Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3411: Knock Guan Zhen 2

This time he went to the Primordial Realm, Ye Chen chose to go alone.

Others waited to guard the kingdom of heaven.

Even Emperor Hunyue, the protector, didn't bring it, and the reincarnation of the great emperor stayed in the heaven.

Although according to the explanations of other Desolate Realm Overlords, the Primordial Heaven Realm is far more powerful than the other seven realms. Anyone who walks out of the Desolate Realm may have the monstrous ability to destroy the Desolate Realm.

But everyone believed in Ye Chen's strength.

The eternal king, shoulder to shoulder with the peerless king, the world is vast, looking at the great figures of the ancient kings.

What's more, it also brought the Supreme Imperial Soldier.

The huge eight realms of the ten thousand realms are enough to sweep.

Unless there is an emperor in the Primordial Realm, and even the ancient emperor sits down.

Of course, it's impossible!

Very unrealistic.

Silently, Ye Chen crossed the endless space turbulence, and the world in one direction quickly turned back.

It didn't take a long time to travel through the world and came to the end of the wasteland.

There was nothingness in front of me, as if there was nothing.

But in Ye Chen's eyes, the other side of nothingness can be seen impressively, it is an impossibly magnificent immortal pass. It is the regular pass of the heavens and the world, which isolates the eight worlds and makes it impossible to communicate with each other.

"It's interesting. The rules of the ten thousand worlds actually condense into the immortal heaven. Although it is not a real existence, it seems to indicate something."

Ye Chen smiled thoughtfully, and came to the weak point where the three strongest of the Sky Palace crossed the rule sky pass, and found that there was a narrow hole, the rules of the ten thousand worlds were relatively weak and easy to pass.

"At the beginning, whether it was the Lingxu God King, Wu Zun, or later the three great God Kings of the Sky Palace, they all crossed the border from this weak point. Otherwise, this rule of heaven is stable enough to stop the Primordial King."

Unfortunately, when he came this time, Ye Chen didn't even plan to choose this weak spot to go to the Primordial Heaven Realm.

The Primordial Heaven Realm surpasses the eight realms of the Ten Thousand Realms. It does not take the other seven realms into consideration, and even regards the wasteland as a barren land. If it is a place that can be easily violated, it even intends to encroach on the small gods. Ye Chen's anger was lost.

Who is he?

Fighting Saint King!

Has always been famous for being strong and domineering!

Therefore, this time to go to the Primordial Realm, Ye Chen intends to cross the border in full swing!

He wanted to frighten the Primordial Realm and suppress the seven eternal heritages, so that they would understand that the wasteland was not a place they could invade at will, on the contrary they needed to be awed.


A magnificent and infinite power slowly bloomed from Ye Chen, like a **** of war who opened the world.

The moment it was released, the entire wasteland was completely turbulent, and the countless infinite plane world of Hengsha was in turmoil.

At this moment, all the great wasteland overlords were shocked and looked at the immortal figure before the rule sky, revealing an incredible color.

"This is—the ruler of heaven?"

"Such an invincible aura is countless times more powerful than the three most powerful kings in the Sky Palace. How could it be possible?"

"Isn't he just ascending to the upper realm for less than a thousand years? How can he be so strong, I feel that even if he has already advanced to the king, he is still weak as an ant in front of the sovereign of the kingdom of heaven."

"We have all misunderstood the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven. No wonder he is so fearless and dismissive. It turns out that he is so strong, I am afraid that he has already surpassed the Divine King, and even aspired the realm of the Primordial King."

A desolate overlord was frightened, and under the infinite power, they were as strong as these newly promoted **** kings, but in comparison they were not as weak as ants, and they must not be compared.

Didn’t the ruler of the kingdom of heaven fly to the upper realm for less than a thousand years? How can it reach such a situation.

The desolate world is shaking, and countless planes and worlds can feel the supreme power of the sky and the earth. The heavenly king looks at that place and feels that his body is as weak as an ant.

At this moment, Ye Chen seemed to be the only one in the wasteland.

He is the master of the wasteland!

However, Ye Chen's aura was still rising, and the aura of the eternal king far exceeded everyone's imagination.

How simple is the power of the peerless king, who is like the eight heavens, and the word terror is indescribable.


Even under the power of the sea like the sea, the regular Tianguan trembled.

In the Little God Realm, everyone felt Ye Chen's continuous release of power and knew his intentions.

He is really strong to the end!

The ancestors of the heavenly kingdom felt the power of Ye Chen for the first time, and they were dumbfounded.

"Qianyue, he—"

Chen'er smiled and said: "Grandpa Zongzu, Brother Qianyue is the strongest person in the upper realm."

The strongest who swept the upper realm?

With their insights, it is indeed difficult to imagine Ye Chen's power in the upper realm.

But nothing more than knowing that Ye Chen, who had returned from the upper realm, was very strong.

As for what level it is strong, it can only be said that it is unimaginable.

The good news is that he is still the junior who respects them.

"The rule of heaven?"

"Drive me!"

A roar shook the desolate realm, and that was Ye Chen's big drink. At this moment, he looked like a **** emperor, and his hair was shining brightly, and he directly attacked the rule of heaven.


The terrifying power erupted in an all-round way, impacting the rules of the sky, and shaking the eight realms of the world.

It was visible to the naked eye that the regular Tianguan that separated the ancient heavenly realm from the wasteland was directly shaken by Ye Chen's punch, almost exploding.

The infinite rule rune flickered extremely fast, and then quickly annihilated.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

A terrible shock, through the regular heaven, shook the Primordial Heaven Realm on the other side, causing a vast shock...

The Primordial Realm is vast and boundless, with seven eternal heritages and hundreds of nations and religions, far beyond the imagination of other seven realms.

In particular, the seven eternal inheritances have stood tall throughout the ages, occupying the central territory of the Primordial Realm with the most abundant resources, overlooking the infinite realm of the Heavens.

And the East of the Primordial Heaven Realm approached the Wasteland.

At the end of the east, on the other side of Tianguan Pass, is the wasteland!

On this day, the easternmost part of the Primordial Heaven Realm felt a terrible shock.

The eastern frontier has many powerful forces and ancient countries. Throughout the ages, there has never been a lack of strong people, and the powerful and even ancient gods have always lived forever.

But at this moment, many forces were all alarmed, and they raised their eyes and looked at the wasteland at the far east.

If it is looming, you can see the illusion of the rules of the sky, the trembling of the heavens, and the shaking of the rules, causing terrible vibrations that do not know how many billions of miles of territory.

At least half of the eastern frontier was shaken!

What happened?

In this vast eastern frontier of the Primordial Heaven Realm, among the powerful forces one after another, many powerful people were shocked one after another. Looking at the eastern edge of the wilderness, and seeing the illusion of the regular heaven, they were all shocked.

Vaguely, it seemed to understand that someone had shaken the rules of the sky, and wanted to break through.

PS: This plot is a bit long. Of course, it is also the best plot for me to write the eternal emperor, because it is a high-chao plot to show Ye Chen's invincibility, hahaha!

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