Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3432: Profound Realm Disaster

PS: Let me tell you again, the second chapter of Wuxiang King Fanwai uploaded the official account today, you can add "qianxunyue1314" if you want to see children's shoes

The Profound Realm, one of the four most powerful realms in the Ten Thousand Realms, has never lacked the existence of God Kings throughout the ages.

It is even rumored that there are several quasi-king ancestors who look up to the realm of the king.

For endless years, it has been in the forefront of the eight realms of ten thousand realms!

Like the wasteland, the endless space is full of turbulence, and there is also a plane world of Hengsha.

I don't know how much the overall strength of the Profound Realm is far better than that of the Wasteland.

On that day, the profound realm was shaken.

Located in a place with endless turbulence in space, suddenly an extremely terrifying force penetrated the Profound Realm and hit it down.

The strength of this force directly trembled the Boundless Profound Realm.

Even the most powerful people in the Profound Realm were shocked, all standing in the realm of quasi-kings.

But the power that penetrated the profound realm was so powerful that it surpassed them by innumerable amounts, causing them to feel like an ant looking up to the gods.

The force that penetrated the profound realm turned into a space channel, and a large number of powerful men rushed out of it.

This changed the color of several quasi-monarchs in the Profound Realm. There were hundreds of people who came, and at least they were all powerful. There were many gods, and there were many quasi-kings. There were even a few who surpassed the quasi-kings. The king exists.

Especially the head of the person, the power is so powerful that it almost penetrates the universe, making them feel that the other side's thought is enough to kill them.

Who are they?

Soon, when they felt the fluctuations in their bodies, all their faces paled——


They actually descended into the Eight Realms of Ten Thousand Realms.

Could it be that the heavens and domains of the upper realm were completely occupied and invaded by foreign races?

In the passage, the powerful foreign races appeared and glanced at the Eternal Realm. One of them indifferently said, "Is this the eight realms of the Pangu universe? Well, this place seems to be the Profound Realm, the third ranked Profound Realm, but it is really weak. There are only a few quasi-princes among the strongest, hey, there is also a monarch-level strong sleeping, but I didn't expect it."

This person was exactly an alien king, and his divine mind scanned everything directly into the entire profound realm, and there was nothing to hide.

Unexpectedly, a Profound Realm ranked third would actually still exist at the level of Primordial Kings.

After all, the Eight Realms of the Ten Thousand Realms can only be regarded as the land of the lower realm compared to the heavens and the Ten Thousand Realms.

"Master Dao 10 doesn't seem to be in this profound realm. I will catch an important person to understand the situation."

Another alien king directly used supreme means to easily capture a Profound Realm quasi-prince, and the latter had no resistance at all.

Aside from anything else, conduct the most brutal soul search.

The quasi-monarch couldn't bear it, his soul fell apart, but all the information emerged.

The alien king frowned: "According to my understanding, the tenth master of the ancient universe of our world is in the wasteland of the eight realms of ten thousand realms, but now the eight realms of ten thousand realms are isolated, and there are rules blocking the sky. He wants to penetrate the rules of the sky. At the very least, it may also require super king-level strength to achieve this."

He looked at the headed person, this line, naturally there is no lack of such existence, and it is above the king.

"But as far as I know, there are people from the Pangu universe who have descended from the heavens and domains to the eight realms of the ten thousand realms. I am worried that such a move will provoke the powerhouses of the Pangu universe. And I understand that in the near future, the eight realms of the ten thousand realms will They will penetrate each other, and when the time comes, there is no need to break through the rules of the sky. It may be better to save Dao Xian adults."

"it is good!"

The leader nodded. Although he is strong, the Pangu universe is not weak, and there is no shortage of invincibles of the same level.

To save Dao Xian, we must be extremely cautious, otherwise a little carelessness may cause great mistakes, and save Dao X will not succeed. On the contrary, oneself is very likely to fall into crisis and lose more than gain.

"The Eight Realms of Ten Thousand Realms will run through in the near future. It's a pity that I can't swallow so much blood, but it doesn't matter, the first priority is to save the Dao Tenth Lord, and everything else will be counted later."

"I ruled the entire Profound Realm first, and waited until Lord Dao X was saved. The creatures of these planes could turn into the blood of Dao X Master, supplementing the power that has been missing in the endless years."

The powerful people of the alien race shocked the entire profound realm and regarded it as a place of blood.

On this day, the Profound Realm among the eight realms of the Ten Thousand Realms was caught in the panic of the foreign race. The most terrifying foreign race powerhouse swept past, directly destroying the most powerful forces in the Profound Realm, capturing several quasi-kings, and even The Primordial King, who was hidden at the deepest level, was shocked and battered to life.


Time can soothe everything.

The years are long and fleeting.

Soon, thirty years passed after the War of Domination.

Although the battle for dominance in the past is still vivid, it is recorded in the history of the Primordial Realm.

But for the hundreds of millions of sentient beings, they are still far from reaching that level, and they still have more goals to live.

Thirty years, say long is not long, say short is not short.

The world has changed a generation!

During this period of time, the Taikoo Heavenly Realm and Ten Thousand Paths continued to boil. Originally, there were only Liulun Dao Tianri left, but in the past thirty years, it has been reorganized to form the Nine-Round Dao Tianri.

The heavens and paths that were shattered by the war of dominance gradually recovered.

More importantly, during the past thirty years, the ten thousand realms, eight realms, and the rule heaven have gradually penetrated each other, and the eight realms can basically pass through each other.

Originally, the eight realms wanted to truly penetrate, and inferred based on the past years, at least it would take thousands of years to transition.

After all, the rules of the heavens are condensed from the supreme rules of the ten thousand realms, and it is not easy to dissipate.

But the battle for dominance caused too great an impact, leading to the turbulence of the eight realm rule Tianguan, which faded in advance and changed drastically.

The only thing that makes people feel weird is that the place that belongs to the wasteland always belongs to the forbidden land of the other seven realms.

Even the rule of heaven continues to exist, but it is the joint efforts of the other seven realms to maintain.

After learning about the Domination War, they worried that there would still be a second Gedai figure such as the ruler of the kingdom of heaven.

One heavenly ruler caused such a situation in the Primordial Heavenly and even lost many Life Forbidden Zone Lords. If a few more come, I am afraid the entire Primordial Heavenly Realm will be demolished.

Therefore, it has been blocked.

However, because of the gradual penetration of the Eight Realms of the Ten Thousand Realms, the fusion of the Ten Thousand Ways with each other promoted the further prosperity of the Primordial Heaven Realm.

In the past thirty years, the world and the world of the eight realms of the ten thousand realms have become more powerful and rich.

Especially the Primordial Heaven Realm, even more vibrant.

The collapse of the sky and the earth caused by the war of dominance in the past, after 30 years of evolution of the world, has been repaired a lot, and only the broken star ruins need a long time to slowly recover.

However, the self-repair of heaven and earth has promoted Wandao to become more powerful, and the rules of Wanjie have become more perfect.

Even on the top of the unattainable sky, there are signs of the tenth round of the avenue.

The incomplete Heavenly Dao seems to be completely filled.

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