The brutal beast king roared again, roaring nine days and ten places.

But this time he failed to smoothly smash the great storm formed by the power of the Little God Realm, he slapped a giant claw, covered the sky and covered the sun, and violently collided with it.


As if the nine heavens and ten earth were about to be shattered, the terrible loud noise reverberated.

The original power of the Little God Realm gathered again, once again becoming stronger.

Brutal Beast King shot again.


In this way, they fought against each other over and over a dozen times. In the end, the original power of the Little God Realm reached the pinnacle level of great power, much more powerful than the Brutal Beast King, and swept over.

God King Ling Xu finally changed his color and was a little surprised. The original power of this little **** world was even more terrifying than imagined.

Of course, he was still fearless. The first time he shot, he said coldly: "The Saint King of Fighting, you do have two hands, but since the King of God has shot, let you see what power is just a frog at the bottom of the well, I It is a **** king who transcends power!"

In an instant, his most comprehensive God King power broke out.

It was even more violent than before, and the entire Little God Realm was shaken, and the world was torn apart, as if the world was about to be destroyed.


The source of the Little God Realm vibrated, smoothed all fluctuations and restored calm.

"Huh? There are several means, but so what, what great power, crush it with one stick!"

The Ling Xu God King yelled, and a mace blasted out, directly tearing apart the original power of the Little God Realm comparable to the pinnacle of mighty power, and even blasted out a brilliance, blasting straight towards the God King in the Sky City Ye Chen in the hall.

Capture the thief first, capture the king first, since Ye Chen was unwilling to surrender, then he gave the opponent a death.

"Qianyue, be careful!"

All the ancestors changed their colors, and immediately rose to the sky, to work together to stop the blow.

But shockingly, the moment this brilliance descended on the Palace of the King of Gods, an infinite power suddenly exploded, and it could stop time and space, and the king could not move the slightest, and could only watch Guanghua crashing down.

At this time, Ye Chen, who had been motionless, finally moved, and the sound of his voice went through the world: "The Two Tribulations God King, it is indeed capable, but you are not qualified to kill me. Broken!"


This god, Wang Guanghua, fell to pieces in an instant and ceased to exist!

Say what you say!

Not relying on the power of the Little God Realm's origin, but purely relying on one's own capabilities.

The Primordial King, even in the heavens and tens of thousands of realms, can still speak and follow the law, not to mention the ability of the lower realm to be far more terrifying than the heavens and tens of thousands of realms.

The Ling Xu God King's expression was slightly condensed: "Say what you say?"

The saint in the plane world is enough to speak and follow the law. The opponent is the ruler of the heavens and the lord of the small gods, so it is natural to be able to do so.

But the blow of the **** king who could crush him had to change his color.

To know that it was a blow from the King of God, far superior to the mighty power, I don't know how much, but it was lightly resolved by the opponent's wind Danyun, I have to say that such a method is really incredible.

However, God King Ling Xu felt that it was impossible to speak and follow the law. Even if the other party was the master of the Little God Realm, he could not do this if he mastered the origin of the Little God Realm.

No matter how powerful the origin of the Little God Realm is, it is at most comparable to high-level powers, how can it block one's own God King's blow.

Could it be the cultivation base of the Fighting Saint King himself?

He had speculation in his mind, but he quickly denied it.

Even though the Saint King of Fighting and War had a very enchanting talent, it would take less than a thousand years to rise to the upper realm. In just a few hundred years, how could he leap from a semi-sage level to such a situation?

He believes that perhaps the other party possesses other secret treasures that are unknown.


After all, the other party had stayed in the upper realm for a long time, and his talent was outstanding, so it was only natural that he was rewarded by a truly remarkable figure.

God King Ling Xu thought so, and immediately looked at Ye Chen's eyes full of greed.


Outside the Little God Realm.

Quietly, several mysterious and powerful figures emerged, hidden in the endless turbulence of space, staring into the little **** realm and observing.

If there are outsiders here, you will inevitably be shocked to discover that these people are all powerful overlords who are powerful in the world.

Like the ruler of Zichen, like the **** of the North Kingdom, like the Lord Prajna...

I don't know when it started, they already appeared here, watching all this silently.

At this moment, they, who had been in the absence of the ancient well, finally changed their color, and a sense of horror appeared in the pupils that penetrated the barrier of the little **** realm.

It was shocked by Ye Chen's words of the powerful blow to resolve the Lingxu God King.

They were extremely shocked, but they were also secretly suspecting that perhaps it was not because of the fight of the Saint King at all, but with the help of some terrible backhand.


In the Little God Realm, after Ye Chen resolved the blow of the Lingxu God King, he still sat on the high **** seat, high above, as if to look down on the world.

Also looking down at him.

Seeing this scene, the Lingxu God King immediately became As a generation of God King, who in the world dared to do this, even the other overlords of the world did not dare, now A Fighting Saint King who was able to compete with the overlord of the Ten Thousand Realms with the help of the original power of the Little God Realm would dare to do so, he really wanted to die.

"Toast and not drink fine wine, fight the Saint King, you are so courageous."

The Lingxu God King Zongkong, spanning hundreds of millions of miles in an instant, directly descended in the Sky City, and even before the God King Palace.


The absolute power that belonged to the king of the gods spread out at close range, as if the heavens descended, the heavenly power was endless, making the entire sky city tottering, as if it was about to explode at any time, incredible.

In the city of the sky, many heavenly powerhouses could not bear such a mighty power, and some of the weaker heavenly powerhouses were cracked in shape and were about to be broken into pieces.


At this time, originating from the Palace of the King of Gods, a soft brilliance enveloped the entire sky city, also dissolving the power of the King Lingxu, and with special power, so that everyone's injuries can be recovered. restore.

In the sky, the expression of the **** king Ling Xu changed slightly. With this special brilliance, he actually felt the crises emerging, what exactly was it?

On the Supreme God Seat, Ye Chen looked at him abruptly. Although he was raising his head, he felt like looking down.

Looking down like a nine-day **** looking down on the ground like an ant.

"Divine King of Two Tribulations even dared to invade my kingdom of heaven, you are really brave. Get out!"

The people of the world could only see the Lord of Heaven stretch out a finger, and in the loud noise, the incarnation of the giant chaotic finger covering the sky, also seemed to fall down, and appeared in front of the Lingxu God King.

Then, a very strange scene happened.

Under countless gazes, God King Ling Xu didn't move, allowing the giant chaos to point to him like a wooden man.

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