Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3392: 1 stone arouses 0 waves

Not only Ye Chen and the others, but also everyone who had ascended the upper realm together, except for a few people, basically all returned.

There is the great ancestor of Tianmen, the ancestor of Wanhuamen 10,000 yuan, the ancestor of Qicai ancestor, and the founder of Tianmo Academy.

This time he returned to the heavens and the world, but Ye Chen found them all.

Over the years, they have also made rapid progress in the heavens and domains and made great breakthroughs.

After all, they were in the lower realm long ago, and they were able to break the shackles of heaven and earth with their own bodies and reach the level of the holy Tibetan realm. When they arrived in the heavens and lands, they were even more vast.

"Okay, okay, okay, you guys are finally back."

The ancestors of the Tianmen were very excited, and the Heavenly King Qi machine on their bodies was difficult to suppress, and a few points appeared, causing the Tianmen Capital Peak to vibrate and the situation changed.

The entire Tianmen shook up and down, alarm bells rang, and powerful people appeared one after another, thinking that a major enemy was coming.

But the ancestor of the Tianmen opened his mouth, echoing the peak of the Tianmen, saying that the invincible invaded, which made the powers of the Tianmen restrain their aura.

"Sorry, I'm a little excited." Several Tianmen ancestors smiled, but they were still extremely happy.

After many years, those who soared to the upper realm back then returned.

Everyone was reunited, very happy.

"Come in fast, come in fast, don't stand."

He even called and called Ye Chen and everyone into the main hall of Tianmen, and they were very excited.

"How did you come back? Could it be possible that the passage between the lower realm and the upper realm can be connected?" the second ancestor asked.

Back then, Ye Chen and others went to the upper realm, but they spent great effort and paid a huge price. With the help of the holy sacrifice of an alien king, they really knocked on the door of the upper realm and successfully entered.

Now that they appear, does it mean that the two-world channel can be opened?

Ascending to the upper realm is the dream of every person in the lower realm.

The ancestors of Tianmen also have aspirations.

Compared to the heavens and worlds that have been dominating the world for many years, they are more eager to conquer the more splendid Upper Realm.

"No, we invited a human supreme to take action and personally break the barriers between the two worlds."

Ye Chen said lightly, the wind was light and the clouds were light, it seemed that it was nothing, but the ancestors were dumbfounded.

Human Race Supreme shot it himself?

Only the overlord-level forces know that the supreme is powerful, far superior to the innumerable overlords of the world.

Sure enough, the land of the upper realm is so prosperous, there is still a supreme.

Let them yearn more and more.

After nearly a thousand years, everyone was reunited, overjoyed, and a grand feast was held on the spot.

Several ancestors sent the information for the first time, let the old deceased come one by one, such as the Li Wei and his wife who took in Ye Chen back then, such as Xiao Ruo'er who has grown up, such as the second Lengzi Li Leng, such as the office of Tianmo Academy Lord, as well as several ancestors of the Seven Colors Sect... Wait, all the old friends who had a good relationship back then, but now all come and gather together.

The deceased met, very excited.

"Qianyue, is it really you?"

All of them are powerful figures of the great kingdom of heaven. They are high above the sky and have been in charge of the power for many years. They are sitting on the king of the superpower to meet up and worship, but now I see a familiar old person who is excited to cry. Just like a group of children, it shows that the heart is very happy and weep with joy.

"Jingruo, Yuqing, and Chener—"

When seeing familiar people one after another, everyone in the kingdom of heaven was even more happy.

I thought they would never be able to come back after they soared to the upper realm. I never thought that there would be a chance to meet again.

Everyone was very happy, and each other was very excited.

It was Will and Wang Ming who both cried.

The great ancestor of Tianmen, Wan Wan and others were even more embarrassed.

The Little God Realm brought them too many memories.

On the edge, Chihiro saw this scene, her eyes became firm in an instant: "Mother, my child will soon be going to meet you."

Ye Chen was very happy, smiled rarely, and took out a lot of precious meats, accompanied by countless treasures of heaven and earth, there are many medicines for thousands of years, more medicines, and even high-end elixirs... , Brilliance, very colorful, so that the ancestors of Tianmen were dumbfounded.

This kind of treasure, even if you look at it in the heaven of the world's hegemonic power, is definitely a first-class treasure, but he watched Ye Chen take it out, like a Chinese cabbage on the street. valuable.

Over the years, Qian Yue and others seem to have had a great fortune.

At the same time, an unknown behemoth appeared. Although it was deliberately refined, it was still as huge as a mountain, containing a terrifying aura from above. Not to mention other people, even the ancestors of the heavenly kings present. Feeling frightened.

It is necessary to know that they are not as good as the upper realm in their cultivation in the lower realm, but they have also reached the level of the heavenly kings, and they are also shocked by the surviving aura of these ancient beasts. This undoubtedly represents that the ancient beasts must be in the heavenly realm before they are alive. , It is even possible to surpass the heavenly king.

They wanted to ask how Ye Chen and the others got the flesh and blood of these powerful level beast kings, but they thought that since Ye Chen and the others could return to the lower realm through the Supreme Human Race, I am afraid they would have some chance.

As for being hunted by Ye Chen, they didn't even think about it.

After all, it has been less than a thousand years for Ye Chen and others to ascend to the upper realm. It is already amazing to become a heavenly king. As for reaching the power level, or even hunting down the power level beast king, they dare not imagine.

Ye Chen and the others also smiled faintly, did not take the initiative to speak, because that was more like a show off, in front of people close to them, they would not be like this.

They all consciously hide their breath, and the ancestors of the Tianmen naturally cannot feel their true cultivation.

The feast was held, and Ye Chen even took out the fine wines, which was the result of walking on the ultimate ancient road and the supreme ancient road.

After nearly a thousand years of experience, Ye Chen’s collection is extremely rich, with countless fine wines. He did not take out the most precious, not because he was reluctant, but because it was not suitable for everyone in the kingdom of heaven today. The medicinal effect was too strong, and he took out the corresponding level. Fine wines, pour wine to your old friends.

"It smells so special!"

The ancestors of the three ancestors of Tianmen took a sip, and only felt that it melted at the entrance, and it also transformed into a variety of great principles, which can be absorbed and refined in the body, which is incredible.

And the drunkenness appeared in the strands, which surprised him.

As a generation of heavenly kings, he was almost drunk, this wine is rare.

The wine tasting of the three ancestors of the Heavenly King Realm is still so, and the other deceased people who did not reach the Heavenly King Realm will be drunk after tasting a bite.

Ye Chen smiled, a lot of light rushed out of his body, submerged in these old people, and instantly relieved their drunkenness. The wine was turned into a pure principle of great power and completely integrated into their bodies, and many people added a big amount out of thin air. Cut to repair.

Afterwards, the flesh and blood of a beast king was grilled by a special fire, and it was quickly cooked. With special seasonings, the fragrance of the meat can float between the world and the earth, which is fascinating.

"I am going to eat!"

An deceased could not help his index finger violently move and took a bite. The Beast King’s barbecue melted in his mouth. Even if it had been refined with more than 90% of the divine power, it was still very strong, causing some deceased’s blood to boil. Can hold it, the whole body seems to be exploded.

You know, these are all the flesh and blood of the real beast king, and the divine power contained in them is far beyond imagination. Even the king of heaven needs to taste slowly. A saint rashly swallowed a big mouthful and waited for something beyond what he could bear. The majestic divine energy filled the body, almost exploding.

"Help me quickly, I feel my body is about to explode." Li screamed, his whole body turned red, like red iron, with wisps of smoke.

Ye Chen looked at it amusedly, and with a flick of his finger, a chaotic light penetrated into Li Leng's body, directly dissolving the majestic power, and more than 80% leaked out of his pores and wasted.

But it doesn't work if it doesn't, because the divine power is too majestic, enough to burst any saint alive.

Of course, even if the remaining power still caused Li Leng's cultivation base to skyrocket, and he improved from nothing, it was shocking to others.

We must know that although Li Leng's talent for cultivation is not as good as Ye Chen and others at the beginning, but he has reached the seventh heaven of the holy Tibetan realm, a piece of Beast King's flesh and blood actually allows it to reach the eighth heaven, or the remnant after dissipating 80 to 90% of the power, you can imagine how much amazing.

In the end, Ye Chen personally made a shot, blasting a ray of brilliance, and successively submerged in these Beast King’s barbecues, and refined most of the divine power in this space. Although there are still many remaining, it is enough for the saints to bear and gradually improve. One self-cultivation.

In this gathering feast, we were very happy with each other. Everyone had no grudges.

Even Abenu, Corpse Devourer, and some Chaos Tianfu experts who followed have consciously suppressed their cultivation, talked and laughed, merged into this circle, and were happy from the heart.

"Qianyue, I am really happy to see you come back, even if the kingdom of heaven—"

A Tianmen ancestor laughed loudly, but Ye Chen clearly saw a sorrowful look between his brows, and then scanned several ancestors, and asked what happened.

"It's okay, we are all fine, don't worry."

Several ancestors waved their hands, naturally it was not good to talk to Ye Chen, to make them worry, saying that there is nothing, everything can be but secretly decided not to cause Ye Chen trouble, they can all. solve.

Ye Chen didn't ask any further questions, so he spoke. There is no need to see outsiders if there is something. It is all his own and he will definitely help.

Several ancestors sighed in their hearts. Although Ye Chen felt that Ye Chen would have become stronger in the upper realm over the years, after all, he had too little and too young to cultivate, how could he contend with Lingxu God King and other ten thousand realm hegemons.

And the trouble is that they got into trouble, it is impossible for Ye Chen to bear the blame.

He waved his hand and said there was nothing, no need to worry.


The next day, under Ye Chen's intentional instruction, the news of his return directly caused a huge storm and swept the entire Little God Realm.

The world knows that the first ruler who created the kingdom of heaven-Fighting Saint King, has returned to the Little God Realm!

One stone caused a thousand waves!

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