Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3426: War of Domination

The ruler of the nine life forbidden areas, his eyes are like a sacred furnace, staring at Ye Chen, the ruler of the desolate kingdom of heaven, for a moment, shining to the extreme.

"Kill him, he may hold the Supreme Emperor's Secret, as long as he is killed, maybe he can spy on the Emperor Realm without fighting for the heavenly nature!"

There is a restricted area dominates the mouth, extremely cold, but extremely greedy.

After being cultivated for less than a thousand years, he became a peerless king!

Such a fast cultivation speed is simply going against the ages, at least in the Primordial Realm throughout the ages, there has never been such a peerless evildoer.

And from the wasteland, there is also a suppressed supreme demon, so it is natural for them to suspect that Ye Chen has the supreme emperor's trace on his body.

"Come on, see if you kill me first, or I will kill you first, hahaha—"

Ye Chen laughed loudly, and in an instant, endless chaotic light gushed out of him, drowning everything, shining with nine colors.

In a trance, his physical body was made of chaotic nine immortals gold, with invincible aura, any forbidden zone master can feel it, and his heart is throbbing.


The masters of the nine restricted areas also fully recovered for the first time, and the strongest state broke out.

In their hands, they each hold each other's taboo ancient soldiers, and they are united, surpassing the past.

One of them, holding a death sickle in his hand, flashed a cold white light from the death sickle while flicking.

When this light comes out, it can cut off the eternal sky, cut down the eternal time, or cut down the head of the king.

The other person is holding an ancient Taoist pagoda with 18 floors. Each floor is buried with a world of heaven and earth. Inside it is the roar of boundless evil spirits, as if buried 18 layers of hell, terrifying and terrifying.

The third person was a bottle, like some kind of chaotic immortal gold, flowing colorfully. At this moment, the mouth of the bottle was spouting, and there was a vast starry sky spewing out.

The fourth person is a heavenly sword. I don't know what material it is cast, but it can carry the most powerful force of the ages.

There are seven gems inlaid on it, which are the legendary chaotic gems, and their value is no less than chaotic fairy gold, unparalleled in the world, and each gem has its own different power, such as the sun, lunar, time, nothingness...


The masters of the restricted area have successively shot, and everyone directly sacrificed their own forbidden ancient soldiers, which is not much stronger than under remote manipulation.

Because of their personal shots, it is much more terrifying.

The masters of the nine life forbidden zones have taken full action. It is simply that the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kill the Buddha.

Even if the Lord of Burying Mountain of one of them was hit hard, the strength displayed in a short time was far less than before, but it was too terrifying and could sweep the sky.

The nine people attacked together, believing that in this world, no one can resist.


Wasteland, the Sky City of the Little God Realm!

Everyone also looked at it, very worried.

Zhao Jingruo, the goddess, stood up, and the weather bloomed, turbulent the entire Little God Realm, and the cold voice rose out of thin air: "What a Primordial Realm, what a nine life forbidden zone, enter at all costs, nine people strike me together Husband, be punishable!"

The goddess has always been cold and ruthless, but she was angry when she saw her husband suffer.

By his side, Abenu, Chen'er, Yuqing, Yiwu, Qianxun, Yaya, Chenxi... and others were all angry, and wanted to directly enter the Primordial Realm and rescue Ye Chen.

The strongest, Emperor Chaos was motionless, suppressing everyone’s auras, and stabilizing the Little God Realm, saying: "It’s okay, you have to believe him, he really wants to make a move, no one in the Primordial Realm can stop him. ."


Facing the common attack from the masters of the nine life restricted areas, the ancient time and space were all shattered.

"Maha Boundless!"

Between the electric light and flint, Ye Chen directly used the emperor's defensive magic power-Maha Infinite Wall, and it was a Maha Rubik's Cube, surrounding himself and withstanding all attacks.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The Maha Wuliangbi displayed by Ye Chen in its current state was still blasted to pieces and exploded directly.

But withstood the first wave of attacks.

The joint offensive dominated by the nine life restricted areas is as strong as Ye Chen and dare not care.

He is indeed strong, but he can't be completely invincible.

The appearance of Maha Rubik's Cube resisted more than 70% of the offensive, and the remaining less than 30%, he resisted it with his own chaotic halo, and nothing happened.

After all, his Eucharist golden body is infinitely close to the emperor level in all aspects.

"Junior, you must know that the peerless king is not absolutely invincible."

With a loud roar, one of the life restricted areas dominates the air, causing Ye Chen's expression to change slightly.

Peerless king?

In the nine life forbidden zones, there are also masters of peerless kings.

A terrifying attack directly penetrated the chaotic aperture and bombarded him.

With a puff, Ye Chen's mouth was bleeding.

But the vitality is not diminished, and he is still in a mess, and he shouted: "Okay!"

The Great Chaos Cauldron reappeared, manifesting the gods, like the second Ye Chen attack, breaking through the air, directly smashing all obstacles, and hitting the master of the peerless king-level restricted area.

At this point, Ye Chen had to use other means.

In this instant, another forbidden area master shot, blasted out, cut across, and instantly grabbed Ye Chen's eyebrows, which was a single kill.

As soon as this knife is released, it directly cuts off the heavens and all paths, which contains the most profound and infinite mystery in the world, as if it is all-inclusive, and all the mysteries in the world are fully revealed here.

Ye Chen's expression changed, because there was a second person who reached the level of a peerless king.

He also underestimated the nine restricted areas of life.

Of course, the nine life restricted zones also underestimated him.

Naturally, at this time, he was still not ready to use the two great emperor's Tao treasures.

The power of the eternal king is much stronger than the average peerless king.

Silently, he turned the chaos supreme body, waiting for the appearance of the second eternal king, the infinite chaos light manifested a chaos sword, deduced the chaos sword technique, and collided with that lore.

Swords collide Countless swords are flying, shattering nine heavens and ten places.

At the same time, Ye Chen fully demonstrated the eternal king's means of conquering the world, offering a real ten-fold sealed gate, each sealed gate resembling the Primordial Demon Mountain, suppressing the Primordial Ancients and blocking this infinite territory.

The endless power of sealing and the power of the field of inaccessibility have greatly suppressed the strength of the masters of the nine life restricted areas, causing their strength to drop repeatedly.

Of course, even so, it actually suppressed the decline in strength by less than 20%.

For example, the strength of the two peerless kings still lasts for as much as 90%.

After all, the Sealed Gate couldn't suppress so many at the same time, and it was definitely not incomparable.

But doing this step is also very remarkable.


Ye Chen shot, the chaotic light all over his body boiled, and even burned, incarnation of the chaotic heavenly emperor.

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