Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3438: Blood Seal

It’s not that Kuzhou College is not good enough. On the contrary, it can become a one-state training college in the ninety-nine states of the ancient country, which is enough to prove the prosperity of Kuzhou College.

You know, the ancient kingdom is an extremely huge ancient kingdom in the Primordial Realm, and its area is often large enough to diverge in a radius of tens of millions of miles or even hundreds of millions of miles.

The land of a state is much larger than many kingdoms.

Kuzhou College has become the top training academy in the entire Kuzhou, which is enough to explain a lot.

But there are still only a handful of people eligible to be selected, it is conceivable.

Li Gu's attention was diverted and he looked at the two great arrogances, and hurriedly called everyone to come behind him, and he came to shelter to avoid any accidents caused by the collision of the two great arrogances and hurt them.

His realm is far superior to that of the students, and naturally he can see that the two great Tianjiao who are contending for hegemony are both at the semi-sage level.

Moreover, as a young Tianjiao, he is on the ascending ladder of the human body with his blood and energy, and he is bound to be valued by the big forces behind him, and he must have an extraordinary method, which is stronger than his half-sage, like the setting sun.

But Ye Chen, motionless, stood on the shore of the lake and never left for half a step. He raised his eyes to look at the fierce battle on the lake.

He thought of the past, the years of young hegemony, a little bit sorrowful.

But I also want to understand the cultivation system of the Primordial Realm.

At the beginning of the battle for dominance, he discovered that although the cultivation system of the Primordial Realm is the same at present, it seems to be faintly older, and it is suspected that it inherits a system from an even older era.

This may be of great help for him to break the Dao Tiantu.

After just staring for a short time, all the secrets of the two great arrogances were in sight, and he sighed slightly, nothing special.

Maybe you need to get in touch with higher-level talents to understand.

However, Li Gu was surprised to find that Ye Chen's eyes were calm, and even Gu Jing was not waved. It seemed that this semi-holy level super showdown could not cause him the slightest fluctuation.

Am I thinking wrong?

Inexplicably, such a thought emerged in his heart.

"Senior Ye, don't be there, be careful."

Zhang Fan suddenly spoke, calling Ye Chen, worried about him.

Ye Chen smiled at him, indicating that it was all right.


Suddenly, the battlefield shifted, and it actually rushed to the direction of Kuzhou College.


Li Gu's expression changed slightly, the two of them were both semi-sages, and they were true tianjiao, their combat power was much stronger than that of his aging half-sage, and he might not be able to stop it.

The two great arrogances in the duel, one of them was a jealous young man, and naturally also found Ye Chen on the lakeside, but without raising his eyelids, he continued to shoot, ignoring that it is extremely likely that the aftermath would kill Ye Chen.

The other was a simple and honest young man with a burly and tall physique, as high as ten feet. Seeing that Ye Chen was still standing on the shore, he hurriedly shouted: "Friends of Daoist leave."

"Hmph, Manhu, you have the heart to worry about the guy who is not afraid of death, why not worry about yourself."

The young man was cold, and his shot became more powerful. He directly hit the Man Tiger with a clanging sound, directly causing his body to collide like metal, clanging clanging, and sparks splashing.

Obviously, the tall and strong young man named Manhu is a body refiner, and his body is quite powerful. It is evident that he has withstood a blow from the jealous young man without breaking his skin.

However, Manhu was also greatly impacted, his figure flew upside down, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood, his burly, hill-like figure staggered slightly.

Of course, he also resisted this blow, and was blowing his hand, a strong wind blew past, turning into a torrential hurricane, with a soft energy, he wanted to take the innocent person Ye Chen away from here.

There was a smile in Ye Chen's eyes, this savage tiger was a kind-hearted person.

But letting the hurricane pass by, he couldn't blow himself.

Man Hu sighed a little when he saw this, and he could see that Ye Chen deliberately did not leave, and he was not a pedantic person. Since the other party was unwilling to leave, he had no choice, life and death had only destiny.

"Man Tiger, could it be that he is the man king of the Man clan tribe in Dongsheng Thirteen States in the ancient country!?"

At this time, many people in Kuzhou College exclaimed.

The 13 states of Dongsheng are the collective name of the 13 states of the East in the ancient kingdom of Qianwu.

And the Barbarian tribe is one of the best superpowers in the 13 states of Dongsheng, far more powerful than the Kunzhou Academy by many times.

Manhu is the super arrogant young generation of the Man clan, known as the Man King.

Many students suddenly said: "It is rumored that the origins of the Man clan are not simple. In the distant ancient years, there was an ancient **** king who walked out of the ancient world, who was aloft, and ruled hundreds of thousands of miles of territory."

"Although later the ancient **** king sat down, the Man clan gradually weakened and weakened, and now it retreats to the 13 states of Dongsheng, succumbing to the ancient kingdom of Qianwu. But the thin and dead camel is bigger than the horse. Mastering a top-notch physical training method left by the ancient **** king, the ultimate practice can break the void, destroy the sky and destroy the earth, and achieve the golden body of the supreme **** king. The young king of this tribe is rare in the past. For those who are successful in cultivation, it’s no wonder that he suffered only a small injury from the opponent’s semi-sacred strong blow."

The Man King, the king of the younger generation of the Man clan, is a person who has achieved physical cultivation, practicing the physical training methods left by the ancient gods, and his flesh is extremely powerful.

"No, it is said that after the ancient **** king of the Man clan tribe sat down, there were other super-powerfuls who took the initiative to **** the **** king-level physical training method, and a terrible battle occurred. This is the strongest and directly weakened the Man clan. Back then, the physical training method was robbed of half, involving the scriptures of various realms, but now only the other half is left to the Man tribe. Every realm scripture has but it can be described as an incomplete treasure. "

Some students also know some inside stories.

The physical training techniques left by the ancient **** kings can be cultivated to the **** king realm. Who doesn't care?

Even if the ancient king of the gods died in sitting, but the Man clan eventually became strong in the age of the gods, and naturally there is no shortage of super powers. Therefore, they fought a battle with the enemies who came to **** the body of the gods, and eventually suffered heavy casualties. Only then did it directly decline, and even the Divine King's Body Refining Book was robbed of half of it, causing it to be incomplete.

Of course, even if it is incomplete, only half of it, it is still terrifying, but it can cultivate the physical body to a very high level, far better than the generation of the same level.

However, it was such a person who mastered the physical training method of the ancient **** king who was actually injured. One can imagine the power of the opposing Tianjiao.

"Sky Bow Sunset Slash!"

The young man shouted loudly and turned into a round of sky bow in his hand, but no bow and arrow shot. On the contrary, the crescent-shaped sky bow ran across the sky, turning into a terrifying light of thousands of meters long, with strands of holy power, traversing the sky and cutting. Xiang Manhu.

The wild tiger roared, displayed its supernatural powers, embodied a azure tiger with white forehead, which was thousands of feet long, roared, shook all sides, and actively faced the crescent moon with its teeth and claws.


Two semi-holy supernatural powers collided in the sky, and suddenly exploded with a terrifying power that was almost holy.

Half of the lake nearly exploded, setting off thousands of meters high and turbulent waves, hitting Cangyu, extremely terrifying, and spreading out.

Li Gu hurriedly used his half-sacred power, turning into a circle of light curtains, overlapping and overlapping, containing the power of Dao marks, protecting the many students behind him.

But even if it was just aftermath, there were still many cracks in the light curtain, many layers were broken, and it was almost completely disintegrated.

After all, I still bear it.

At this time, everyone also looked towards the shore, which was the land occupied by Ye Chen, and was a little worried.

Even if they were so far away and protected by the elder's light curtain, they were still almost broken, and Ye Chen was so close, it would be dangerous.

But soon, everyone was surprised to find that on the shore of the lake, where Ye Chen stood, and even within the radius of a radius, there was nothing left, which was really shocking.

Li Gu even doubted his earlier speculation.

This Ye Chen might really be a saint, otherwise it would definitely not be so safe and sound.

In midair, the jealous young man and the wild tiger each stood in the void.

But obviously, the former occupies a certain advantage, the wild tiger's figure staggered a little, and even a bone-bearing wound appeared on his body, half of his body was dripping with blood, a little miserable.

The jealous youth has the absolute upper hand.

Here, the students of Kuzhou College exclaimed again and again: "The Barbarian King has actually been defeated. How sacred is that person? He actually severely injured the Barbarian King in the same rank.

Suddenly, Ye Chen showed a hint of suspicion: "Bloodline Seal!"

Observing in an instant, he felt the fluctuation of the blood seal from the wild tiger.

Moreover, this kind of bloodline seal is not simple, very complicated and profound, which made him interested.

I didn't expect to encounter a person whose blood was sealed here.

He had a feeling that the power of the bloodline sealed in this wild tiger's body was not simple.

The brutal tiger's wound was bloody, blood spurted, and he gave a wry smile: "Ao Changkong, I didn't expect you to reach such a position. I am afraid that it is only a short line before you can reach the Holy Tibetan realm."

Both are semi-holy, but there are also gaps.

Rumanhu is one step away from the Holy Tibetan Realm.

But this unruly young man is a frontline difference.

It's not unreasonable to be able to hit him hard.

At this time, the young man sneered and looked very cold: "Manhu, I told you not to save that kind of ants, but I didn't listen. It's fine now."

"Hehe, today I am proud to kill you here first to complete my path to dominate the great cause."


When the proud long sky figure moved, a terrible goshawk was immediately manifested outside the body, which stretched thousands of feet across, and between the feathers, all the marks were condensed from the road, which revealed a majestic and fierce might, let Li Gu, a veteran half-sage feel There will be a sense of death crisis.

The mighty power of transforming the gods encloses the sacred power, which is half-sacred power, covering the world and shaking the sky, making many students of Kuzhou College feel suffocated.

Li Gu murmured: "The tiger is dangerous."

Others also exclaimed because the name of Ao Zhangkong is also very famous, and it is the super arrogant of another super power in the land of Dongsheng 13 states that is no less than the Man clan.

No wonder it is so powerful.

"Man Tiger, die."

The Qianzhang Goshawk gave a long roar, and the eagle hit the sky, breaking through the sound barrier in an instant, like lightning, and slammed into the wild tiger.

Man Hu felt an extremely terrible life crisis rushing toward his face, and even felt that he would probably die after this blow.

But the Qi machine was already locked, and he couldn't leave at all, so he could only helplessly smile.

Am I going to fall here?

However, Manhu was unwilling to be killed at this point, his eyes stood up, his energy was concentrated, even if he was about to be killed, he had to resist desperately, giving Ao Changkong the final blow!

The next moment, he was shocked to find a figure appeared silently in front of him, seemingly familiar.

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