Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3414: Alarming the restricted area of ​​life

Even the ancestor slowly whispered: "Who is he? I never knew that such a generational figure still existed in that wasteland, not the few people I knew in the past."

The Primordial Realm was shaking, and all parties could hear the ancestors whispering.

Not the few people known by the ancestors, so cross-border people, who is sacred after all.

And it is so strong that it can penetrate the regular sky gate, even if you look at the entire Primordial Sky Realm, it is definitely one of the few.

The seven eternal inheritances have been alarming. If such a generational figure really wants to cross the border, will it change the current pattern of power in the Primordial Realm?

However, the ancestor immediately spoke and said indifferently: "Although this person is very strong, I don’t know his true origin, but do you really think that you can successfully enter the Primordial Heaven Realm by breaking through the rule sky? The more you are blocked by one world, not to mention the supreme realm like the Primordial Heaven Realm. The rules of the Ten Thousand Realms do not allow you to cross borders casually and cannot tolerate his coming!"


As if confirming the words of the ancestor-level king, the Primordial Realm was shaken.

The world can feel it, the entire Primordial Realm seems to be shaken, a wave of unspeakable stalwart power is emerging from the sky above the sky, and a chain of order is even greater than the mountain. , Dashed into the sky, which lasted for hundreds of millions of miles, and rushed to the regular Tianguan cave.

In the land of the east, there are countless signs of great roads appearing, the rules of the world are being developed, there are mysterious gods and demons appearing, and the aura is shocking...

All of this seems to be the Primordial Heaven Realm taking action, blocking the Gedai characters in the wasteland from crossing the border.

It is the rules of the ten thousand realms, and people from other realms are not allowed to cross borders.

Especially in the Primordial Heaven Realm, the Xeon is not allowed to cross the border, which affects the stability of the Primordial Heaven Realm.

The mighty and mighty, can be called stalwart, irresistible!

At the regular pass, Ye Chen chuckles, feeling the infinite rejection and obstruction of the Primordial Heaven Realm.

Thinking that when he was young and weak, he didn't need to be like that at all. He crossed borders and crossed borders easily. He always looked at other strongest people and looked at it with envy. Only the truly world-class strong would be qualified to be treated like this.

Now, he has also entered this sequence.

He just felt the terrible rejection and obstruction of the Primordial Heaven Realm, and he didn't know whether he should be happy or helpless.

But is he scared?

Obviously impossible.

"Hey, Primordial Heaven Realm, I feel some familiar fluctuations. Well, there are fluctuations that belong to Primordial God Realm. Could it be that the Primordial Heaven Realm is also..."

The words are not exhausted, but they have far-reaching implications.

At the same time, Ye Chen gave a chuckle, and the chaotic Dao Fa was fully recovered. The whole person was filled with endless chaotic light, and even every strand of hair was shining with bright chaotic light, and all the ways were looming, like the heavens. The carrier of all things.


It belongs to the eternal king, and also belongs to the chaos king, and the real power of the world has exploded.

Ye Chenwei shocked the heavens!

The majestic and majestic spirit of his tremors shook the desolate realm.

Under such an endless power, other desolate overlords could not feel their own insignificance, like an ant looking up at a dragon in the sky, a world of difference.

They couldn't believe that in the upper realm experience of less than a thousand years, how far the ruler of heaven has come.

The road to cultivation should have become harder and harder, and it will take countless years to accumulate and gradually improve, but this view is completely inconsistent with the ruler of heaven. He is simply an evil evildoer against common sense.

"The rule is off, open it for me!"

With a loud shout, it shook the wasteland, and also spread to the Primordial Heaven Realm on the other side, like an eternal thunder that shocked hundreds of nations and religions in the Heaven Realm.

At the same time, an earth-shattering air machine hit the cave and collided with the barrier of the Primordial Heaven Realm.


The terrible big collision surpassed the **** king, and also surpassed the quasi-king, and even made the ancestors of the seven eternal kings feel terrified.

That waiting for Qi machine, that waiting for power, it seems that it is still above them.

The Gedai figure in the wasteland is so powerful!

Their eyes widened, but they could not see clearly when they saw the waves boil.

Only faintly visible, in the huge cave of the Tianguan Pass, a majestic and immortal figure came slowly and firmly across the border, surrounded by hundreds of millions of ancient chaos, looming, like heavens All realms surround oneself, and all ways resonate, as if all ways dominate.

Every strand of hair is flowing with the majestic chaotic light, possessing the unparalleled power to cut everything in the world.

What kind of stalwart existence is that, so powerful, beyond imagination, and still above them.

At the very least, they felt that changing to be themselves, they would never be able to be like the characters in the deserted land.

The characters in the Desolate Land are really too powerful, even to an incomprehensible height.

"Who is he?"

The immemorial realm is vast, and it is also unfathomable. Throughout the ages, I don't know how many horror figures have been dormant.

There are even rumors that forbidden characters from the last era sleep in the ancient life forbidden area.

At this moment, the characters from the Desolate Realm crossed the border, and the huge fluctuations caused it also alarmed the forbidden figures in the Primordial Heaven Realm who were sleeping or sealed at the deepest level.

Some were awakened from the Seven Great Eternal Inheritances, and some were located in the forbidden life zone of the Primordial Heaven Realm, shooting terrifying eyes.

In the Primordial Realm, people who understand some past shocking historical facts are horrified.

They knew something vaguely. These taboo characters were not weaker than the king-level ancestors who had been resurrected in this world, and even more terrifying.

There are rumors that they are the masters of the Primordial Realm in the ancient In the past, they were not afraid of the eternal inheritance, and some of them even took a shot at the eternal inheritance and almost destroyed.

Looking at the leopard in the tube, one can imagine the horror of such taboo characters.

Eternal sleep, I never thought I was awakened today.

In a forbidden place of life, the eyes of forbidden characters flicker, the inner world is buried, and the terrible scene of the ups and downs of the ten thousand worlds, he said in a deep voice: "What a cross-border person, he has reached such a state, I did not expect to return in the current wasteland. There is such a generational figure. And why, I feel that the cross-border person is very young, his vitality is incomparable, and he has a kind of vigor. I am afraid that he has been practicing for less than 30,000 years."

From the blood, the age of a person is often considerable.

Many Xeons, even if they are in their prime of life, have not short years of cultivation, and their vitality is long gone.

For example, a **** king who has cultivated for more than 100,000 years cannot be young.

But the major taboo figures in the Primordial Heaven Realm can tell that the youth of the cross-border people, even if they have deepened their skills, can't conceal their vitality.

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