Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3397: God willing

Chapter 3299 Providence (second more)

That's right, bestowing the little **** realm with the will that belongs to him.

In a sense, it can also be called the birth of the corresponding spiritual wisdom.

Although the source of the little **** realm currently has its own will, it is very weak, and more in accordance with the source of its own strong enough, it appears so vast and incomparable, contending with true power.

But as a super world comparable to the great world of kings, as long as the original power of the small gods is used well, it can completely surpass the current stage. The power is at least comparable to the quasi-kings, and it is not impossible even to match the primordial kings. Levels only.

It's just that the will is too weak, almost nothing, causing the use of the original power to be incomplete at all, and even only a very limited part of it is used effectively, most of which are hidden and cannot be used.

And today, Ye Chen bestowed the true will of the Little God Realm Essence in order to make the Little God Realm Essence fully operational.

Ye Chen couldn't stay in the heavens and ten thousand realms for too long. He believed that within a few years, he would return to the upper realm again.

Sure enough, after hearing Ye Chen's words, the Origin of the Little God Realm sent waves of joyful mood swings.

Ye Chen said: "Although I have the ability to give you real will, this is also going against the sky and will bring a terrible catastrophe. You need to fight for the past to be able to truly broaden the sky, understand?"


A vague wave of fluctuations came from the origin of the Little God Realm.

"it is good!"

Ye Chen stood at the highest point of the Little God Realm, looked up at the sky, smiled slightly, the eternal king's ability was revealed in an instant, and in an instant, a shout resounded through the heavens and all realms: "Gathering spirits!"


The terrible fluctuations rippled in an instant, and shocked the heavens and realms in an instant.

At this moment, all the heavenly kings felt this wave of fluctuations and looked up at the sky in shock.

At the same time, the overlords of the Ten Thousand Realms were all shocked, and even more terrifying existences were awakened in their deep sleep, with a trace of shock: "What a terrible great fluctuation, who is casting the spell, and now Is there such an invincible person in the world?"

All of this, Ye Chen felt in his heart, felt the various heavens and all realms, but did not pay attention to it. On the contrary, it covered all this with a secret method, and the outside world could not perceive the spirit gathering that was the origin of the little gods.

The Little God Realm suffered from its origin, and suddenly black holes appeared, all the size of a lake.

From every black hole, a special ray of light rushed out, with special spirituality, and with billions of power, submerged into the origin of the little **** realm.

In fact, this is the power of faith for all living beings, and it is the power of faith dedicated to the kingdom of heaven.

Nearly a thousand years have passed, the kingdom of heaven has established an immortal heritage, spreading across thousands of planes and worlds. With Ye Chen as a **** of faith, enough power of faith has long been collected, extremely vast and prosperous, and it also contains the power of sentient beings.

Now, Ye Chen's goal is to integrate the power of belief among sentient beings with the origin of the Little God Realm.

The power of belief in sentient beings is brought together with hundreds of millions of thoughts. It is a very special force. In a sense, it can be thought power of sentient beings and possesses majestic spirituality.

Use the power of the faith of all living beings to integrate the origin of the small gods, and if they get hundreds of millions of thoughts, they can give birth to true will.


It can be seen from the naked eye that the origin of the Little God Realm is constantly trembling, a ray of spiritual light is blooming, and at the same time, the more and more terrifying power is constantly rippling, and it will not be long before it surpasses the power, reaching a level comparable to the **** king. .

But all this is more than that. With the continuous absorption of the power of faith, it is obvious that the whole body of the little **** realm has a special brilliance, which is aura, with fluctuations that real creatures have.



"The original will!"

A clear wave of will passed out.

The origin of the Little God Realm truly gave birth to a will that belongs to oneself.


At this time, on the highest point of the turbulent flow of endless space in the heavens and myriad realms, a terrible tribulation suddenly descended, rushing to the little **** realm below.

"Go ahead."

Ye Chen spoke.


The origin of the Little God Realm is like a round of heaven, opening the barrier of the Little God Realm, and it is looming that there is a perfect world heart in the day and sun, which is the true original body, colliding with the infinite calamity.

There was a loud rumbling.

The Origin of the Little God Realm suffered the baptism of Heavenly Tribulation, and the light on his body surface was dimmed many times, and it was about to explode, but the aura became more and more unpredictable.


An even more terrifying calamity began to come, far better than I didn't know before.

But it hadn't really arrived, and was intercepted in the middle.

Ye Chen transformed himself into the sky, controlled the original Thunder Orb, swallowed all the thunder, and everything disappeared.

As for the outside world, it is not clear that this is a terrible catastrophe caused by the origin of the Little God Realm, but a majestic figure turned out to stop all terrible catastrophes.

The stalwart that waited for one person to stand alone against the great calamity of the heavens shocked the heavens and all realms, and there was speculation in his heart as to where it was sacred.

Even the overlord of the Ten Thousand Realms appeared in person, trying to search for those stalwart figures, but when he arrived, he found that there was no one, and he had disappeared long ago. It was a pity.

At this time, the protagonist of everything, Ye Chen, returned successfully.

At this moment, the origin of the Little God Realm also absorbed enough aura. At this moment, it has been perfectly transformed, giving birth to its own true will!

An equally perfect and immortal figure appeared in front of Ye Chen. It was a young man, resembling Ye Chen, but with some gaps, he appeared younger, just like the young Ye Chen when he was fifteen or six years old.

"the host!"

The Origin of the Little God Realm nodded towards Ye Chen and called it in awe, his eyes were clear and flawless, like the most beautiful crystal, perfect.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "You don't need to call my master, just call my eldest brother. From now on, you will be called "God's Will"."

"Providence, providence—"

After a few silent words, Tianyi nodded silently and smiled, so clear: "Hello, big brother, I am Tianyi."

Ye Chen smiled: "When one day I leave the Little God Providence, you come to maintain the Little God Realm and sit in the ‘kingdom of heaven’ for me."


Providence promised.


Ye Chen left.

When returning to the Palace of the King of Gods, Yi Wu and others had already appeared to understand the relevant situation.

Ye Chen didn't hide it, but told everything.

After knowing everything, everyone didn't say much, but the ancestors of Tianmen, Qicai Sect, Wanhuamen, and Huamo Academy were silent for a while, and they were really shocked and excited.

Although they don’t know how strong the original will of the Little God Realm, the will of heaven, was born out of the origin, but according to the origin of the Little God Realm, it was originally enough to rival the overlord of the Ten Thousand Realms. , It is a great joy.

(End of this chapter)

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