Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3439: Refining flow test


Qianzhang Goshawk hit hard.

The whole world is trembling!

The lake below is even more so that thousands of huge waves are stirred up, and it is almost boiling to the sky, extremely terrifying!

This is the strongest blow of Half Saint Ao Changkong!

But the imaginary body and bones did not appear. On the contrary, seeing that extremely terrifying goshawk was like lightning, it collapsed.

A slender palm held Ao Changkong's neck at some point, and lifted it up high as if he was carrying a chicken.

It's him!

Man Hu was shocked to find that the person who shot was the person on the ground he had just shot to protect.

Li Gu and the other disciples of the elders of Kuzhou College were equally horrified.

The young man named Ye Chen was really so terrible, raising his hand to resolve Ao Changkong's terrible offensive.

You must know that the magical power attack that fell on a semi-sage can probably kill it, but it was so easily blocked.

It can only be said that the opponent's strength is far higher than I don't know.

"you you--"

Ao Changkong looked at Ye Chen in horror. He just wanted to use a divine power, but was shocked to find that the divine power in his body was strangely blocked and could not use the slightest.

The ant, who was originally dismissive, is such a terrible person?

Ye Chen squeezed it up like a chicken, and raised his eyes slightly, but with an attitude of looking down, indifferently said: "I didn't want to shoot, but you regard me as an ant, regardless of my life or death. I had no choice but to shoot."

"Of course, in my eyes, you are actually just a trivial ant."


If the sound of death makes the three souls of Ao Changkong burst forth, hurriedly said: "Don't kill me, I am Cangxue——"


Before the words were finished, his neck was twisted.

There is also a special force submerged in his eyebrows, annihilating the soul.

Generations are proud of the sky, and die here.

Throwing away the dead body of Ao Changkong at random, Ye Chen looked at the wild tiger.

After Manhu was shocked, he replaced him with awe, and quickly bowed to him: "Junior Manhu, thank you for your help."

Experts are teachers, with such strength, they are fully qualified to be called a predecessor.

"It's okay, you have good intentions, and you wanted to protect my life. Now I can count on giving you a favor."

Ye Chen waved.

Manhu had lingering fears. Fortunately, his previous actions to Ye Chen were not like Ao Changkong, otherwise he would end up like Ao Changkong.

Immediately he smiled bitterly: "Senior should leave this place quickly, Ao Changkong's origin is very missing, but the descendant of Cangxue Palace's generation, if Cangxue Palace knows that it is Senior's work, he will definitely seek it out."

He vaguely warned that Cangxue Palace and the Man clan are both superpowers in the Eastern Sheng Thirteen States, and there is no lack of heavenly kings, which are extremely powerful.

"It's okay, I haven't paid attention to the mere Cangxue Palace."

Ye Chen waved his hand with an indifferent attitude, causing Manhu and Li Gu and others to look high, but also secretly shook their heads.

Although the strength displayed by Guan Ye Chen could easily kill Ao Zhangkong, it was indeed very strong, but it was probably at the later stage of the Holy Tibetan Realm, but facing the behemoth like Cangxue Palace, it was bound to be extremely dangerous.

Manhu was anxious, hoping to persuade Ye Chen to leave as soon as possible.

Ye Chen saw his worry and smiled: "You should be a body refiner."

Manhu replied subconsciously: "The juniors are exactly."

"Although the body refining method you are cultivating is average, it is slightly good to be able to cultivate to this level at the semi-holy level, but it is a pity that it can't compare with the rank Dao soldiers."

Ye Chen, who was a person, could see through Manhu's flaws at a glance.

It seems to be very strong, arrogant in flesh, as strong as a golden stone, which can be compared to the Hua Shen Dao soldiers, but it is a far cry from the semi-holy Dao soldiers.

As a top-notch body refiner, he is fully qualified to speak like this.

Manhu smiled bitterly. Although he didn't know how sacred the former was, it didn't hurt his helplessness and bitterness.

Although body refiners are often very powerful in their physical bodies, it is not easy to say that it is easier to compare with the same rank Taoist soldiers. Even many body refiners can hardly achieve this step. At most, they can only be stronger than the physical bodies of the same rank cultivators.

And frowned.

Because what he was practicing was the supreme body refining book left by a **** king and ancestor of the Man clan in the past. Even if only half is left, it can still be regarded as the precious supreme practice book of the age, but it is so contemptuously called by the opponent. It is "general", and if he doubts that **** king Guzu, this is something he doesn't allow.

He frowned and said: "Senior, the body-refining method practiced by the younger generation is the'Man God King Gong', which is left by the ancient **** king and ancestor of my Man clan..."

I didn't finish the sentence, but the implication is that this is the supreme body-refining book created by an ancient **** king. If you speak like this, if you question an ancient **** king, what qualifications do you have?

"Leaves by the King of Gods?" Ye Chen frowned, "In that case, it shouldn't be the case. No matter how bad the physical training method created by a King of Gods is like this, it is not like a rank soldier. You have to understand. Only if you can cultivate your physical body to a level comparable to that of Dao soldiers of the same rank, you can be considered as a body-refining stream."


Dare to love that I am not into the stream at all now.

Although Manhu knew that Ye Chen was very powerful in front of him, he was the most outstanding in body refining, and the body refining book left by the **** king Gu Zu was so questioned that he would never allow it for posterity, frowning and saying: "Predecessors may not know the difficulty of refining the body. It is not easy to improve the physical body. Even the ten most outstanding forces in the hundreds of nations and thousands of religions are just as good as the predecessors."

"What's more, the body refining treasure of my Man clan was robbed by the enemy, and only half of it is left, so it belongs to the incomplete treasure."

The underlying meaning is that I can cultivate to this point with the incomplete body refining book, and the level is still acceptable.

Ye Chen would not know what he was The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and said: "Since you have doubts, now I'll give you a chance to use your full strength against me, I will stand here, no Any magic spell, let you attack."

"But, senior—"

Manhu frowned. Although the senior was very strong and easily dismantled Ao Changkong's offensive, he had no barriers or even magical powers to stop his attack. If this is the case, I am afraid that he will suffer injuries in the end.

After all, he was the one who saved his life, and he didn't want Ye Chen to be injured.

"No, but, if you can hurt me, I can reward you with a complete body refining method." Ye Chen said.

"Physical training?"

Upon hearing this, Manhu was heartbroken, gritted his teeth, and said: "In this case, it is better to be respectful than to follow your fate. Please seniors be careful."


The wild tiger suddenly gathered a terrible force, appeared on his fist, trembling in the void, and immediately slammed it out.

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