Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3422: Turbulent times

The look of the Lord of Burial World Mountain has changed drastically.


The sky has collapsed for hundreds of millions of miles.

It can be seen from the whole world that the Burial Mountain, which encompasses more than hundreds of millions of miles of territory in the world, was directly sunk following the collision of two great Gedai figures.

Even the unparalleled shock wave spread and spread over and over again, tearing apart the borderless territory.

However, the Great Chaos Tripod shook slightly, and hundreds of thousands of ancient chaos hung down, covering the Burial Mountain, so that all the might of destruction stayed in the forbidden area of ​​Burial Mountain and could not spread.

Otherwise it will be another catastrophe!

In the Forbidden Area of ​​Funeral Mountain, a mist covered the sky and the sun, accompanied by the extremely chaotic rules of ten thousand boiling, making it difficult for the outside world to see clearly.

But whether it's the seven eternal heritages or other restricted areas of life, you can see the truth and be horrified.

I saw the Gedai figures in the wasteland stand tall in the sky, looking down on the destroyed Burial Mountain.

The huge mountains that used to tower into the outer starry sky all collapsed and turned into smoke and dust.

The Lord of Burial World Mountain was submerged in the dust of the sky, although the aura was still strong, it was obviously at a disadvantage.

It has to be said that the Gedai figure in the wasteland was overwhelming the world, and he actually suppressed the master of a major life restricted zone.

"Is this the strength of the so-called life restricted zone?"

Ye Chen was condescending and indifferent.

Peerless king-level combat power is overwhelming the world, even if the ruler of the restricted area of ​​life, even the ruler of the Primordial Realm of the past, is not its opponent.

"Junior, you don't want to be proud, it's just a surprise to kill this monarch."

The dust in the sky suddenly stopped, and in the broken Burial Mountain below, the master of the restricted life zone rose into the sky again.

It was vaguely visible that it was an extremely burly figure, comparable to Emperor Hun Yue, capable of measuring one foot and five feet.

The bronze-colored body, like a cast of steel, is burly and towering. One hand grasps the grinding plate and the other grasps a thick stone stick.

Long hair dancing like a lion.

Standing in this way, it gives people an extremely terrifying sense of shock.

Even the king of the ancient times would be frightened.

There are several wounds on his body, and bones are deeply visible, all left by Ye Chen, a drop of blood dripped, and each drop was like a **** ocean, reflecting the sky.

Ye Chen always added to his chaos and ancient spirit, and smiled slightly, with indifference: "Really?"

Immediately he said: "If I'm right, you should be the master of the Primordial Heaven Realm in the Middle Ages-Heavenly Monarch in troubled times."

All of this was learned from the memories of the three gods and the souls of the Cangqiong Palace.

The Primordial Heaven Realm has developed endless years since this era, and it has naturally divided into multiple eras.

The Middle Ages is one of them.

There are also Chaos Era, Primordial Era, Primitive Era, Primordial Era, Ancient Era, Medieval Era, Modern Era and so on.

In each era, the Primordial Heaven Realm has given birth to a corresponding ruler.

Tianjun in troubled times is the master of the Primordial Heaven Realm in the Middle Ages.

Ye Chen's voice also resounded through the Primordial Realm, causing a great shock in the world.

"Sure enough, the taboo characters in the life restricted zone were once the masters of the Primordial Heaven Realm!"

"Heavenly monarch in troubled times, I really didn't expect that the former ruler was still alive. Isn't it rumored that the sitting state is alive? The old sitting state fluctuations are shaking the entire Primordial Heaven Realm!"

"Hehe, you think too much. Tianjun in troubled times is an ancient king, and he is the ruler of an era. From the perspective of longevity, it is impossible to live for only one era and sit down."

"Indeed, the master of the Primordial Realm of the past, his cultivation is not just as simple as that of the Primordial King, it is absolutely unfathomable from the perspective of the monarch level."

"Why did the ruler of an era suddenly disappear and evolve into a restricted zone of life? Does it mean anything?"

"There is only the generational character who can cross the border in the wasteland, otherwise, it is really impossible to smoothly force such a dominance of the world as an ordinary person!"


People around the world have been talking about it. Obviously, although there have long been speculations that the taboo characters in the life forbidden zone are the masters of the past, but they have always been speculations and have not been verified. Now that they are truly known, they still can’t help but shake

Guessing is one thing, and the result is another!

The Lord of Buried Mountain was a little surprised: "I didn't expect you to know the origin of this lord."

Ye Chen smiled, he naturally didn't bother to explain.

But I also have a war spirit in my heart, and I really want to know how strong the master of the Primordial Realm was in the past era?

And what made him quite puzzled was that it was obviously able to dominate and dominate an era, and the Primordial Kings could live at least half an epoch, why these former rulers turned into life restricted areas, dormant and dormant here.

He didn't understand.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and nothing can be for no reason.

He asked directly: "Why is the Primordial Heaven Realm improperly dominated? It turns into a restricted zone of life, dormant and sleeps, I am quite curious."

There was a complex meaning in the face of Tianjun in troubled times, which made Ye Chen more and more sure that there must be a huge hidden secret in it.

But Tianjun in troubled times seemed reluctant to speak, and said: "You don't need to know these, you only need to know, anyone who invades the Burying World Mountain and violates the majesty of the restricted area of ​​life will undoubtedly die."


Heavenly King in troubled times took action, showing the supreme means of Taikoo King!

The wheel on the left hand, a strong stone stick in the right hand, is like holding two peerless war soldiers, blasting the past, along with the monstrous rules of the king, tearing the world and blasting Ye Chen.

"You still can't kill me."

Ye Chen shook his head indifferently, not caring.


Ye Chen attacked, as if chaos dominate the world, turning into an immeasurable monument with one hand, towering into the clouds, on which is branded with the sky runes, and there are unfathomable chaotic king rules, flashing here.

The other hand turns into a real chaotic dragon, with the dragon head as a fist.

Do not use the Great Chaos Cauldron, nor sacrifice the gate of the seal, with a pure Eucharist golden body to hardly shake the supreme master of the Primordial Heaven Realm in the past era-Tianjun in troubled times!

This is his Dao ~ ~ The Supreme Dao created after thousands of battles, the Dao that lasts forever, ancient and prosperous.

Not to mention the entire life restricted area of ​​Funeral Mountain, even if the terrifying and supreme avenue pattern is carved here, it cannot be concealed.

The sky is falling apart, and the starry sky will fall forever. Under Ye Chen's immeasurable monument, everything will be destroyed, everything will disappear and cease to exist.

The rules of the chaotic kings collapsed into the chaotic light, like the evolution of the world, the heavens are opening up, the ten thousand worlds are performing, and everything is climbing to the extreme level.

The whole world was shocked, and everyone was terrified!

Such a mighty power can only be shown by the gedai figure who can cross the border in the wasteland.

The entire Primordial Heaven Realm East is about to fall into a complete collapse.

If it weren’t for the burial mountain to set up a majestic array, spread over the entire restricted area of ​​life, suppressing all the might of destruction, otherwise it would spread out of the restricted area of ​​life for the first time, and the vast east would collapse. Broken, the sun, moon and stars will also collapse.

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