Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3395: Did I say you can leave?

Ye Chen sneered: "What's wrong, do you still want to force me to take back that sentence?"

"Or, do you want to shoot me?"


The coercion of the origin of the Little God Realm slowly rippled away, shaking the sky and spreading everywhere.

Ye Chen was unparalleled, and he glanced at these people coldly, not scared at all.

"I disagree!"

A heavenly king opened his mouth and yelled coldly: "Fighting Saint King, the Little God Realm is no longer you. If you take back that sentence now, there is still room for change, but if you really want to expel me, I'm afraid I won't be able to fulfill my wish. The consequences are not something you can afford."

"as a result of?"

Ye Chen sneered, and immediately looked at them coldly, and said, "It's just a bunch of rubbish. After expelling you and waiting, what consequences are there that I can't bear?"

"I want to know!"

At this moment, Ye Chen was incomparably majestic, and the origin of the Little God Realm shed infinite brilliance, like a rain of light, set off him so divine and holy, it seemed to be the greatest existence in the world.

At the moment, in the Palace of the King of Gods, a heavenly king yelled: "Everyone, take action together and suppress the ruler of heaven!"

"it is good!"

When one person called, a full seven kings immediately responded and stood up together.

Without saying anything, the power of the King of Heaven broke out and swept across the sky, with the terrifying power of dragging the stars to fall, and powerfully slew Ye Chen on the highest **** seat.

"Dare you!"

Qiqi, the heavenly kings of Tianmen, Qicai Sect, and Wanhuamen, looked cold on the spot, looking at the eight heavenly kings indifferently, and was about to take action, but was blocked by Ye Chen: "It's okay, it's just a bunch of rubbish, and how much it comes is rubbish."


The origin of the Little God Realm descended, vast and mighty, turned into a light curtain, and added to oneself, no matter how the Eight Heavenly Kings took action, they could not break through the defense of Guangyu, and was obstructed firmly.

Seeing this scene, the great ancestors such as Tianmen, Qicai Sect, Wanhuamen, Huamo Academy were all relieved.

"It deserves to be the origin of the Little God Realm. The light curtain formed is so immortal and immortal that even the king of heaven can do nothing."

The look of the eight heavenly kings changed slightly, but all of this was expected.

After all, the origin of the Little God Realm is powerful, but it is enough for people to directly grasp the infinite power comparable to the ancient power. If even these can't be done, it can only be said that the Little God Realm is too weak.

"Battle Saint King, we admit that you are indeed very strong. You can master the origin of the Little God Realm, and you can compete with the hegemon of the Ten Thousand Realms, but we are not without other means."

A heavenly king sneered, and a magical artifact appeared with a squeak in his hand. The swift qi energy above the heavenly king was rippling, and it was the terrifying aura comparable to the overlord of the ten thousand realms.

"Mighty Immortal Soldier? No, that's a great power level taboo magic weapon!"

The ancestor of Tianmen has changed color.

As the name suggests, the taboo magic weapon can exert the power of the corresponding level. Although the number of times is limited, it is more terrifying, even more terrifying than the real powerful immortal soldier, and directly bombards Ye Chen.

"Battle Saint King, even if you are the ruler of heaven today, you will definitely die!"

The heavenly king laughed wildly, the terrifying taboo power was wanton, and even more scattered, causing countless powerful forces to panic and change their colors.

Once touched, it will inevitably be wiped out by this taboo force, and the heavenly king will also be wiped out.

At this time, Ye Chen still looked calm, raised his hands, and the even greater power of the Little God Realm descended.

Reaching out and grabbing it, it was like pulling a curtain open, all the power of the taboo magic weapon was enveloped by the original power of the little **** realm, layered on top of each other, shrouded in layers, and could not be completely scattered.

Otherwise, the explosion of such a great power-level taboo weapon will inevitably cause heavy casualties in the Palace of the Gods.

The pupils of the Eight Heavenly Kings shrank into a thin needle instantly, watching all this in horror.

The strength of Fighting Saint King seemed to be much more terrifying than imagined.

"Is this your method?"

On the supreme **** seat, Ye Chen smiled indifferently, not paying attention to it, and then condensed all the power of destruction wrapped in the power of the little **** realm into one point, and reached out with the other hand, grabbing the eight heavenly kings one after another. Throwing into a heavy aperture, there is no way to struggle.

A little bit of destruction bounced into them in their horrified eyes, and smiles rose one after another, like a demon smile: "Since you like it so much, I will send it back to you."

"Do not--"

There was only a scream, and then a little bit of destruction could be seen exploding in the aperture.

I couldn't see anything, I only saw the most terrifying force of destruction rippling freely in an aperture of no more than a few meters in diameter, and loud rumbling noises kept coming out.

It can be vaguely seen that the power of the Eight Heavenly Kings being exploded by taboo magical weapons has been destroyed time and time again...

After a while, everything disappeared.

The aperture was also slowly shattered, leaving only a few strands of the ashes falling.

The eight great heavenly kings in the world, their form and spirit are destroyed, and they are all gone!

This scene was so shocking that it deeply shocked the hearts of everyone in the Palace of the Gods.


That was the king of heaven, the most powerful and top peerless powerhouse in the world, who had left behind the hegemon of the ten thousand realms, who would compete with him.

Even the overlord of the Ten Thousand Realms attaches great importance to it and regards it as an important existence like a right hand man.

But now, a total of eight people have been killed at once, which is incredible.

Looking up at Ye Chen on the Supreme God Seat, he was so young, so perfect, so complete, with the same smile, but no one dared to look down upon him again.


An old heavenly king roared, because one of the eight great heavenly kings killed was his disciple, a double heavenly king, a good word for the world, but was killed in front of his eyes, how can he accept it.

His eyes flushed, he looked at Ye Chen angrily, and shouted: "Fighting Saint King, you are too vicious. They are all heavenly kings. They are all the right arms of the heavenly kingdom, the Great Pillar. Hundreds of millions of territories, but you have attacked them so viciously, you are not worthy to be the ruler of heaven."

In the Palace of the God King, many people are afraid of it, but they also vaguely feel that the ruler of the kingdom of heaven is not as easy to be bullied as imagined.

"The right arm?"

"Optimus Pillar?"

Ye Chen smiled coldly as if he heard Tianda's joke, with undisguised disdain and contempt: "You think too much, old guy, just because of them, you don't have this qualification."


All the strong in the Palace of the King of Gods feel that the ruler of the kingdom of heaven is too The dignified king of heaven is not qualified to be the Optimus Pillar, so who else is qualified.

But how do they know Ye Chen's ability? To know the Chaos Tianfu established in the heavens and ten thousand domains, it is not good to say that if you walk out of a strong man, it is enough to push the present heaven.

Not arrogant, not arrogant, but he really has this ability.

The mere king of heaven, but like an ant, he really didn't care about it.

"Okay! What a fighting holy king, do you really think that you are the ruler of the kingdom of heaven and you can do whatever you want?"

The old heavenly king was angry and annoyed, but knew that he could not be Ye Chen's opponent, so he turned and left.

"Did I say you can leave?"

On the Supreme God Seat, Ye Chen suddenly spoke, with a wisp of coldness from the sky.

Suddenly, the temperature of the Palace of the Gods plummeted!

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