Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3425: 9 restricted areas dominate Qizhi

Tianjun in troubled times is far from his opponent, and he understands that he was only ridiculed by the opponent before.

At this moment, understanding the life and death matters, hurriedly yelled: "You don't hurry up, once he kills me, you will be the next one."

The masters of the eight life forbidden zones are all swaying, understanding the meaning of Tianjun in troubled times, but they are also shaken.

If you don't take action at this moment, perhaps it won't arouse the anger of the Lord of the Desolate Kingdom, and you won't take action against them, and there will always be a fluke in your heart.

The turbulent Tianjun understood what they were thinking, and sneered: "Do you really think he won't take action against you after he solves me? You have all shot him to prevent him from crossing the border, and want to kill him, it can be described as life and death. How can you not seek revenge from you? Don’t have unnecessary fantasies!"

"it is good!"

After all, as the master of an era and manifesting the restricted area of ​​life, they are all resolute and ruthless. How can they hesitate and decide to take action now?







One life forbidden zone exploded one after another, and all of them shot up into the sky, piercing through Xiao Han, showing infinite power.

One after another, the supreme figure moved, they came from all over the Primordial Heaven Realm.

There are southeast, northwest, central land, and even the starry sky.

But without exception, they all carry an immense power, crushing the past and the present, who can compete?

The immeasurable Primordial Realm was shaken!

The sky collapses and the earth is torn apart, and the heavens and paths will also disperse.

Highlight the vast Tianwei dominated by the nine life restricted zones!

They appeared holding their own taboo ancient soldiers, and in an instant, they straddled the endless sky and landed in the life restricted area of ​​the Burial Mountain in the east of the Primordial Heaven Realm.

Like eight supreme gods in the dust.

The world is silent!

Hundreds of millions of sentient beings have no light, and all are paying close attention to the life forbidden area of ​​Shizhangshan.

A peerless battle involving eternity is about to break out.

It is the nine life forbidden characters in the forbidden zone of the ancient world who dominates one person against the ancient world.

"Are they finally here?"

Ye Chen slammed a punch, and the bombardment caused a cloud of blood to explode on Tianjun in troubled times, almost piercing his body.

Tianjun in troubled times retreats steadily, far from being an opponent, he is covered in blood, and his aura has languished a lot, very embarrassed.

But watching the emergence of the rulers of the eight life forbidden zones, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then raised a cold and ruthless smile: "The ruler of heaven, even if you are a peerless king, facing the nine people like me, you can still be buried. kill you!"

The taboo characters in the nine life forbidden zones are all the strongest among the kings, extremely powerful, although they are not peerless kings, they are not far away.

And there are nine people, how powerful.

God blocks and kills gods, Buddha blocks and kills Buddha!

However, the taboo characters in the Eight Life Forbidden Zones did not immediately take action. One of them shouted: "Heaven Lord, as long as you leave the Primordial Realm at this time and swear that this era will not come again, I can wait without taking action."

The taboo figures in other life restricted areas also nodded, agreeing with this.

The face of Tianjun in troubled times changed drastically, he opened his mouth, but did not speak, only his face was extremely gloomy and ugly.

He knew very well that other taboo figures in the restricted area of ​​life were extremely afraid of this desolate heavenly ruler.

A peerless emperor-level supreme master has the ability to master the world. It can be seen from the ability to penetrate the rules of the sky, resist the full recovery and suppression of the nine taboo ancient soldiers, and even suppress him, a taboo figure in the forbidden zone of life.

Although the nine people are confident that they can kill each other, if the other party is desperately killed, it may drag half of their own party to the funeral.

For this, no one will doubt.

It can only be said that the ruler of the kingdom of heaven in the wasteland is indeed strong enough to overwhelm the world.

It's just that it can't be completely invincible, otherwise it's not such a situation now.

As a last resort, they really don't want to fight with a peerless king-level figure. They are a little careless and pay the price of their lives!

"Oh, really?"

Ye Chen spoke, seemingly interested.

Hearing this, the nine taboo figures were overjoyed and said: "This statement is definitely not false."

Suddenly, all the colors changed, because I felt a monstrous might hit my face.

There are also endless dangers and excites everyone's horror.


At this moment, Ye Chen moved suddenly, almost to the extreme, seeming to have surpassed the long river of years, and descended in front of the heavenly monarch in troubled times, with a move that suppressed the ancient and modern emperor magic.

Tianjun in troubled times couldn't react, he was blasted to pieces, and Xingshen tore to infinite fragments.

Hit hard!

Completely hit!

Of course, he hadn't died in the first time, relying on the terrible vitality, survived tenaciously, but suffered a complete blow.

Such a heavy damage to Xing Shen will inevitably lead to a sharp drop in strength, and it will even take many thousands of years to recover.

"Heaven is over!"

The roar of Tianjun in troubled times shook the boundless and vast territory, reorganizing the form and spirit in the distance, but there was a kind of fear.

If he weren't far from the peerless king, otherwise this blow would undoubtedly die if he was replaced by another primordial king.

The opponent's Chaos Dao law possesses the terrifying power to severely damage the origin and destroy the true spirit.

The other taboo characters in the eight life restricted areas were also angry, and they actually shot like this in front of them, really looking for death.

They were so angry that they shot Xiang Ye Chen directly.

"Hahaha--, let's all go together, today I want to see if your so-called life taboo figure in the Primordial Realm is so strong."

Ye Chen's momentum went even further, the chaotic light set off billions of brilliance, shining in the world, swaying the heavens, shooting straight, ignoring everything.

With a loud shout, he took the initiative to meet him, fighting the other eight taboo figures in the restricted life zone.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The explosion turbulence, set off the entire Primordial Heaven Realm East!

The rules of the ten thousand worlds and the heavens are boiling and burning, violently and directly hitting the nine-layer, submerged in the vast starry sky, and I don’t know how many stars fall.

The Primordial Heaven Realm fell into absolute silence, because everyone was paying attention to the peerless battle that shook the past and the present.

For some reason, the world actually hoped that the Gedai characters of the wasteland would prevail.

Perhaps it's because the ruler of the restricted area of ​​life ignores the millions of sentient beings and regards it as ants, while the ruler of the kingdom of heaven is the opposite, guarding the billions of sentient beings.

The outbreak of the Great War is an unprecedented battle involving the supreme dominance of the Primordial Heaven Realm.

The entire Zangshishan life restricted area was completely exploded, and it was reduced to the dust of history.

At this moment, they rushed into the 33rd layer of heaven, submerged into the sky, and fought in a wider territory.

There is no doubt that today and this day will inevitably be recorded in the history, remember the eternal spring and autumn!

Above the firmament, in the land of immeasurable starry sky, one after another stars exploded and gradually became the dust of the universe.

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