Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3393: 1 stone arouses 0 waves

Chapter 3295 one stone stirs up a thousand waves

"What, the Heavenly Kingdom Lord Fighting Saint King has returned from the upper realm?"

There was a big shock in all directions, even some of the old monsters in the deepest retreat were shocked. They opened their old eyes and looked at the center of the Little God Realm, as if they wanted to see through the universe and land on the Lord of Heaven.

"is this real?"

"Impossible, the passage to the upper realm has long been closed. Back then, the ruler of the heavens and the others needed to go to the upper realm. They still needed a holy sacrifice to an alien king, and they needed other overlords of the ten thousand realms to fight together to truly knock on the upper realm. The gate, the road from the upper realm to the lower realm will only be more difficult, it is impossible to return."

"Yes, otherwise, in the past few years, no one from the upper realm has ever descended into the heavens and ten thousand realms. It's obvious."

"I don't believe that the return of the ruler of the kingdom of heaven must be a strategy of the kingdom of heaven."

"Is it because of the God King Lingxu that forced the kingdom of heaven to use tactics, claiming the return of the ruler of the kingdom of heaven, in order to get several other overlords of the ten thousand realms to help?"

"It is very possible, and today the country is facing the threat of the Lingxu God King, demanding to surrender the power of the heavenly sovereignty and the control of the origin of the little **** realm."

"Back then, before the Lord of the Kingdom soared to the upper realm, he had friendships with other hegemons of the Ten Thousand Realms. Perhaps the Kingdom of Heaven was really facing an irresistible crisis and intended to use the power of the Lord of the Heavens to provoke the hegemon of the Ten Thousand Realms and coerce. God King Ling Xu didn't dare to do anything to heaven."


The Little God Realm was shaken, and the five realms under heaven were closely watching the kingdom of heaven.

Of course, the vast majority of people do not believe in the return of the King of Fighting, thinking that this is just a conspiracy and trick of the Kingdom of Heaven. They intend to use the power of the King of Fighting in the past and the friendship with the overlords of the world to make Lingxu God The king evaded three points and dared not invade the kingdom of heaven.

They believed that this was the helpless law of the kingdom of heaven, and they also believed that the kingdom of heaven would definitely not be able to compete with God King Lingxu, and countless thoughts appeared in their hearts within a time.

The news spread naturally not only in the Little God Realm, but also under turbulent currents, spreading through the heavens and all realms at a rather alarming speed.

Soon, within a few days, the major overlord-level forces in the heavens and the world all obtained corresponding information.

It's just that, as expected, everyone didn't believe that the ruler of heaven had returned, thinking that they were still in the upper realm, because they had never sensed that the two realms had opened.

However, how could they know that at the moment when the barriers of the two realms were penetrated, Ye Chen avoided throwing the grass and scaring the snakes. He suppressed them with the world-class cultivation base and never spread, because the so-called ten thousand realm hegemons of the ten thousand heavens cannot feel it, let alone It is other people, it is impossible to feel it.

Almost everyone is watching jokes.

Does the kingdom of heaven intend to use the past power of the kingdom of heaven to dominate the fighting and war holy king to frighten the king of Lingxu?

The vast majority of people think that this is a stupid act in the Kingdom of Heaven, not to mention that it is impossible for the Lord of the Kingdom to return, even if it returns, it cannot be the opponent of the God King Lingxu.

Because once a hundred years ago, a terrible battle broke out in the frontiers of the heavens and ten thousand realms, when the Lingxu God King confronted a ten thousand realm overlord, but the Lingxu God King defeated him, and based on the truth he learned. Knowing, God King Ling Xu defeated with an absolute advantage.

Even the real overlord of the Ten Thousand Realms has been defeated, not to mention the Saint King of Fighting War. He was not as fashionable as the Holy Tibetan Realm when he ascended to the upper realm. Even if a thousand years have passed and he has cultivated for thousands of miles, he cannot reach the level of the overlord of the Ten Thousand Realms in a short time. At the point, let alone fighting against the Lingxu God King who can defeat the Overlord of Ten Thousand Realms, it is simply wishful thinking.

But soon, the jokes everyone was waiting for became empty.

On this day, the origin of the Little God Realm trembled, violently and violently, shaking the heavens.

Ye Chen sits on the highest seat of the God King’s Hall, manifesting the image, overlooking the nine heavens and ten places. His voice resounds like the roar of the gods, echoing the entire small **** realm: "I, the ruler of heaven has officially returned, and a feast will be held tomorrow, and you are invited to the feast."


An immeasurable torrent of weather slowly bloomed, shaking the Little God Realm and the hearts of all forces.

The Kingdom of Heaven, the ruler of the fighting war, has returned!

The world is shaking.

Many forces in the heavens and worlds were shocked when they heard the news.

Could it be that the passage between the upper and lower realms really penetrates, can they soar or descend like endless years?

On that day, someone tried, such as the king of heaven, who had the qualifications to ascend to the upper realm before endless years, with the intention of attacking the upper realm.

But it failed, unable to ascend smoothly, and remained in place.


The heavens and ten thousand realms vibrated silently, and a ten thousand realm overlord also tried, and his spirit and spirit rose to the extreme, and the heavenly spirit covered a pillar of light like a giant dragon, piercing through the world, trying to soar through the air.

But there was nothing in the sky above his head. After that beam of light tore through several plane worlds one after another, it finally disappeared.

The results proved that the strongest in the lower realm still could not ascend to the upper realm.

But how did the Kingdom of Heaven rule the Fighting Saint King return to the lower realm?

It will only be more difficult to descend from the upper realm to the lower realm.

"Returning from the upper realm to the lower realm is really interesting. I have the opportunity to ask myself how the ruler of that day returned from the upper realm." There was a whisper from the overlord of the ten thousand realms, with a hint of undisguised greed in his words. meaning.

Early the next morning, the main city of heaven, the city of the sky, was full of excitement and prosperity.

Countless heavenly powerhouses look excited, because the immortal legend that created the heavenly kingdom has returned. It is the ruler of the heavenly kingdom. Returning from the unimaginable upper realm does not represent the mastery of the method of ascending to the upper realm. In the future, other people in the heavenly kingdom will also have it. What about the qualification to ascend to the upper bound?

Of course, all of this is still unknown. At present, the Sky City is about to host a big feast, inviting all the major forces in the kingdom of heaven.

As the home court of the Palace of the King of Gods, there has long been a banquet that Chen Bai did not know.

Almost at dawn, a stream of light had already drawn into the sky. They were all the top powers in the Little God Realm, and the worst were the first-rate powers sitting on the saints, otherwise they would not be eligible to participate in the feast hosted by the Lord of Heaven.

And after all, it is the return of the real ruler of the kingdom of heaven. Naturally, few forces dared not give the ruler face and went to the banquet one after another.

However, some top powers also came with doubts. Of course, the most important purpose is nothing more than how the ruler of heaven returns from the upper realm. They hope to get useful information and one day they can ascend to the upper realm.

All of this, perhaps I have personally asked the ruler of the kingdom of heaven or learned.

On this day, the feast held in the Tianmen opened, and all the big figures from all sides in the Little God Realm came to see the true demeanor of the heavenly ruler.

On the Supreme God Seat, Ye Chen sits on it, high above it, looking down like a world ruler.

He is so flawless and perfect, so that everyone who sees it is shocked, and he has never seen such an unparalleled man.

At the same time, I also felt the perfect fit between the Fighting Saint King and the origin of the Little God Realm, and turned into a real master who could control every corner of the entire Little God Realm.

The world is in awe.

(End of this chapter)

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