Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3394: Expel

Of course, there are many people who are not so, especially those of the top powers, who think that even if the fighting saint king is so amazing, it is only because of the origin of the small gods, and they gave up the small gods. The origin is bound to be inferior to the masters of these big forces.

This view has been recognized by many people.

Therefore, there is not much recognition of the masters of these top powers who are sitting on the highest **** seat.

"These idiots!"

In the emptiness, Qianxun sneered, understanding these people's doubts about his father, but only they really understood how powerful Ye Chen was, and the so-called Little God Realm's original power was nothing but that for him.

Of course, he also knew what his father's purpose was, he wanted to measure the true intentions of some people, and wanted to understand some more important truths.

The banquet was very grand, spreading throughout the city of the sky, strong from the five major regions of Canglan Continent, and the strong came out in large numbers.

The saints who could dominate a territory in the past are no more than that today. They are everywhere. New generations are replaced by old ones, and the king of heaven has become the newest top class ruler of the Little God Realm.

But all the top big forces have the king of heaven.

Like Tianmen, it is even more of a six heavenly kings, extremely powerful and beyond imagination.

In the Palace of the King of Gods, Ye Chen wore the crown of the gods, sitting high on the top, sitting on the highest seat of the gods, looking down, his eyes swept over all the strong people going to the feast.

For some reason, everyone feels trembling, as if being overlooked by the gods standing in the nine heavens, but they are no more than ants, and there is a kind of awe of the mind. This is an incredible scene in the day.

"this is--"

Soon, they came back to their senses, thinking that this was just because of the mighty power of the origin of the Little God Realm, whether they were facing the fighting holy king, but the origin of the entire Little God Realm, so naturally they were in awe.

"Meet the Lord of Heaven!"

All parties salute, of course, most of the salutes are generally perfunctory, not much sincere.

This made the heavenly powers all angry, especially the great ancestors, with their eyes dazzling, ready to take a lesson.

But Ye Chen stopped it secretly, and a cold arc was raised at the corner of his mouth, and he slowly said, "I'm glad you can participate in the feast hosted by this seat today."

A glass wine glass appeared out of thin air in his hand, filled with precious wines from the heavens and worlds, and it was fragrant and extremely charming.

During the feast, the powers also raised their glasses and toasted with them.

After tasting the glass of wine, everyone's eyes glowed and they were secretly amazed. This wine should really only be available in the sky, and the world can get a few tastes.

Is this the wine of the upper world?

"Stop gossip."

Ye Chen opened his mouth, straight to the point: "Today this seat has only one purpose for hosting a feast. When the Lingxu God King comes to attack the Little God Realm, this seat hopes that everyone can work together to fight against the Lingxu God King. Don’t let the Little God Realm. Change owners, there will be great rewards after success?"

The voice fell, and there was silence in the feast.

Although the major figures of the major forces have long speculated that the main purpose of the heavenly ruler holding the feast is nothing more than this, but I did not expect it to be so direct, I thought that at least there would be some brewing.

"I am willing to follow!"

The six patriarchs of Tianmen responded immediately.

This caused many people to roll their eyes. Tianmen has long been a family with Douzhan Saint King, how could it not follow.

"I am willing to Huamo Academy!"

"My Qicai Sect is willing!"


The forces that had made good friends with Ye Chen in the past responded one after another.

But not many. Generally speaking, it did not exceed the number of hands, so there was no response.

You must know that, in addition to the top-level powers of the Little God Realm, there are super-first-class powers. There are more than one hundred, but only one-tenth of them failed to respond. a joke.

Ye Chen, the ruler of the kingdom of heaven, should have no appeal.

The expressions of the heavenly powerhouses have changed.

What does it mean to be so silent? Is it unwilling?

Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged, and his eyes continued to sweep over the many forces, causing many people to have a evasive behavior. He immediately reacted and changed his color. Why do you want to avoid it?

"Are there no other people besides them?"

Ye Chen continued to speak, still silent during the feast.

Many people sneered secretly.

In front of Ye Chen and Lingxu God King, they naturally chose Lingxu God King.

After all, the Lingxu God King is the overlord of the Ten Thousand Realms. Although the Fighting Saint King is the lord of the Little God Realm and has ascended to the upper realm for nearly a thousand years, what about it? Perhaps he has become the king of heaven, but it is by no means a Ling of the Ten Thousand Realm Hegemon. The opponent of the Void God King can only contend against one or two by relying on the origin of the Little God Realm.

How to choose is not difficult at all. Anyone who is not stupid knows the right choice.

Ye Chen shook his head and smiled: "I didn't expect my popularity to be so bad, so few people choose to stand on my side."

There was a hint of self-deprecating laughter, but unexpectedly, it was calm.

As if not unexpected at all.

"In that case, I will announce today that all those who do not respond will be expelled from the Little God Realm from now on, and the world they belong to will be separated from the kingdom of heaven!"

The majesty and voice came from Ye Chen's mouth, deafening, shocking everyone's ears.


To expel all non-responders from the Little God Realm?

At this moment, everyone is not calm, especially those who do not respond. Among them, there are many top powers who are sitting on the heavenly king. They looked at Ye Chen and said coldly: "Battle Saint King, you are too much. , You will be expelled if you don't choose, are you too domineering."

At this moment, no longer call the master, but directly by his name.

"As a master, you should have a benevolent I am not waiting to choose to fight the enemy together. It is not my fault. I just made my own choice, but you have to expel me. Arbitrarily."

"Fighting Saint King, you should know how invincible an overlord of the ten thousand realms is. It is not me who can contend. You insist on contending, it is your business, but I don’t think you can compete with such overlords of ten thousand realms. It’s too unreasonable to be able to avoid yourself, but you domineeringly want to expel me and wait!

"Battle Saint King, I advise you to think twice, otherwise, if there are consequences, it's not that you haven't been reminded."


Many leaders of the great powers have spoken one after another, and many of them are heavenly kings, and their words even contain hints of threats.

Even if it is the ruler of heaven, he bluntly threatens.

What's more, they have dominated the Little God Realm for many years, they have long been used to it, and they also have many resources that other planes do not have. They are going to be expelled today. How can they be willing, but now they are threatening and want to intimidate Ye Chen. Make other decisions.

Seeing this scene, Tianmen Zhongqiang's face suddenly became gloomy.

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