Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3460: Born

Soon, another six months passed.

At this time, all the members of the Man clan tribes were all unlocking the bloodline seal, and after they were able to practice with the Great Desolate Emperor Tiangong of the Great Desolate Ancient Emperor of the Mythical Era, all of them were thriving, and the entire Man clan did not know how many times it had been upgraded.

Even Da Neng has also stepped out of several people.

Because in the past there were several half-step mighty powers like Mantai in the past. They were once used as tribal heritage to avoid disasters. Unexpectedly, they would be a blessing in disguise, and they would enter the state of mighty power with the release of the blood seal.

Fully sublimated.

In an instant, the Man clan seemed to have returned to the heyday of the ancient kingdom of Man God.

To a certain extent, it is enough to compare with the ancient kingdom of Barbarians.

The King of Barbarians was very pleased to see this scene, as if he had seen the return of the ancient kingdom of Barbarians that he pioneered in the past.

All members of the Man clan are extremely excited.

But for now, I still dare not change the original surname-Huang!

After all, it wasn't strong enough, the old days were as powerful as the ancient palaces, and they were all destroyed. What's more, now, even if Ye Chen is behind the backing, he needs to act low-key.

The return of the Huangdi clan is not an easy task, nor is it true that having an ancient emperor can truly ascend to the former position, what is needed is the return of the overall strength of the entire clan.

After all, no matter what Ye Chen said, he was also an outsider and couldn't protect them forever.

At this time, it had been a year since the entire Man clan disappeared.

The outside world also caused all kinds of speculations because of the unexplained disappearance of the Man clan. There was even Da Neng personally came to explore, but unfortunately they could not find the slightest trace.

Everyone in the world is wondering what happened to the Man clan and disappeared out of thin air.

At this moment, the Man clan was born again.

The reappearance of the Man's tribe in the world shocked the Dongsheng 13 prefectures and even the entire ancient kingdom of Qianwu.

A year ago, the Man clan disappeared without a trace overnight, and even Da Neng went to explore in person without any clue.

A year later, it was actually reappearing in the world.

What happened in the past year?

But what was more shocking was not the return of the Man clan, but the monstrous blood.

It can be seen to the naked eye that in the deepest part of the millions of mountains in the sunset state, in the land of the Man clan, there is a terrible blood flowing through Xiao Han, like a terrible dragon, shaking all directions.

Especially one of the blood qi shook the ancient kingdom of Dry Witch. The immeasurable blood qi overturned like a sacred furnace, burning the sky, and the entire ancient kingdom was clearly visible.

The forces of all parties were all disturbed.

When did such a strong person appear in the Man's tribe, that monstrous blood and energy made all the great powers of Qianwu Ancient Kingdom feel a kind of heart tremor.

Looking at the position of the millions of mountains in the sunset state, a burly figure appeared faintly, and the immeasurable blood was filled with the surging weather that covered nine heavens and ten places, which shocked the royal family of the ancient kingdom of Qianwu and shocked many great powers.

Even the ancestor of the ancient country, the **** of dry witches, was awakened for the first time, shocked to look at the location of the Man clan: "That Qi machine is the ancient **** of kings?"

The return of the Man clan was not hidden, and even showed a terrible side to the world.

"No, it's much stronger than ordinary **** kings, and I'm far inferior, could it be—"

"Savage God King?"

The ancient country nearby was also alarmed.

The resurrection of an ancient **** king shocked many ancient countries and sacred places.

And many people recognized that it was the Barbarian God King who led the Man Clan to its glory and prosperity in the past. It was a peerless God King-level existence that was ranked in the forefront of the ancient ancestors of the hundred kingdoms in the ancient times, a terrifying existence that was so strong that it was a mess.

Known as one of the overlords of the ancient times.

In the past years, if he had not violated the belief taboos of the dominion of the heavens, and if he had been punished by the heavens, how could he sit in the world.

Unexpectedly, there was no real sitting in the past, but now, no one can ignore it.

This is far more amazing than the promotion of Mantai.

Especially those people who participated in the competition for the "Barbarian God King Gong" in the body refining collection in the past are even more horrified.

How can they forget that in the past, the barbaric **** king dominated the world and overwhelmed the world, and the seven great things could not be passed down through the ages. When the old antique was hidden, he almost respected half of the world by himself.

I thought that the King of Barbarians had sat down, but I didn't expect that this overlord of the ancient times would return after tens of thousands of years.

I remembered that Barbarian God was promoted to great power not long ago, and the world still had difficulty understanding how he was promoted to great power in half of the incomplete collection, but now with the recovery of the barbarian king, they all understand that it is mostly due to the barbarian king.

On that day, the royal family of the ancient kingdom of Qianwu went directly to the Man clan under the leadership of the **** king Gu Zu.

On the one hand, it is to revere the power of the barbarian king of the past, on the other hand, it is also to find out.

Although the Barbarian God King has recovered, he suffered a terrible punishment that year, and it may not have been completely recovered, and there may be terrible hidden dangers.

If so, there is no need to worry too much.

But if it is really fully recovered, even the ancient **** king must be in awe.

How powerful was the barbarian **** king who ruled the ancient times in the past, but the dry witch **** king had seen it with his own eyes when he was young. In the previous era, even the **** king was slaughtered, and he was so ferocious.

In fact, many forces also sent envoys to investigate.

It's just that when you really stepped into the sunset state, that surging and vigorous vitality, that young and majestic body, even the **** of dry witches would tremble.

Because the other party is really the peerless **** king who dominated nearly half of the world in the past, and it has fully recovered.

At the very least, the King of Dry Witch could not feel the slightest blemish, the peak of blood and energy, as if facing a round of the sun, strong and strong, difficult to face.

This is the terrible power of the barbarian king in the past.

Even the **** of dry witches shuddered, not to mention other people, Da Neng's face was pale.

Other forces tremble even more.

The Barbarian God King faced Ye Chen with respect, but when faced with the Dry Witch God King, he showed the power of a real ancient overlord, cracking the sea.

He glanced at the Dry Witch God King, revealing a strange look: "So you are the young man back then."

Everyone present was horrified.

The King of Dry Witch was born at the end of the ancient times, but by this time, the age of existence has already exceeded one hundred thousand years.

However, in the years when the Barbarian God King dominated the ancient times, the Dry Witch God King was indeed very young, even when he first stepped into the power realm, relatively speaking, he was indeed very young.

But to speak of it, the Barbarian God King is indeed younger than the Dry Witch God King, because he was punished by God at about 60,000 years old, causing serious injuries and being sealed up.

Of course, during the time when the Barbarian King was dominating, the Dry Witch King was indeed a young man. Although he was awkward, it was not an exaggeration to call it a young man.

The God King of Dry Witch gave a wry smile, and the master was a teacher, stepping forward and clasping his fists: "Junior Dry Witch has seen the Senior Man God King."

The Man God King nodded appreciatively: "Unexpectedly, you have reached the level of the God King without seeing you in an era, and the Three Tribulations God King is quite good."

Hearing that, the **** of dry witch smiles bitterly, the dignified generation of **** king Guzu is actually called good, a bit sad, but the other party is a famous barbarian **** king in the ancient times, but he is qualified to speak.

Immediately he stepped forward to congratulate: "Congratulations to the resurrection of Senior Man God King, he will certainly fully recover the posture of the old Man God ancient country, and show its former glory again."

The imperial family of the ancient kingdom of Qianwu has only a wry smile, because the Man clan is in the ancient kingdom of Qianwu. If the king of the gods wants to reopen and expand territory from the ancient kingdom of Qianwu, the ancient kingdom of Qianwu will not be spared.

Facing such a peerless God King as the Barbarian God King, the Dry Witch God King didn't think that an ancient kingdom of Dry Witch could resist it.

However, I also hope that the Man God King will not open up the ancient country, and they are really unwilling to face the Man God King, a peerless God King without a last resort.

Unfortunately, this is impossible.

I only heard the Man God King said: "Young man, I didn't expect you to know my thoughts. You said it well. It won't be long before the Man God ancient kingdom will return to this Primordial Heaven Realm."

"Congratulations to the seniors, the juniors still have something to do. I have the opportunity to visit seniors in the future." The **** king of dry witches changed his expression slightly, and his smile was restored immediately before leading the royal family of the ancient kingdom of dry witches to leave.

It is also to prepare to face the invasion of the Barbarian tribe.

This ancient country of Qianwu is about to change.

The Man God King smiled and understood what the God King of Dry Witch was thinking.

Silently, Ye Chen appeared.

The barbarian king salutes respectfully, with some doubts: "Senior, is it a bit too fast and too sudden?"

Planning an ancient country and gathering beliefs are all first-class things. You can't make mistakes.

Although the current Barbarian tribe is almost comparable to the overall power of the Barbarian God Ancient Kingdom in the ancient times, it is not a simple matter to re-open an ancient country. It involves countless aspects and involves a wide range of things.

Once the Man clan was born, it was going to expand its territory, which was too fast.

He was worried too much.

Ye Chen said slowly: "It's too late if it's not soon."

That night, a piece of news alarmed the entire ancient kingdom of Qianwu and even many nearby ancient countries.

The Barbarian King is completely has the peerless fighting power to dominate the ancient times, and the ancient Barbarian Kingdom is about to be restored, and the ancient kingdom of Qianwu is likely to change the control of the Barbarian tribe.

Once this news came out, it was not only the ancient kingdom of Qianwu, but also the many nearby ancient nations, and even the 117 ancient nations were all shaken.

After all, this is the imperial power of an ancient kingdom about to be changed, not to mention the barbarian **** king, the overlord of the ancient times.

Secretly, many ancient kingdoms have received help from the royal family of Qianwu ancient kingdom.

But almost all refused, and no ancient country was willing to offend an ancient overlord for the sake of the ancient country.

Of course, several ancient kingdoms secretly agreed, because it was an ancient kingdom that participated in the division of the ancient kingdom of the Barbarian God. Now that the peak of the King of the Barbarian God returns, they are subject to a terrible sense of threat, and they are eager to join together to fight against the Barbarian King .

The next day, an even more shocking news shook the world.

The ancient country has changed!


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