Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3416: Life restricted area shot

Ye Chen's eyes looked at the Primordial Realm, pierced through the origin, the vastness and unparalleledness, unexpectedly made him feel unfathomable, and he also felt very familiar fluctuations.

That is the fluctuation of the Primordial God Realm.

He swallowed and smelted the fragments of the Primordial God Realm left in the world tower, and he was naturally very familiar with it, so he recognized it for the first time.

The Primordial Heaven Realm definitely has a great relationship with the Primordial God Realm, and it can even be said to be a fragment of the Primordial God Realm.

And it was extremely huge, much larger than the sum of the fragments of the Primordial God Realm left in the world tower.

"Could it be that part of the remnants of the ancient God Realm fell into the heavens and the world?"

Ye Chen whispered, because according to my understanding, after the Primordial God Realm was shattered by the alien invasion, most of it turned into the current heavens and ten thousand domains, and a small part remained in the realm tower.

But in the old days, there were also some fragments of the Primordial God Realm that fell into the heavens and all realms. Among them, the Little God Realm was formed by merging a fragment of the Primordial God Realm into one plane world, and it had the scale of a great world comparable to a king.

Therefore, Ye Chen extremely suspected that the Primordial Heaven Realm was probably the remnant of the Primordial God Realm.

Of course, one thing that made him do not understand was that the remnants of the Primordial God Realm in the realm tower looked desolate and lifeless, why the Primordial Heaven Realm possessed such vitality, and could even accommodate so many powerful people at the same time.

In the Primordial Heaven Realm, there must be hidden reasons deeply hidden.

Of course, none of this should be considered right now, because his main purpose is to cross the rules of heaven and formally step into the territory of Taikoo Heaven.


Suddenly, from the territory of the Primordial Sky, countless sky thunders fell.

Each path is tens of millions of miles long, and even hundreds of millions of miles, which is thicker than the stars and far better than the previous chain of order.

Belongs to an attack, terror countless times.

The endless sky thunder, gathered into a vast sea of ​​robbery light and thunder, with the rules of ten thousand realms, and even with the original power belonging to the Primordial Heaven Realm, it comprehensively impacted the leaves that crossed the border in the cave of the regular Tianguan. morning.

In the Primordial Realm, when the world saw this scene, it wasn't because the scalp was numb.

Such a terrifying tribulation and thunder sea impact is blocked, who in the world can stop?

Even the ancestor of the seven eternal kings also changed their expressions.

Also secretly surprised by the Gedai characters who came across the border, they seemed to be much stronger than imagined.

"The tribulations of the Primordial Heaven Realm have all come, and that character in the Desolate Realm is absolutely extraordinary. Don't underestimate it!"

"Let's take a look, he is at least a king of five heavens or more, perhaps stronger, six heavens, and even seven heavens are also possible."

Several taboo figures are also speculating on Ye Chen's cultivation.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The endless sky thunder bombarded it, as strong as Ye Chen was blocked, and the pace was even more difficult.

Each step of the leap seemed to be slower, but firmer.

He is still drowning in the endless chaotic light, and the power of the eternal king is fully displayed at this moment.

Chaos surging, resolve all things.

Although the falling of the billions of heavenly thunders has caused a huge obstacle to him, it is still difficult to hurt him.

This is the power of the peerless king class, far superior to other primordial kings.

He evolves into chaos, constantly dissolving the impact of the robbery light and thunder sea, and the light in his eyes is more radiant.

The Primordial Realm was shocked!

The Gedai characters who crossed the borders of the wasteland are too strong, far beyond imagination, and the taboo characters are all disturbed.

Who on earth is he, and when did the Desolate Land give birth to such a mighty strong man.

That is just the most barren of the eight realms of the Ten Thousand Realms. How can such a powerful person born and out of this generation?

It seems to be slow, and it seems that a long time has passed.

I don't know if it's an hour, two hours, or half a day has passed, Ye Chen never retreated, letting thousands of calamities add his body, and always moved forward firmly.

And this moment is not far from the Primordial Heaven Realm, the distance of the regular heaven is very long, but there is only a short distance left.

At this time, the major taboo figures in the Primordial Heaven Realm couldn't calm down.

The Gedai characters in the wasteland are far more terrifying than imagined. Once they enter the Primordial Realm, it is likely to cause changes in the current situation.

Even more importantly, it is very possible that even that kind of defying nature will be captured by him.

You know, they have been waiting for eternity, but it's just for such a bad luck, how can outsiders get it.

No way!

Almost at the same time, all the taboo figures made the same decision--


Stop the smooth cross-border of the characters in the wasteland!

A taboo character said solemnly: "I'm sorry, I can just wait and see if I change to another era, but I can't do this in this life. I finally waited for this life to come, so good fortune, you can't let you be an outsider. Fruit."


South of the Primordial Realm, in a well-known life restricted zone.

Suddenly, there are billions of meters of Guanghua rising up, carrying the immeasurable air machine that is powerful and powerful.

If it is looming, it is a mace-shaped weapon, hanging down the ten thousand rules, suddenly soaring into the sky, rushing towards the eastern rule heaven.

The southern land is vast and boundless, and many strong people are all shocked: "The magic of destroying the sky, the legendary forbidden ancient soldier, the infinite ancient soldier belonging to the forbidden figure in the ancient years, was born!"

"In the Nine Life Forbidden Zone, the Heaven Extinguishing Peak, indeed, there is the legendary master of the heavenly realm sleeping here!"

In the northern land, in the hundreds of millions of miles of ice fields, there are tens of thousands of ice peaks towering into the clouds.

At this moment, the Wanzhong Bingfeng Snow Mountain shook, and a bright white light flashed, rushing to the Eastern Rule Heaven Pass with monstrous power...

At the same time, in the Primordial Realm and the famous forbidden areas of life, there were terrible taboo ancient soldiers soaring into the sky.

Without exception, they all rushed to the Eastern Rules of Heaven.

The world shakes.

In the Primordial Realm there have been nine life restricted zones throughout the ages, and all of them were alarmed at this moment.

The major taboo figures shot, the ancient soldiers who belonged to them sacrificed, and they killed the rule Tianguan cave, and even the desolate figure.

What is going on, is it possible that the taboo character also fears the Gedai character?

Those are taboo figures who have pressured the Primordial Realm for eternity. They were once the masters of an era, but they faced the seven eternal inheritances without fear, and now they are all jealous.


The ancient forbidden soldiers in the life forbidden zone of the Eastern Land first appeared.

It was a world-grinding plate, with terrifying runes circulating in the whole body, which could wipe out the world of the great world. It was terrifying and unparalleled. It was a taboo ancient soldier who was the master of an era in the Primordial Realm.

At this moment, it is fully recovered, shaking the entire east, turning into a streamer, and breaking into the big cave of the regular heaven.

There was a terrible explosion in the cave, and time and space were annihilated.

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