Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3412: Through 2 realms

But the other side of the rule of heaven is the wasteland, the most barren and weakest realm in the eight realms, the strongest is nothing but a mighty power, even if there may be a **** king, it is impossible to shake the rule of heaven. .

They all clearly understand the immortality and stability of the rules of heaven, not to mention the wasteland, even if it is the seven eternal heritage, it is extremely troublesome.

Otherwise, since the endless years, the Primordial Heaven Realm has already penetrated the eight realms of the Ten Thousand Realms, melting into one.

But on this day, the rule of heaven was shocked. Why on earth?

Could it be that some people from the ancient times wanted to forcefully blast away from the realm of Primordial Sky and head to the wasteland?

It seems that only this explanation is the most appropriate.

After all, the Primordial Realm is too vast. Throughout the ages, there has never been a shortage of true Xeons. Especially in recent years, the golden age has come, and the dormant Gedai figures have gradually recovered.

What's more, the seven eternal heritages have been abandoned, and there are still several more terrifying life restricted areas in the Primordial Realm.

Rumor has it that the most terrifying forbidden figure sleeps in every life forbidden zone, who was the master of the Primordial Realm of an era.

And even though the Desolate Realm is the weakest of the Eight Realms of the Ten Thousand Realms, before the endless years, there was a suspected Supreme Being who had come to the Desolate Realm, suppressed the Supreme Demon, and had a peak showdown.

Back then, many super powers fell in the wasteland.

Perhaps this time the knock of the Gedai character was for the purpose of going to the wasteland, for the existence of the supreme supreme that had existed before endless years.

After all, supreme is the true pinnacle of the avenue, no one can care.

If you can get the remnants of the suspected supreme, or even get the relevant inheritance by fluke, you may get a glimpse of the supreme supreme level, that is, the person who sees through everything is afraid and will be moved.

However, the speculation did not last long, and it broke without attack.

Because in the Eastern Land, many powerful people can't sense it, and there are some powerful people who are far away in the wasteland, and they have not even sensed the subtle breath.

That strong wave is more like coming from the wasteland side.

This thought, no doubt, directly changed them all.

"Well, is it because of a foreign race?"

Soon, they remembered one thing.

The dark and blood-colored mythical era was greatly shattered, and there were foreign races who never left, hidden in the heavens and worlds, and even more located in the barren wasteland.

Back then, a supreme powerhouse who was suspected of being supreme deliberately sealed the Great Demon Town of the alien race in a wasteland, gradually eroding the years.

But besides the supreme demon, there seems to be other horror existences in the alien race that have not been killed or sealed, hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to save the supreme demon.

Now, the shaking of the rule of heaven, everything seems to prove that the supreme alien of the alien race was not completely perished, and it is very likely to be rescued and resurrected, now the bombardment of the rule of heaven is to go to the ancient heaven Environment, grab hundreds of millions of resources.

"Oh no!"

"What should I do? The Supreme Demon of the alien race who was suppressed in those years, I heard that the supreme existence that seems to be the supreme has paid a **** price."

"Although the rule of heaven is immortal, it may not necessarily stop the invasion of the supreme monster of the alien race."


Panic was spreading rapidly, and the entire East of the Primordial Heaven Realm felt panic in bursts.

Someone even wanted to send information about the seven eternal heritages that were overwhelming the Primordial Realm, asking for support.

Each of the seven eternal heritages sits on a true primordial king. The heritage of endless years is unfathomable.

Of course, it is rumored that the ancestor of the Taikoo King has been in deep sleep, reducing the passing of his lifespan, and I don't know if it will be truly disturbed.

But at present, only the seven eternal heritages are qualified to fight the supreme monster.

Especially the Tianxu, the head of the seven eternal heritage, is even more unfathomable!

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Rule Tianguan kept trembling, and the loud noise was deafening, echoing half of the Primordial Heaven Realm.

It must be known that the Primordial Heaven Realm is vast and boundless, far surpassing the Little God Realm by countless times, even if it is the Eastern Territory, it is enough to wait for the gathering of many large regions of the heavens and ten thousand realms, and still cause such a vast influence, you can imagine Ye How terrible the attack caused by the morning knock.

"Hey, I really don't believe this rule of heaven can stop me."

Ye Chen waved the Chaos Sacred Fist, as if swallowing the heavens and thousands of ways, punch after punch, strong bombardment of the rule of heaven, perseverance, and boundless bravery, smashing the barriers of the rules of the world, directly hitting him.

"Drive me!"

Accompanied by a shocking roar, Ye Chen's punch, including how many Dao laws he didn't know, burst out like the universe.


Even if it was magnificent as a rule, it couldn't bear it, and it was pierced through a huge cave.

Throughout the two realms!

Shake the wasteland and the ancient world!

All the powerhouses in the wasteland were wide-eyed, and the Primordial Heaven Realm was not only in the East, but also other vast areas, all of which were shocked.

The eternal immortal rule heaven, the seven eternal inheritance of the rule heaven, was actually penetrated into a huge cave and penetrated through the two realms, and the rules of the ten thousand realms were all broken!



Even at this moment, located in the deepest part of the Primordial Sky Realm, the seven eternal inheritances that occupies the center of the vast grandeur were completely shocked from the silence.

Because the loud noise that smashed the rules of heaven is terrifying and cannot be suppressed.

At the same time, as the rule of heaven was shattered, a mighty and stalwart aura that straddled the heavens rushed out, instantly sweeping across the vast sky, shaking half of the Primordial Heaven Realm.

In the blink of an eye, there are so many stars in the Primordial Realm that I don’t know how many stars are born and vanished into the sky by this stalwart aura ~ The star realm in which it is located is permanently dimmed!

The seven eternal heritages, the strongest force that overwhelms the Primordial Realm, no matter how fearless, no matter how fearless, no matter how to look down on the world of Heaven, no matter how prosperous, they are still shocked.

At this moment, I don't know how many gazes rushed out of the seven places of eternal heritage, and cast them to the rule heaven.

The old antiques that have been dormant for endless years are beginning to recover.

A wave of extreme horror skyrocketed, and the world changed.

Undoubtedly, it is known to the world, but the foundation that belongs to the seven eternal heritages is beginning to gradually recover.

The places in the southeast, northwest and northwest of the Primordial Heaven Realm, hundreds of countries and thousands of religions, all major forces, all feel a breath of majestic dragon-like aura that belongs only to the legend, rising slowly, faintly, pointing away The Eastern Rules Tianguan.

Many people feel that in this breath, it is at least at the Divine King level, and it is not an ordinary Divine King level. There is also a Divine King Realm that is beyond the Divine King and is known as a quasi-king. The Qi machine is extremely amazing.

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