Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3400: Providence shot

However, the world did not know how shocked God King Ling Xu was at this moment.

Because I felt that I could not move, as if there was an invisible and strong force coming from all directions, imprisoning myself, making myself immobile, blocked in the sky, unable to move.


The God King Lingxu tried his best to break free of this confinement, but no matter how the gods in his body could conquer the world, it could crush the world of the world, but he could not break the confinement before him.

He couldn't believe it, and looked at the perfect man who seemed to be a master on the highest seat in amazement.

Is it really because of this fighting saint king that he has such an invincible power?


Chaos giant pointed out and fell on Lingxu God King.

The world is falling apart!

The Ling Xu **** king's figure flew horizontally, blood stained the sky, and the **** king battle armor on his body was also exploded. When sitting down, the brutal beast king roared to pieces, blood staining millions of miles of mountains and rivers.

As for the God King Ling Xu, he fell to the wasteland on the edge of the Little God Realm.

Shocked the world!

A moment ago, the unparalleled Lingxu God King was defeated, vulnerable to a blow, and flew across the world by the **** of heaven.

"God King?"

"But so!"

A voice came out, echoing the Little God Realm, and even the whole world.



Everyone was stunned.

When everyone thought that there would be a terrible battle, it was very likely that the heavenly side would be defeated, but in the end, the result was completely reversed. The imposing generation of hegemon Lingxu Shenwang was defeated in seconds, shocking the ancient and the modern !

Behind the empty gate of the Little God Realm, the powers of the Lingxu Divine Kingdom who followed the Lingxu God King were pale and numb.

You must know that most of the people here are the former Heavenly Kingdom powerhouses, and now they are following the Lingxu God King to witness the change of the Heavenly Kingdom and the seizure of the Little God Realm. Looking at it now, the overlord Lingxu God King is actually The fighting holy king who was considered to be the king of heaven at best was defeated in an instant.

If it weren't for all of this, I couldn't believe it.

Isn’t the rule of the kingdom of heaven ascending to the upper realm for less than a thousand years?

How could he be so terrible?

And when they thought that they had rebelled against the Kingdom of Heaven, then joined the Kingdom of Lingxu, and even invaded the Kingdom of Heaven, they couldn't help but panic.


A loud roar shook the Little God Realm.

That was God King Lingxu, he rose from the edge of the world, covered in blood, very embarrassed, unable to accept all this.

He is a generation of **** king, an existence above mighty power, and an invincible figure in the world, how could he be defeated by a rising star? This makes it difficult for him to accept.

The next moment, his vitality was poured like a sacred furnace, drowning the eight wastes, his injuries were quickly repaired, the broken muscles and bones were connected, the power of the gods broke out again, and he roared: "Battle Saint King, you can't beat me, you must be Used other means."


Lingxu God King once again crossed hundreds of millions of miles in the sky and rushed directly to the Sky City. He didn't believe Ye Chen was really that powerful.


The other party must have obtained the world-famous secret treasure in the upper realm, otherwise it is impossible to achieve such a level in the monastic years of less than a thousand years.

He was so sure in his heart!

Silently, a perfect young figure appeared in front of him, blocking his way, waved his fist and slammed it, coldly shouting: "I don't allow you to be so rude to the eldest brother."


The eyes of the Lingxu God King were blood red, no matter why the young man in front of him was so perfect or why he was so similar to the Fighting Saint King, he shot directly, and the majestic power of the God King bloomed.


Unexpectedly, the perfect boy did not move like a mountain. On the contrary, the powerful Lingxu God King flew upside down here, and this time his right arm was broken.


Completely defeated!

The whole world was shocked again!

It's nothing more than a fighting saint king, and now a perfect young man who was born abruptly also has such a power, it is simply unreasonable.

However, how could they know that the perfect boy was transformed by the original will of the Little God Realm, and could manipulate the most comprehensive world power, so it was naturally so strong.

"this is--"

Everyone looked at the perfect boy, no matter how they looked, they were actually similar to the fighting sage king, as if they were in the youthful state of the fighting sage king.

"who are you?"

The **** king Ling Xu was covered in blood, he was unwilling, but he wanted to know where the other party was sacred, it was impossible to be silent.

"My name is Providence."

The perfect boy God spoke.

"God willing?"

People in the world are wondering, because they have never heard the name of this person, especially so strong and invincible, it is impossible to be silent.

Only the goddess and others really understand that the young heavenly will is transformed by the original will of the little **** realm, and can control the entire original power of the whole little **** realm, far surpassing the Lingxu God King.


God's will shot, seemingly slender as a jade palm, but it split the Lingxu God King's armor, even cut it in half, and split it in two.

God King Ling Xu suffered a big defeat, and he was far from the opponent of God's Will.

At this moment, the heavens and all realms are absolutely silent.

At this moment, Ye Chen on the Supreme God Seat said: "Kill him."

The Tianyi boy had no expression on his face: "Yes!"


He shot to tear open the defenses of the Lingxu God King, hit his face with a punch, and hit the Niwan Palace in the center of the eyebrows.

Purpose, smash the soul of the king!

God King Ling Xu felt an absolute sense of crisis, and immediately shouted in horror: "Four brothers, if I don't come out quickly, I will be killed."

As the words stayed, the void in front of God King Lingxu shook abruptly and fiercely, and immediately the dry and old palms were like the hands of the devil, rushing out like lightning.

At the moment when that dry palm appeared, the pupils of the young man of Heaven's Will also shrank slightly.

But the fist remained the same, and the thunder continued to fall, but instead of blasting at the eyebrows of God King Lingxu, but at the hand of the Demon King.

It's just that circles of brilliance appeared on that fist, like a crystal, but the inner power has surged a lot.

"Hands of Darkness!"

In the emptiness, there was a hoarse and unpleasant old voice, and the hand of the demon king seemed to be quite dry, like a tree branch, but on the dry skin, a series of dark and mysterious special lines appeared. , Even the surrounding light was swallowed, like a black hole, very weird.


The hand of crystal collided with the hand of darkness, and bursts of dazzling brilliance and mysterious black light suddenly burst, one light and one dark, as if to represent the polarities of differentiation, swallowing each other.

This vast world was shattered by the blast.

But the young man of Heaven mobilizes the power of the world to maintain the stability of the world, so that all the power of destruction has not been completely diffused, and it has been suppressed within a certain range.

On the Supreme God Seat, Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly: "Huh? It was unexpected to block the blow of the will of heaven."


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