Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3415: The emperor?

In another forbidden area of ​​life, the voice of a second forbidden character came out: "Such a young character, even in the Primordial Realm, is difficult to possess. The cultivation base is not weaker than me, I am afraid it is only With the upper realm and being the heir of the ancient emperor, it is possible to cultivate to this point in just 30,000 years."

"Is he the heir of the ancient emperor?" another taboo character said.

"There is a lack of the way of heaven in this world, and it is difficult for the great emperor to come out. Even if there is, he is the heir of the ancient emperor from the previous era, but this person has the most powerful chaotic energy in his blood. In fact, in the last era of Chaos Dao reached such a point, only Taishenghuang, is he the son of Taishenghuang?"

As soon as this statement was made, the heavens were silent.

The Supreme Sage Emperor, even if isolated from an era of epoch, is still famous and shining through the past, it is the supreme giant overlooking the ages.

"It's not like, although this person's blood is unmatched, even with the supreme blood, I don't feel much, he shouldn't be an emperor, it is very likely that he is a generational figure who relies on his own path.

The analysis of the taboo characters does not feel like the son of the eternal giant Taishenghuang.

At the same time, the Primordial Realm was shaken, a full tenth of the territory rioted, and the rules of the ten thousand realms exploded, and the impact was not knowing how great.

I saw that the **** chain of order formed by the rules of the ten thousand worlds of the Tianguan Cave was thicker than the stars, thousands of them, showing hundreds of millions of miles in the sky, blocking Ye Chen.

But the unparalleled avenue fluctuations are boiling, shaking the sky forever.

It was Ye Chen who was making the shot, and the eternal king's power was fully displayed, enough to be comparable to the peerless king of the eight heavens. The power was so powerful and unmatched, it was simply shocking.

Between the heaven and the earth, I don’t know how many chains of the gods of order broke apart, one after another, they exploded into fragments in the sky, spreading to the vast East of the Primordial Realm.

This territory is simply comparable to the hundreds of domains in the heavens, and it is too vast.

Now receiving a huge impact, each of the blasted Order God Chain fragments is as huge as a star, and contains the rules of the most powerful avenue of the world. Once it falls, the vast territory can be directly devastated and charred. There are billions of lives.

In the land of the east, there are so many powerful forces standing there, but at this moment they are all horrified.

Because of the order of the **** chain fragments, each one is absolutely comparable to mighty power, densely packed and endless, who can stop it.

In the end, the ancestor of the king-class took action and swept across the vast sky, caught all the fragments of the chain of order, and then groaned: "What a cross-border person, who wants to destroy my Primordial Realm and destroy billions of creatures. It's a devil, now I will send it back to you!"

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The ancestors of several great kings took action, turning all the fragments of the Order God Chain into a sky attack, rushing to the Tianguan Cave of Rule, and aimed at the cross-border Ye Chen.

In an instant, Ye Chen's eyes brightened many times, as if two rounds of chaotic sky shining through the sky, shining through the ages, accompanied by a cold snort that shook the Primordial Realm: "Do you really think I can be deceived? Huh, let you today? Wait until you know what the real chaos and invincibility means!"

"Ten Thousand Worlds!"

An angry shout, shaking the sky, terrifying!

In the next moment, almost everyone can see it, the rules of the sky shake.

In the big cave that was flooded by the rules of the ten thousand worlds, the visions of the heavens, and the fragments of the chain of order, chaos suddenly swept across the sky.

With a terrible loud noise that shook half of the Primordial Realm, countless fragments of the rules of the world and the chain of order flew out, and the infinite vision was annihilated.

The world's eyes widened, and one side of the world could be seen rushing out, some broken, some intact, as if the sky full of stars were summoned, crashing into the cave, crashing into all the blockers.

The entire immortal and immortal Tianguan was greatly shaken, there were many terrible cracks, and the whole was about to be destroyed.

Great shock!

What a terrifying power that could be able to do this step.

And where did those countless worlds come from.

The world is horrified, as if all these are the characters of the generations in the wasteland, summoning the heavens and the world, directly bombarding the regular heaven.

This kind of method is simply terrifying in the world, who can be matched.

"very scary!"

"Using supreme means to summon the heavens and the world to bombard, what a means!"

"What a cruel person, regardless of the lives of all worlds, they will come across the border at all costs!"


In the Primordial Realm, countless people were angry, terrified, and even more terrified.

Such a superlative character came so strong that even the detailed plane world of the wasteland Hengsha is not in the eyes. Once the smooth cross-border comes, doesn't it mean that the entire Primordial Heaven Realm will fall into **** chaos.

Anyone who had reached the power level of the Primordial Realm had their pupils tightened at this moment, and it was obvious.

The so-called bombardment of the ten thousand realms is not the real worlds of the heavens and all realms, it is an illusory world that has evolved, but it is too real that many people can't see through it at all.

But this is what makes people tremble.

Evolving into the world and attacking the heavens, all aspects represent that this person's cultivation has reached a high level that is unpredictable.

To what level are the Gedai characters in the wasteland so powerful?

All parties are not secretly guessing, but one thing they know is that they must have reached the level of the king-class ancestor comparable to the seven eternal heritage, otherwise it would not be so terrible.

At the same time, the contemporary palace lord of Cangqiang Palace, one of the seven eternal heritages, had a pale face.

He thought of his disciple Wu Zun and Lingxu God King, as well as the three strongest men who were later dispatched to capture the Little God Realm. They lost their news and even the Soul Mark was annihilated, which meant that they had already fallen.

At first he was extremely angry, and even wanted to send more powerful people to investigate what happened, but seeing all this, he was frightened.

In any case, he never expected that such a supreme existence still existed in the wasteland.

Even he seems to have guessed something vaguely.

"Could it be that the Little God Realm belongs to the Gedai figure..."

Just thinking about it, let his scalp explode, and he was about to die of horror.

Ye Chen didn't know all of this, but he faced a huge obstacle.

Coming across the border, the barrier of the Primordial Heaven Realm is far greater than imagined.

It must be known that he is an eternal king, a peerless king-like figure, with unmatched combat power, and can sweep everything, but he is so hugely blocked in the Primordial Realm.

The Primordial Heaven Realm was seen in his eyes, and his mind was slightly shocked.

Compared with the original emperor realm of the eternal giants, it is huge and countless. Even the chaos holy realm, which has smelted the five ancient emperor worlds, cannot be compared, and even the chaotic primitive world such as the ten-day realm ancient domain is the same, with huge differences.

It's too huge, too vast.

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