Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3430: Fallen?

Don't you see, countless fragments burned in the air, and then hit the earth, just like a star falling, causing the endless place of the Primordial Sky Realm to fall into absolute destruction.

I don't know how many big mountains and giant mountains were hit by corpse fragments and disappeared.

Even the corpse fragments contained incalculable dark power, and the place where they fell was to make the surrounding area degenerate into darkness. Whether it was a human, a monster, or other races, they all became monsters and changed their colors.

But at the same time, it is also a great opportunity.

As long as it is obtained, as long as it is successfully refined, it will inevitably allow the cultivation to go further, which is of great benefit.

Even a lot of corpse fragments that are larger than the stars, are successively shot by the strongest from all over the world, and they are regarded as treasures.

The Primordial Kings are no exception.

If the previous complete state of the restricted area dominates the corpse, they dare not fight, but the fragmented corpse fragments can always be contended, unless the master of the wasteland heaven is completely opposed to the entire Primordial heaven.

When the Primordial King took action, a giant hand snatched a fragment of the corpse comparable to a super star, and was delighted.

But soon, a terrible loud noise was heard, and an extremely terrifying force rushed from the corpse fragment.

The rules of the avenue are burning, burning the sky, extremely terrifying.

A little bit of Zhan Ran, the power is bound to die.

It is the remaining power that dominates the war above the sky, and it is now erupting!


The Primordial King calmly said, suppressing all the remaining power, and soon collected the corpse fragments.

In this way, a huge fragment of the corpse of the forbidden zone dominator was successfully collected.

The other corpse fragments, as long as they don't fall into the mountains and rivers, all are caught by the strong from all sides.

Although every corpse fragment contained terrifying and strange power, many strong people were caught off guard by the power of darkness, causing the loss of many strong people.

But there are also more powerful people who are strong enough. The ones who shoot are at least above the level of the heavenly kings, and even the mighty, the gods, and the quasi-kings. Depending on the size of the corpse fragments, more than half of them successfully dissolve the power of darkness. And then sealed.

Above the firmament, above the heavy sky, countless destructive brilliance bloomed completely.

One after another, it continued, but it took a long time to see the fifth corpse falling down.

Hundreds of millions of sentient beings, everyone in the world feels that it will be difficult for the desolate kingdom to rule!

So, it lasted a full half day.


In the end, a loud noise that shook the eternal realm suddenly sounded through the Primordial Heaven Realm.

It also spread to the seven realms of Earth, Xuan, Huang, Yu, Cosmos, Hong, and Huang through Tianguan.

All parties rule the sky, constantly shaking, rumbling, alarming all directions, and even many cracks appear.

No one knows what is happening above the sky, only endless rays of light are blooming, and through the heavy sky and the ancient emperor's road, everything is alarmed.

The thirty-third layer of the sky curtain was torn open for the first time, and the light curtain of the ancient emperor's path was constantly shaking and crumbling.

But it was always strong, resisted, and never completely broke.

But everyone in the world can feel the horror of the ultimate light, and even the ancient king would be frightened, knowing that if he is above the sky, he will undoubtedly die.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The light curtain of Dao Ze was torn open a series of huge cracks, with a large number of terrifying things falling, causing terrible destruction.

There are the falling of the heavens and stars, the shattered world, the fragments exploded by the avenue, the corpse fragments of the forbidden area, and the broken remains of the forbidden ancient soldiers...

The strongest from all sides have taken action to block, there are also places of good fortune from the sages, and even the seven eternal heritages have also taken action one after another to guard the Primordial Realm.

Of course, they are also competing for these fallen objects.

For any cultivator, these falling objects are all truly priceless treasures, and they are of extraordinary benefit to their own practice.

I don't know how much time passed, all the brilliance on the sky finally disappeared.

The world is paying attention, the strongest looking in the distance, the Primordial King opened his eyes and looked at the sky above the sky for a moment, wanting to know the final result.

I saw that the land of the starry sky that was originally shining and prosperous completely disappeared, and replaced by a ruin-like starry sky outside the domain.

As far as the eye can see, there are all star skeletons turned into pieces.

The countless star fields turned into smoke and dust, and the starry sky was permanently dimmed for more than half.

This is the result of the battle for dominance!

Annihilate Xinghai at every turn!


The nine-wheeled sky, which was supposed to hang high above the unattainable heights, now only has six.

There were three rounds of days, which was permanently beaten down.

Even the remaining days of the six-wheeled road, the glory dimmed a lot, and even shifted.

Everything is showing the fierceness of the battle for dominance!

"Where is the ruler of the other five life restricted areas? Where is the ruler of the kingdom of heaven in the wasteland? Are they all perished?"

The world's attention is that the moment when the ultimate light shines is enough to kill the Gedai characters of this level.

But after all, it is the master, they think there should be someone alive.

However, the primordial kings of the various parties hope that they are all lost, otherwise, how can they obtain the corpses of the forbidden zone masters and upgrade themselves.

This is especially true for the ruler of the kingdom of heaven in the desolate land. It is a generational character and peerless existence who dared to face the ruler of the nine restricted areas and kill four people one after another.

And the cultivation of the Tao is less than a thousand years, if he can get his body, it may be possible to spy on the mystery of promotion to a higher level.

I don't know how long it has passed. When the strongest was preparing to leave, an immeasurable behemoth slowly grew up in a blood-stained star ruins above the sky.

Even if the whole body is wounded, or even torn apart, the huge body is broken into pieces, but the aura can still shake the eternal starry sky.

"It's the master of the restricted area of ​​Kunxu. He hasn't died yet, he is still alive."

The world recognized the identity of the master of the restricted area.

Kunxu, one of the nine life restricted areas.

The infinite blood light was rewinding, together with a dazzling soul light, reorganizing a huge body of hundreds of millions of miles in the broken star ruins.

Then the body of billions of miles shrank and transformed into a normal human form, flying around the heavens.

Although the aura had been sluggish a lot, it was still extremely terrifying, far from being comparable to that of ordinary princes.

His figure is vague, standing in the broken star ruins, like the chaos demon who has opened the world.

"The Lord of Kunxu is still alive, what about the others? What about the Lord of the Desolate Land?"

The world is nervous.

Then, in the other broken star ruins, there were terrible energy rippling one after another, shaking the endless starry sky.

One after another, the huge huge bodies of hundreds of millions of miles reappeared in the world, and they all belonged to the forbidden zone of life.

However, there is only no aura that belongs to the ruler of the Desolate Kingdom.

In the endless star market, there is only absolute silence.

The whole world trembles, has the heavenly ruler of the desolate land fallen?

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