Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3427: Falling day

Ye Chen forcibly shook the ruler of the nine life restricted areas, and the world was broken and the world was hard to observe.

Because that piece of land has the rules of boiling and burning, blocking all sight observations.

Fortunately, their battle was in the outer starry sky of the Primordial Heaven Realm, boundless enough to hold their peak battle.

Otherwise, the vast territory of the Primordial Realm would not be enough to kill, and it would inevitably destroy hundreds of millions of sentient beings.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The extremely terrifying force not only destroyed the outer starry sky to pieces, but also rushed out and hit the five territories below.

The horror of this peak battle can be clearly felt no matter where in the Primordial Realm.

It even shakes the entire Primordial Realm.


At this time, the original power of the Primordial Heaven Realm was mighty, spreading across the entire territory and under the starry sky, blocking the impact of all destructive forces.

A layer of sky veil created by the power of the source.

In the Primordial Realm, hundreds of millions of sentient beings can only see that the war of destruction is erupting.

The terrifying force arbitrarily destroyed the sky full of stars, and I don't know how many star fields were destroyed.

Even if the distance is hundreds of millions of miles away, it is a distance that countless cultivators cannot cross in their entire lives, but still can see the incomparable light of destruction rippling, appearing wantonly in every corner of the domain.

The terrible aftermath spread even more, the bombardment of the heavy sky revealed by the power of the source, the impact caused a circle of ripples, heralding the terrible war.

"This battle can be called the battle of dominance!"

Hundreds of millions of sentient beings trembled, and some of the king-level ancestors spoke, and their eyes trembled, responding like this.

Indeed, this can definitely be called a battle for dominance. Whether it is the ruler of the nine life forbidden zones or the ruler of the kingdom from the wasteland, it is a well-deserved ruler of a land.

Especially the ruler of the kingdom of heaven in the wasteland is incredibly strong, and one person can fight against the ruler of all ages in the ancient heaven.

His strength is beyond the reach of the world.

"No, the sky is about to collapse, and destruction is about to come!"

Suddenly, hundreds of millions of sentient beings changed color.

Because they can all be seen in the sky, the unparalleled light that originated from outside the sky suddenly bloomed.

It illuminates the entire starry sky, illuminates the entire Primordial Realm, and is countless times more dazzling than the sun.

An unspeakable stalwart force exploded in an all-round way, hitting the heavy sky.

Soon the world was horrified to see that the unbreakable original sky curtain was actually torn apart like rotten.

There were thirty-three layers of curtains in the sky, and eighteen layers were torn apart in the blink of an eye, and the remaining fifteen layers were still torn apart at an astonishing speed.

Once the remaining fifteen layers of the sky curtain are also torn apart, the infinite destructive power that occurred above the sky will inevitably be poured down, destroying the immeasurable territory of the Primordial Sky Realm, and causing the largest scale of life in history.

It is conceivable what kind of battle has taken place above that sky.

At this time, within the territory of Taikoo Heaven, countless rays of light suddenly appeared between heaven and earth.

There are the rules of heaven and earth, there are ten thousand formations, there are the light of the heavens, and there are the historical relics left by the strongest in history... one layer of layer, layer by layer, appearing from all directions, intertwined and overlapping the entire Primordial Realm, highlighting The stalwart and huge formation pattern of heaven and earth, showing countless powers, involves the heavens and the realms.

Vaguely, as if containing supreme majesty.

Some of the strongest exclaimed: "The Primordial Heaven Realm has a very uncomplicated origin. It was formed from the remnant realm of the upper realm of the universe in the last era. There are also ancient emperors who have left immortal power in this realm, which can be guarded at critical moments. The entire Primordial Realm!"

According to records, the Primordial Heaven Realm was suspected to be inferred from the upper realm in a more distant ancient era, so it was so magnificent.

At the center of the Primordial Realm, the seven eternal inheritances did not panic. In their respective inheritances, an unsurpassed soldier appeared, resuscitating, permeating the entire eternal inheritance.

This is one of the supreme heritage of the seven eternal heritages, suppressing the eternal warriors!

Vaguely, the seven great ancient soldiers, which are passed down through the ages, are suspected to be even more terrifying and immortal than the taboo ancient soldiers whose lives enter and dominate...

Even the king-level ancestors of the eternal inheritance showed wise eyes: "Fortunately, this battle has completely changed the pattern, and the Primordial Realm will be completely new."

Located in the absolute center of the Primordial Realm, it belongs to the first of the seven eternal heritages-Tianxu!

The highest central place of Tianxu is a palace of heaven.

In the temple, ten thousand ways are submerged, an unfathomable existence, like a sleepless eternal sleep, the whole body is endless light.

If it is visible to outsiders, this is the power of faith, and it accumulates to an extremely terrible level.

Even if it is the kingdom of heaven, even if it is Ye Chen's other forces, such as the holy religions of the Supreme Emperor Realm, such as the Chaos Tianfu, the combined power of all beliefs is far less than one ten thousandth here.

At this moment, the eyes of the most mysterious and stalwart existence in the Tianruu were opened and closed, and a pair of eyes containing a hint of magic light...


Suddenly, a loud noise originated from above the sky.

The world can hear it, as if the Primordial Heaven Realm had been penetrated.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Accompanied by it, a terrible loud noise came one after another, vigorously, shaking the vast Primordial Realm again and again.


Suddenly, the sky was torn apart from the sky that was suspected to be left by the ancient emperor, and it was like a bottomless abyss, reaching hundreds of millions of miles away.

In the next moment, hundreds of millions of sentient beings can be seen, and in the crack of the abyss, one after another stars burning to the extreme fall.

It's not so much the stars, but the skeletal remains.

It turned into a dazzling meteor shower, spreading across the vast ancient world.

That was the starry sky shot down by the war on the sky.

Although it is terrible, there is no shortage of Xeons They have taken action to smash many falling stars, and the power will completely fall into the world, causing lives to be charred.

Many Xeons narrowed their eyes, opened the eyes of the sky and the eyes of the Tao, and through the torn cracks in the sky, they looked at the peak duel that took place above the sky.

"Look, everyone!"

At this moment, someone exclaimed, but saw half an extremely huge star falling from the crack.

This star is only half of it, but it is nearly hundreds of millions of miles long.

The whole body burns, releasing an unprecedented bright light, which can illuminate the eternal world, with a burning hot power.

As soon as it fell from the crack, the temperature of the entire Primordial Heaven Realm rose a lot out of thin air, and many lush green forests went straight to the yellow, and even the endless forests burned.

Not to mention the sky, it burned completely...

Even the king of God would change color after feeling it, and immediately exclaimed: "It is the sun, and the nine-wheeled sky that traverses the Primordial Realm has been blasted down!"

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