Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3423: War of Domination

The face of Tianjun in troubled times is extremely dignified, and the power of this desolate figure is really outrageous.

Although it has repeatedly overestimated, it is still somewhat underestimated.

However, he is not a weak person, he was once the master of the Primordial Realm of an era, how can he be a general generation.

On his burly body as high as one foot and five feet, the bronze-colored body is like the possession of a blue dragon, and the whole body shows an absolute power of the world.

At this moment, a large grinding pan grasped the grinding pan and faced the opponent's immeasurable monument, while the thick stone stick in the other hand blasted down at an incredible angle, aiming at the head of the chaotic dragon.

I saw that the majesty of the milling plate in the hands of Tianjun in troubled times was even greater than before.

Not only the gods are introverted and fully recovered, but also a world of broken worlds emerges, there are also terrifying creatures of the strongest beings, there are giant star beasts that swallow the sky and the earth, and there are Gu Tianpeng who spreads wings and shatters the boundless earth. The Primordial Demon God who sleeps in the deepest part of the earth and awakens can disrupt half of the Primordial Realm, and there are also Primordial Kings who are also the overlords of the universe...

Various Xeon existences have emerged one after another, all highlighting how many peerless existences Mo Shipan has killed with the chaos Tianjun back then.

I have to say that the power of the Heavenly Monarch in troubled times is too strong, confident and strong, with or without the capital of the enemy world, and there is also the heavenly cultivation base that dominates the ups and downs of the Primordial Heaven Realm.

All beings are trembling!

Such power is rare forever!

With a loud bang, the two had a shocking collision.

Here, there are endless road runes flying, and the rule of the king is soaring, and there are dozens of millions.

If it is looming, I don't know how many visions have emerged.

What corpses of gods and demons are falling, what world is annihilated, what stars are falling, what kind of soldiers cross the sea and so on.

It was revealed between the two collisions, but was also obliterated by the big collision.

The terrifying light of destruction rushed out of the forbidden area of ​​life on the Burial Mountain, swept across the six and eight wastes, swallowed nine heavens and ten places, turbulent the entire Primordial Realm of the infinite east, as if to be buried together and buried during this time.

I have to say that this is a terrible battle, which is rare in the world and hard to find in ancient and modern times.

After all, one was the ruler of an era in the Primordial Heaven Realm, and the other was a generational figure who broke through the rules of the sky, shattered the barriers of all directions and crossed the border. No matter whoever, he can be called the eight realms of the ten thousand realms. Hard to find in ancient and modern times.

The collision between them is naturally no small matter.

But it made the world terrifying, because this was only the first blow of the collision between the two, it was terrifying.

The terrifying collisions turned into circles of destruction ripples, spreading, and even the formations of the Burying Mountain were wiped out a lot, and it was difficult to completely stop them.

It can be seen that once these ripples of destruction spread, it will inevitably cause incalculable destruction to the entire Primordial Realm.

This level of destruction, even if it is just aftermath, is still terrifying.

The world is vast, and there are a few people who can stop it, and the quasi-prince will be shattered and destroyed.

Let alone under the quasi-king.

But even though the Primordial Heaven Realm is extremely powerful, there are still not many Primordial Kings, and there are only a handful of them in the world, and even the entire Heaven Realm in the endless eastern land is hard to find.

In the east of the heaven, hundreds of millions of sentient beings panicked and bowed their heads towards the Burial Mountain, hoping that the former ruler of the heaven, the heavenly monarch in troubled times, could take action to prevent the destruction of the disaster.

But Tianjun in troubled times ignored him. On the contrary, he raised the stone stick towards Ye Chen and slammed it down, destroying the sky, and all the stars were swept away and exploded.

Ye Chen raised his fist and collided with it, clanging loudly, resisting, and said: "If you don't stop it, do you want to let all sentient beings be smothered?"

Tianjun in troubled times is indifferent and ruthless: "All beings have something to do with me, and they die when they die, but only a group of insignificant ants."

I have to say that Tianjun in troubled times is very ruthless, ignoring the life and death of sentient beings.

Even the masters of other restricted areas of life did not take action, and were always indifferent.


At this time, Ye Chen shot, and chaotic lights burst out from his body, deriving ten thousand rules, evolving ten sealed gates, falling on the outermost periphery of the restricted life zone, exuding the power of sealing the ten thousand realms.

All the ripples of destruction were blocked and could not spread effectively.

Although Ye Chen was angry with the Primordial Realm for sending troops without authorization, and he was intent on killing him when he crossed the border, he was only the top person and had nothing to do with hundreds of millions of people.

Unless he is an alien, he can't do a massacre.

Such a move made many people in the Primordial Realm feel astonished and guilty.

The former masters of the Primordial Realm were indifferent to all living beings, but the characters from the deserted realm who crossed the border took protection, as if turned over.

I have to say that this is ironic.

At the same time, invisible, the world suddenly felt resentment towards Tianjun in troubled times.

Ignore hundreds of millions of sentient beings and regard them as grass and mustards.

It's just that Tianjun in troubled times doesn't know all of this, but even if he knows, what is it?

As the master of the forbidden zone of life, he was aloof and once overlooked the entire Primordial Realm. Even the seven eternal heritages were not afraid of them. How could he be afraid of the general sentient beings.

In the endless years of cultivating the Tao, he has long since reached the ruthless state of "the way of heaven is not benevolent, and everything is the dog", which may also be called an alternative state of heaven.

For the masters of this forbidden zone of life, there is nothing more important in the world than stepping into the supreme realm.

All sentient beings raised their hands and wiped out.


Ye Chen smiled, but looked unusually cold: "You used to be, but you were just an ant."

Raising his hand is a slap.

That is the deduction of Chaotian Shaking Hand, the Holy Way of Fighting and the Combination of Chaos Taoism, and hundreds of millions of chaotic lights are born out of thin air, and there are endless chaotic runes surrounding it, like a chaotic sun, crashing down.

The look of Tianjun in troubled times changed drastically. At this time, he didn't have the slightest care. Even though he was strong and conceited, he didn't dare to do so in the face of such figures as Ye extremely serious.

He shot with thunder, and the big sharp fist blasted out, but the seemingly simple blow gave birth to an infinite brilliant light out of thin air, everywhere in the world.

It is as if the world's fire has been summoned, and every fire light is like a huge pillar of heaven, containing Dao fire of various attributes.

I have to admit that this is a terrifying secret technique that is unparalleled in the world.

This is the Wanyan Supreme Fist of Tianjun in troubled times, which is made by melting the heavens and the fire.


The two collided again, this was the third blow, but it was still terrifyingly messed up, not to be underestimated.

The boulevard pattern of Burial Mountain was once again wiped out. I don't know how many burly mountains collapsed and the dust soared to the sky, but they were also crushed into dust by the power of destruction, and they no longer exist.

At this moment, Tianjun in troubled times began to use unprecedented ultimate killer moves!

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