Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3398: Ling Xu God King is coming

Half a month later, the former prosperous Little God Realm is almost empty, and more than 90% of the forces have left, causing most of the area to appear empty and lack of influence.

Of course, there are still a lot of mortals in the Little God Realm, but the number of cultivators has dropped by more than 90%.

Ye Chen didn't care about this, as long as the Lingxu God Queen was resolved, infinite forces would rush into the Little God Realm after the first step.

What's more, today, the state has the will of heaven, which is enough, one person is enough to crush the heavens, and no one in the world dares to invade.

And the other main purpose of returning from this trip is to be alien.

Ye Chen knows that there are cancers of alien races in the heavens and ten thousand realms that have not been uncovered. He has to solve the cancers of the ten thousand worlds before returning to the upper realm, otherwise there will be poisonous tumors in the rear base camp that will harm the heavens and ten thousand worlds, especially the Little God Realm How can he allow his important people or things.

The only plan now is to use the overlord-level forces of the heavens and worlds to find clues and search out the cancer of the alien race.

Otherwise, the heavens and myriad worlds are too big, just the infinite plane world of Hengsha counted down, if you want to search them one by one, you don't know how long it takes to spend.

At least for Ye Chen, time is precious, and it is impossible to spend it on unnecessary searching.

Sitting on the highest seat of God, Ye Chen whispered softly: "God Lingxu, you should have come out too, otherwise don't blame me for pulling you out, I won't be so polite then."

Within half a month, the heavens and worlds were very calm, but anyone knew that this was the calm before the storm.

Once the Lingxu God King strikes, it will be endless storms.

This is also the so-called concern of the hegemonic forces of the various worlds.

Finally, half a month later, the Little God Realm was shaken. At this time, God King Ling Xu struck with the grown Ling Xu God Kingdom.


The empty door of the Little God Realm opened, and the world barrier was forcefully blasted out.

An extremely powerful figure appeared, standing in front of the empty door, supporting the sky and the earth, and the terrible road vision appeared, shaking the sky and the earth.

Ling Xu God King!

He finally struck!

Behind him, there are many powerhouses, more than 30 heavenly kings, and there are countless powerful people under the heavenly kings, which is an extremely amazing lineup.

Moreover, most of the strong people are familiar faces, and they are powers or strong people who have broken away from the kingdom of heaven. At this moment, they are following the **** king Ling Xu to fight the small **** realm of heaven.

Little God Realm is shocked!

Hundreds of millions of creatures in the world have changed, and they feel the power of the **** king that originated from the **** king Lingxu, from the mortal to the king, is it trembling and trembling, and I don’t know how much in an instant. People kneel down and worship.

This is derived from the power of the soul, it is the helpless act of the weak to worship the strong.

In the Sky City, the heavenly powers are all shocked, frightened, and feel unable to resist.

Like a mortal facing the **** who sits aloft in the nine heavens, there is a world of difference.

Heaven, how to compete with Lingxu God King.


The invasion of the strongest from the outside naturally caused the autonomous rejection of the Little God Realm, the power of infinite heaven and earth appeared, and the chain of orderly gods appeared to block the invasion of the Lingxu God King.


Like the sound of a great road, God King Ling Xu shouted, tearing the sky and the ground, shattering the sky, and letting everything be annihilated naturally.

God King Ling Xu stepped into the Little God Realm smoothly.

This is an extremely mighty man with a burly and tall figure, densely wrapped in thick armor, riding a terrible savage beast king, holding a mace in his hand, with great power to dominate the heavens, very powerful.

The brutal beast king under him is also extraordinary, making the heavenly king feel trembling and panic.

How simple is it to be the mount of the overlord of the world.

Witnessing the vastness of the Little God Realm and even that endless source of power, Lingxu God Wang Fengrui’s eyes flashed with a hint of greed: “Sure enough, this little God Realm is really extraordinary, no less than the real king’s world, and it’s still Ownerless, if you dedicate it to the master and his elders, you will surely go one step further and enter the realm of the universe overlord that is only the upper realm in the legend—"

When thinking of this, he couldn't help being excited.

"Battle Saint King, give you two choices, or hand over control of the Little God Realm."

God King Ling Xu grinned, and a bitter chill bloomed: "Either die!"

With the fall of the word "death", the entire Little God Realm was shaken in an instant, and a power of the **** king far surpassing talents directly bloomed and swept across the sky, causing the stars to fall a lot.

All the powers who continue to stay in the kingdom of heaven have changed their expressions greatly, and these powers are far more terrifying than imagined.

And in the impression, other overlords of ten thousand realms are not so powerful.

Hundreds of millions of creatures in the Little God Realm were terrified. With such a mighty power, who could contend for it.

They could only kneel on the ground, and did not dare to move, lest the high **** king get angry, and a single glance would kill them countless times.

With the monstrous power that resembled a giant dragon slowly rising, shaking the Little God Realm, Ye Chen in the Sky City naturally felt it too.

In fact, the moment when Lingxu God King appeared, but after feeling the power, Ye Chen couldn't help but a strange color appeared in his eyes: "No wonder that he dared to call himself the God King. The God King of the Second Tribulations, thinking of coming to the heavens and the world, it is not as unbearable as he imagined, and there may be something hidden.

Immediately smiled-

"But so what!"

"God King, but so!"

He never left the Supreme God Seat, looking at the incomparable Lingxu God King, his faint voice echoed in the sky above the Little God Realm, and said: "What about the God King, dare to invade my heavenly kingdom, and you will pay the price today."

The source of the monstrous Little God Realm swayed and rushed towards the Lingxu God King.


Like infinite turbulent waves, the original power of the Little God Realm turned into a terrifying ocean, sweeping the sky, and smashing the Lingxu God King.

Ling Xu God King said coldly: "Although the Little God Realm is huge, but its will is weak, at most it can only display the strength comparable to that of the higher ranks. How can you block me?"

I have not taken any action yet The Brutal Beast King under him screamed, shattering the world, and the power of the invisible sound wave spread like a storm, colliding with the power of the little **** realm, and annihilated instantly world.

"Great energy level ancient beast!"

Seeing the power of the Little God Realm being shattered, the people in the Little God Realm were all horrified.

That was a brutal beast king in the realm of great power.

Behind Ling Xu God King, all the strong also felt fortunate for choosing to follow Ling Xu God King's decision.

Mounts are great powers, and Lingxu God King as the master is bound to be much more terrifying.

But Ye Chen didn't change his color at all, smiled faintly, and immediately manipulated the power of the even more powerful Little God Realm, turning it into a monstrous hand to kill.

Although he could kill this brutal beast king, who was only a sizable energy level, at this point, he still didn't intend to reveal his strength.

The water in the heavens and worlds was deeper than imagined, and he planned to observe it carefully.

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