and the entire Little God Realm will inevitably fall into a great crisis."

"What's more, only the Little God Realm in the heavens can reluctantly contend with the Lingxu God King. The other planes of the world are simply unable to take care of him. Do you want to give up? This will chill the hearts of all the worlds."

Many strong people in the Palace of God King frowned, and they did not support opposing God King Ling Xu. On the contrary, they thought it was better to submit to God King Ling Xu.

Some strong people even pointed out that under the leadership of a hegemonic strong person comparable to the ancient gods, the kingdom of heaven will inevitably move to a new height, and it may not be impossible even to make a heyday beyond the past on the original basis.

"The master of the sword pavilion is right at all. Rather than being an enemy of a ten thousand realm overlord, it would be better to submit to him, and perhaps develop better."

"Although the kingdom of heaven has developed very well over the years, and the strong have emerged in large numbers, there has never been a figure of the overlord of the ten thousand realms. If you really want to fight against such overlords of the ten thousand realms, the consequences will be unimaginable for the entire kingdom of heaven. of."

"You ancestors of the Heavenly Kingdom, you must know that the Lingxu God King is the pinnacle powerhouse of the Overlord of Ten Thousand Realms, comparable to the Heavenly Kingdom's former dominance of the ancient kings. It is really stupid to be an enemy of these ancient overlords.

"I also think that surrender is the best choice. The leadership of an overlord of ten thousand realms will inevitably bring heaven to a whole new level."

"Yes, the overlords of the Ten Thousand Realms are those ancient powerful figures who have infinite secrets. As long as he is willing to guide us in our practice, perhaps someone will be able to break through the shackles and step into the ancient realm of power."

"The God King Ling Xu also said that as long as the kingdom of heaven is willing to surrender, it will grant me the methods of advanced and higher realms. This is a great opportunity that is not easy to miss."

Many big power masters have persuaded them, and hope that the ancestors of the heavenly kingdom will think twice, and the best plan is to submit to the Lingxu God King.

In the past year, because of the inheritance and guidance of the ancient king, the kingdom of heaven has developed magnificently.

But the ancient king is the fallen ancient overlord after all, leaving only the inheritance.

Now that an overlord of the Ten Thousand Realms is willing to take over, and to point them out is a great opportunity that should not be missed.


The six ancestors of Tianmen who have been silent for a long time snorted coldly, resounding in the entire palace of the gods like thunder.

I saw him coldly shouting: "Submit to the Lingxu God King? Impossible, don't forget who is the real master of the kingdom of heaven. It is the fighting king. In the past, he was handed over to me by Tianmen, Qicai Sect, Wanhuamen, and Hua The joint management of Mo Xuefu means trusting us. Naturally, we cannot live up to the expectations of the Fighting Saint King and let the kingdom of heaven fall into the hands of others."

As soon as this statement came out, many top forces in the kingdom of heaven wanted to refute it, one of them humanely said: "The six ancestors said this is wrong. Prosperous and prosperous, but now the decision of several ancestors to be enemies of the Lingxu God King is more to make the kingdom of heaven go to destruction."

"Dear ancestors of the heavenly kingdom, please think twice before you act. A wrong step, a wrong step, and the consequences of provoking an overlord of ten thousand realms are unimaginable."

"I implore your ancestors to take the overall situation as the most important thing, surrender control of the kingdom of heaven, and invite the **** king Lingxu into the Lord, and lead my kingdom to a more prosperous future."

"I believe that several ancestors must have great righteousness in mind, and will not watch the Little God Realm, or even the entire heavenly kingdom, fall into endless smoke and flames."


In the Palace of the God King, many powerful people spoke up, but surprisingly, more than half of the people believed that it was the best choice to hand over the control of the kingdom of heaven and let the God King Lingxu take over.

Even though the country is developing at its peak today, it still lacks the leadership of the real strongest, and there is still a long way to go if it wants to be comparable to other powers of the Ten Thousand Realms Hegemony.

However, a master of ten thousand realms entered the master and taught the corresponding great experience. Under his guidance, the kingdom of heaven is completely confident that it can take a step forward in a short period of time and reach a more prosperous place.

Even for them, the opportunity to enter the domain of the Ten Thousand Realm Hegemons that dominates the ups and downs of the Ten Thousand Realms is an unparalleled temptation, and no one can stop it.

Above the Palace of the King of Gods, the many ancestors who were the rulers of the kingdom of heaven remained motionless, and there were hesitant struggles on each other's faces.

They actually don’t care much about the control of the kingdom of heaven. What they care more about is that it was left to them by the fighting king and entrusted to them. Now they are threatened to hand it over, which is really against the morality in their hearts. .

But the powers of the heavens were right. The Lingxu God King was really too strong. He was a stalwart existence at the level of the overlord of the ten thousand realms, and the consequences of going against it were disastrous.

In a short period of time, with the help of the origin of the Little God Realm, there was no fear of the Lingxu God King, but as time passed, even they felt a great deal of pressure.

There is even no guarantee that the Little God Realm of the Heavenly Kingdom Master World will be able to withstand the invasion of the Lingxu God King. If the invasion is really necessary, the Little God Realm will inevitably collapse, and the consequences will be disastrous. They will also become the sinners of the ages.

Hand in, or not?

The ancestors of the heavenly kingdom hesitated, and really didn't want to harm hundreds of millions of creatures in the Little God Realm for their own sake.

The ancestors looked at each other, all of them were struggling violently, but they all had a difficult decision. They couldn't help but look sad and nod slightly.

They have decided.

Below, Zhong Qiang smiled, naturally seeing the decision of the patriarch of the heavenly kingdom, and all heaved a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, the six ancestors swept across one of the two supreme divine seats, and their mind trembled, and immediately raised their heads and said coldly: "Everyone, this matter is put on hold and no more mentions. The Lingxu God King wants to capture , Come to fight!"

"Six Patriarchs, you—"

Someone just started to speak, but the Sixth Ancestor waved his hand and said, "Don't forget that my Heavenly Sect also controls the origin of the Little God Realm. It is not up to you to decide whether or not to submit, but I wait to decide."

The hall of the **** king was shocked, and it seemed that no one had expected that the six ancestors were so powerful.

"Go back, this matter will not change. The Lingxu God King really wants to fight, and fight if you want!"

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