Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3413: Shock from heaven!

Even faintly, some people felt that there were several auras lurking among the many powerful auras, which looked far less powerful than other auras, as usual.

But under normal circumstances, it is like a deep sea, unfathomable, unable to sense the true end.

At the same time, it is also accompanied by a special charm that suppresses the heavens and the universe, and I dominate the universe, just like the overlord of the universe!

Swire King!

Some people have changed color, and even the Primordial King, who can be called the ancestor-level of the seven eternal heritages, has actually recovered, and several people have appeared at once.

They are the strongest of the Seven Eternal Inheritances, the invincibles of the Primordial Realm.

Obviously, it was because of the breakdown of the regular day pass.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

An extremely powerful avenue aura soared into the sky, sweeping across the sky, and then collided with the stalwart aura emerging from the pierced caves of the Tianguan Pass, causing a huge collision.

Under such a terrifying aura collision, the Primordial Heaven Realm is boundless and vast, and there are still nearly two or three tenths of the territory shaken, mainly in the East.

On the other side of the Tianguan Pass, Ye Chen naturally noticed it, showing a hint of interest.

The Primordial Heaven Realm is truly extraordinary, and there is still a Primordial King.

And, more than two or three people!

But only in this way can Ye Chen get a little bit of interest.

At the same time, the most terrifying force of the regular Tianguan's rebound was continuously transmitted to Ye Chen, trying to block Ye Chen's knocking with the most terrifying force.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

A wave of excessively terrifying power bounced back, and the major overlords who watched this scene from the depths of the wasteland were all shocked.

Because of the terrifying power of the rebound, it easily tore open the endless space turbulence, and any one of them was enough to easily kill all of them.

This is the rule of the sky. At the same time as the attack, the rules of the world will also reflect the corresponding strength and act on the attacker.

"The ruler of heaven has caused big trouble this time. The rebound of the rule of heaven is extremely terrible. Even if the ruler of heaven is really strong, it will inevitably suffer a terrible backlash and pay a huge price."

The ruler of Zichen sighed slightly, and the other desolate overlords secretly nodded, feeling that the ruler of heaven was a bit arrogant this time.

The rules of the heavens are condensed from the rules of the ten thousand worlds. Attacking the rules of the heavens is tantamount to contending with the rules of the ten thousand worlds.

Unfortunately, they looked down upon Ye Chen after all.

Ye Chen is an eternal king.

At the moment of being promoted to the emperor, and after seven years of perfection and transformation, both the body and the soul have been strengthened to an unattainable height, which can be called perfection, flawless, and the strength of the rebound from the rules of the sky is far from harm. When Ye Chen's chaotic body fell on it, it clanged, but it could not cause the slightest harm.

This scene deeply shocked several great wasteland overlords.

I was thinking when I was shocked.

How strong is the ruler of heaven?


At the same time, Ye Chen rippled with chaotic ripples on his body surface, covering this vast area, directly blocking all the rebounding forces, and not spreading to the wasteland.

Otherwise, these terrifying repulsive forces can definitely tear the plane world into pieces easily, and it will have a huge impact on the entire wasteland!

At the same time, it can be clearly seen that the ruled Tianguan caves that were penetrated are healing, and the rules of the ten thousand worlds are emerging, and then repaired.

Ye Chen sneered, how could he allow the cave that he finally blasted open to be repaired by the rule of heaven.


He opened his mouth and said what he said.

A mighty force rushed to the caves of Tianguan Pass, suppressing the healing caves of the rules of the world.


The rules of the universe are boiling, but they are fighting, still healing the cave, but the healing speed is many times slower.

This is the eternal king's utterance, and it has great power in the heavens and the realms, let alone the heavens and the realms, and can fight the rules of the realms.

Of course, Ye Chen did not expect to solve the trouble by speaking out.


Flashing between the eyebrows, he rushed out of a great chaotic cauldron, carrying hundreds of millions of ancient chaos, each of which can crush thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

Dading Wushuang slapped the Dingbi with a slap in Ye Chen, and then the chaotic light burst out, like a chaotic sky rising in turbulent waves, with unparalleled chaotic power in full bloom, hitting the sky and bombarding heavily In the rule Tianguan cave.


With a loud noise that can shake the Primordial Heaven Realm and the Wild Realm, the huge cave that was originally penetrated is even bigger at this moment, allowing the two realms to penetrate each other, and each other can see each other's realm!

At this moment, the Primordial Realm was shaken.

Because everyone can see that the huge cave that was penetrated by the rule Tianguan, the majestic power poured out, suppressing the cave to heal.

Visible to the naked eye, a mysterious and hazy figure is looming.

I can’t see the true face, only the tens of thousands of ancient chaos overwhelms my body and hides my figure, like the chaotic gods that opened the sky and the earth, from the other side of the regular heaven, that is known as the weakest and barren wasteland of the eight realms, Step by step, leap over.

"who is it?"

"It's not like a suppressed supreme demon, pure Qi!"

"Chaos has added itself to cover up the secrets of heaven. When has such a supernatural character appeared in the wasteland?"

"Who is he?"


The Primordial Heavenly Realm confirmed that the person came from the wasteland, but what shocked them the most was that they had never understood that there was such a contemporary figure in the wasteland. Although they appeared before endless years, it was not chaos plus body.

And it can penetrate the rules of the sky, so terrible and powerful, they have to change color.

With such strength, even within the seven eternal inheritances that are overwhelming the sky, there are probably only a handful of people, and they must be the ancestor-level figures who surpass the quasi-monarchs and reach the primordial kings, known as the overlords of the universe.

In the wasteland, there is such an ancestor-level overlord?





In the rule Tianguan the strongest people in the Primordial Heaven Realm can see that the rules of the ten thousand worlds are boiling, generating infinite pressure and blocking the leaping of the people of the era.

However, the steps of the Gedai characters are always as steady as Mount Tai, and every step they take can resonate with the heavens and the world and shake the two realms.

The deepest part of the Primordial Heaven Realm is located in the central place. Among the seven eternal inheritances, the few ancestors belonging to the Primordial King level are hidden in the ten thousand realms. At this moment, there are bursts of light, looking at the regular heaven. It seems that cross-border people should penetrate and understand their identity.

However, the chaos is surging, covering all prying eyes, even if it is as strong as the ancient king, it is absolutely impossible to penetrate the heavy chaotic mist on his body and gain insight into the true body.

At this moment, the ancestors who passed on from the ages of the ages all showed their stern colors.

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