Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3431: After the war

Many Xeons sighed secretly.

As it should be.

Although the ruler of the Desolate Kingdom is strong, there is only one person after all.

Even as a peerless king, none of the nine life forbidden zones is the strongest among the kings, not to mention two of them are both peerless kings.

He was able to slash four forbidden area masters in the battle of dominance, and even later seemed to kill other forbidden area masters. It was already an extremely remarkable record, let alone a complete sweep and killing everyone, which is simply unrealistic.

It's just a pity. After all, this is a peerless and unique character, the only one in ancient and modern times, who has swept the nine life restricted area masters with a supreme posture of less than a thousand years, and slashed more than four, which is enough to explain his enchantment.

"It's rare to be born a Gedai figure who can kill the ruler of the restricted area. After all, it is too easy to break. If you can practice for a period of time, maybe it won't be so, but it can be completely swept away."

There are primordial kings who can't help but sigh.

Cultivation in less than a thousand years has already reached such a state. If you practice for a period of time, wouldn't it be possible to reach the supreme level of the previous era, and it would be no problem to completely sweep the nine life restricted areas by then.

Unfortunately, there has never been an if in the world!

Suddenly, someone felt something was wrong.

"One, two, three..."

The people of the world carefully counted the number of dominators in the restricted area between the star market, suddenly, the pupils shrank suddenly, the heart trembled, and the scalp numb——


There are as many as seven!

how is this possible?

The world is shaking!

The Primordial Heavenly Realm has only nine restricted areas of life, and even in the battle of dominance, the world sees them. Among them, the masters of the four restricted areas are successively killed by the masters of the desolate kingdom.

Its immeasurable body even fell under the sky.

In the final collision, even other restricted zone masters seem to have fallen.

Logically speaking, there are only five talents left at most.

But why, there are still seven?

It's terrifying!

No one understands.

Only the seven eternal inheritances, as well as the grand ancient kings of the world, looked at the shattered immeasurable star market in the distance. Among them, two behemoths were actually different from the other five people. They were very dark and evil, as if they were related to the whole world. The world is out of place.


It was an alien!

Moreover, it is still the supreme existence among alien races, not weaker than the two existences dominated by the restricted area.

Silently, they participated in the battle of dominance and cooperated with the dominance of the nine restricted areas, just to kill Ye Chen.

At this moment, everyone in the world understands why the fourth corpse is full of dark power, it turned out to belong to a foreign race!

A Primordial King clenched his fists and was secretly angry: "Before the master of the desolate kingdom of heaven killed the first master of the forbidden area, he was so angry and murderous in the sky. Is it because he discovered this?"

He subconsciously looked at the wasteland, if there were other characters in the wasteland, would he attack them?

It is a pity that the wasteland is destined to be unable to understand all that, because the caves of the regular Tianguan have long been completed by the rules.

At this time, in the endlessly broken star market, the five forbidden zone masters and the two foreign demon kings reorganized their body and spirit. Even if the aura is sluggish, it is still extremely terrifying, and the divine consciousness sweeps the infinite starry sky, constantly searching.

The purpose is to search for the figure belonging to the ruler of the desolate kingdom.

As a result, no vitality was found.

"Did the heavenly ruler in the wasteland really be killed?"

A restricted zone master frowned and couldn't help asking.

The same is true for others.

This time the opponent was too terrible, forcing them to use the ultimate hole card, and even the most hidden alien race appeared.

Paid the greatest price!

Just to kill him.

Today, the Star Market has abandoned them, leaving only the dying starry sky.

The ruler of the desolate kingdom of heaven is suspected to have fallen!

"There is no doubt that he must die. The heavenly ruler is indeed very strong, but what about it, after all, is just a stronger peerless king, not to mention that I am still using such supreme means."

In order to kill the ruler of heaven, they paid a great price, unimaginable.

But I think it's worth it, because everything that the heavenly ruler of the wasteland showed was too terrifying, and he had to go all out to kill.

"I want to see people in life, and corpses in death. Continue searching, and be sure to find the body of the ruler of the kingdom of heaven, unless his body and spirit are destroyed.

The master of the Kunxu restricted area spoke very coldly.

Seven dominance levels exist together to sweep the endless star market.

For a long, long time, maybe there was really no trace of it. Gradually, the masters of the restricted area left one after another.

The two great alien demon monarchs who were born suddenly also disappeared silently.

The starry sky seemed to return to silence again.

After a long time, the silence was broken again.

That was an ancient emperor, stepping into the broken star market, his eyes turned back to the endless broken starry sky.

Or to understand the truth of the war of dominance, or to find whether there is any supreme treasure left after the war, such as the fragments of forbidden ancient soldiers, such as the supreme corpse, such as the inheritance of the supreme avenue, such as the master class. A soul light from the strongest and so on...

Successively, several Primordial Kings manifested the Star Ruins, and after staying for a long time, they disappeared one after another.

Immediately, other strongest people entered the Star Ruins one after another, looking for the remnants of the war of dominance.

After all, whether it is the ruler of the desolate kingdom of heaven or the ruler of the forbidden zone of life, they are all stalwart existences that crush the eight realms of the ten thousand realms. Even if they leave a fragment, as long as the divine nature is immortal, it is the supreme treasure.

Someone was pleasantly surprised and obtained a master-level avenue fragment.

Someone obtained a slightly huge fragment of the ancient soldier, still bearing the mark of the Great Dao, inscribed with rule runes far beyond the realm.

Some people have obtained a soul light, the soul light that exists in the world at the dominance level, even if it is precious to the Primordial King.

Some people even obtained an ordinary star-sized fragment of the sky and sun, stained with the blood of the dominance level, and it was more than one kind, such as a treasure.

Naturally, some people were worried, and found nothing, but almost fell.

Because the battle of dominance has long since turned the endless starry sky into the star market, even if it ends, there are still terrifying rules and powers that never dissipate, leaving the star market for endless years.

If you are not careful, the strongest will be crushed by the enduring power of this battle of dominance.

Because someone has accidentally encountered the remaining power after the War of Domination, and they are broken to pieces.

Someone saw that a supreme quasi-monarch entered into a star market and witnessed a huge ruling powerhouse with a broken arm. His heart was surprised, but he was hit by a residual force, and his body and spirit were destroyed and he died. Can't die anymore.

In general, The broken star market is full of danger and opportunity.

It can be said that opportunities and dangers coexist.

Few people left, on the contrary, more people continued to join the queue, searching, hoping to get great opportunities...

No matter how you say it, the battle for dominance has completely ended.

On this day, far away in the wasteland, the reincarnation of the great emperor suddenly declared retreat.

Everyone in the Little God Realm was worried.

Did something happen to the deity in the Primordial Realm?

However, the rule of heaven was repaired and they could not understand the Primordial Heaven Realm.

Moreover, Emperor Hun Yue never made a move, so he seemed to understand.

PS: Tomorrow will upload the second chapter of Wuxiangjun Fanwai on the official account, you can add "qianxunyue1314" on WeChat, thank you!

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