Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3461: Mythological ruins appear

But it is not the ancient country of Qianwu, but another ancient country nearby-the ancient country of Cangshui!

The national strength is no less powerful than that of the Qianwu Ancient Kingdom, and it sits on a King of Three Tribulations.

But facing the Barbarian tribe, it was vulnerable.

Because of the direct attack of the Barbarian King, it broke all obstacles directly, entered the capital of the ancient Cangshui kingdom, slayed the ancient **** king of the ancient Cangshui kingdom, and changed the imperial power of the ancient kingdom.

Shock the world!

Even countless forces are even more astonished. The Man clan did not act on the ancient kingdom of Qianwu, but on the ancient kingdom of Cangshui?

This killed everyone by surprise.

The ancient kingdom of Gan Witch was surprised and grateful, but fortunately it was not doing it on himself.

However, people who know the inside story are suddenly surprised, and many forces panic.

Because the Cangshui Ancient Kingdom was one of the forces that took advantage of the Barbarian God King to sit down and finally split up, the Barbarian God King was taking revenge.

The next day, the ancient country of Cangshui changed its country name-Huang!

This spread out, leaving the world wondering, why isn't it-barbaric?

People in the world do not know that Huang is not only the Huangdi clan that was the predecessor of the Man clan, but also represents the origin of Ye Chen-Wasteland.

In the deserted ancient country, the Barbarian tribe replaced the old royal family and became the new royal family. With absolute force, the change was completed smoothly with almost no casualties.

In the next month, the actions of the Desolate Ancient Kingdom continued, as the world expected, they attacked the forces that had once attacked the Barbarian God Ancient Kingdom one by one, and the thunder swept across them, including the three ancient countries and the 27th. A sect force, a nest.

Including the ancient country of Cangshui, they are all four ancient countries that surrounded the ancient country of Qianwu.

Now, all of them have become deserted ancient nations, shaking the entire hundred nations.

Suddenly, the original 117 ancient countries became 114 ancient countries.

This caused panic among hundreds of nations and all religions.

Many ancient countries have speculated that the deserted ancient country is likely to act on other ancient countries.

Faintly, many ancient powers intend to unite together to resist the desolate ancient country that has returned strongly.

Especially the ancient kingdom of Qianwu, even more panic.

Because of the vast and boundless territory of the ancient land of desert, the ancient kingdom of Qianwu was directly sealed off, just like a country within a country.

Once the Desolate Ancient Kingdom chooses to take action at this time, the Qianwu Ancient Kingdom will not only have no resistance, but will also be helpless and alone. How can it contend with the Desolate Ancient Kingdom that combines the four ancient countries.

What's more, the most terrifying thing is the Barbarian God King, the Barbarian God King who exists in the peerless God King, one person is enough to crush multiple ancient kingdoms.

That night, the royal family of the ancient kingdom of Qianwu sent envoys to negotiate in the ancient kingdom of desert.

The Royal Family of Dry Witch hopes to pay enough to prevent the desolate ancient kingdom from annexing.

But it was rejected by the Desolate Ancient Kingdom, and it was said that the Qianwu Ancient Kingdom had better prepare for the war, because the undesirable Ancient Kingdom would launch a real general offensive against the Qianwu Ancient Kingdom.

The envoys of the ancient kingdom of Qianwu had an ugly look and returned to the ancient kingdom of Qianwu. After the royal family knew about it, all of them looked gloomy.

The Ancient Desolate Country This is a sign that the ancient country of Qianwu must be captured.

The royal family of the ancient kingdom of Qianwu also issued a reputation. The ancient kingdom of the deserted country invaded and occupied other ancient countries in this way. This violated the agreement of the hundred countries and required other ancient countries to deal with the ancient country of desertion.

That night, someone entered the ancient palace of Qianwu.

The next day, the ancient kingdom of Qianwu changed its tone and issued a statement that it was willing to join the ancient kingdom of desert and become a royal family of the ancient kingdom, and follow the ancient kingdom of desert to fight the world.

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately shook the Primordial Realm, and no one knew what happened the previous night, and why the ancient kingdom of Qianwu suddenly changed its tone.

But everyone can predict that this life is not only an era of golden age, but also an era of chaos. The pattern of hundreds of nations and religions in the Primordial Realm may undergo tremendous changes, all of which began with the rise of the deserted ancient nations.

However, at this time, the Desolate Ancient Kingdom chose to stop, claiming to the public that this was a revenge against the forces that divided the Barbaric Ancient Kingdom in the past. Other ancient countries and forces were not among them, and many forces were relieved.

Otherwise, facing the deserted ancient country with a peerless **** king, more than 90% of the ancient countries have only one way to escape.

At this time, the Desolate Ancient Kingdom began to merge all of the five ancient countries.

Originally belonged to the five ancient countries, they are not the same rule. Once they are in harmony with each other, there are bound to be various frictions.

However, the Barbarian King is very powerful, showing the power of the overlord in the ancient times, and the Barbarian tribe replaced the five ancient kingdoms and became the new royal family, and began to change all systems, changing the national policy, and replaced by the national policy system of the Barbarian Ancient Kingdom in the ancient times.

However, the reform of the faith was not immediately carried out. It is still early.

After all, the time for the ancient country to survive is too short, but only one month, and reforming the faith rashly is impossible to promote the whole country, it will even cause huge reaction, and it will have a huge impact on the stability of the entire ancient country.

Since Ye Chen wants to provoke the hegemony of belief that is dominated by the contemporary heavenly realm, he must naturally do well from the foundation.

He wanted to fundamentally dismantle the heavenly realm master's belief in the deserted ancient country.

From the top of the sky, Ye Chen stands in the void, condescending, overlooking the vast and desolate ancient country, and also overlooking the Luoshui Mountains that stretch for thousands of miles.

At this moment, the legions of the original five ancient kingdoms of the Desolate Ancient Kingdom have long been integrated. Among them, a group of millions of armies loyal to the current Desolate Ancient Kingdom were personally selected by the Man clan. They entered the Luoshui Mountains and interacted with many monsters. , Fierce beasts are combined into cavalry and are strictly domesticated.

This is the strongest army in the future deserted country to conquer other ancient countries.

I also saw the Luo River, four huge monster kings entrenched as huge as mountains, and there were also a large number of monster kings, beast kings, and hundreds of millions of monsters, showing a smile.

"After my injury is fully resolved, we can truly implement that plan."

Three months passed in this way.


On this day, it was located in the original Qianwu ancient country, precisely in the Luoshui Mountains of Dongsheng Thirteen Prefectures.

Suddenly, a vision of heaven and earth emerged, and it spread across a radius of millions of miles. It was amazing and shocked the world.

It seems There seems to be a boundless heavenly palace emerging, with a variety of rare heaven and earth visions, which immediately attracted everyone.

Everyone in the world is shaken, and everyone understands that the remains of a mythical era have been born from the domain of dry witch.

The domain of dry witch is a rename of the original land of ancient land of dry witch, changed from country to domain.

Cangshui Ancient Country was also changed to Cangshui Area.

This directly alarmed the Primordial Heaven Realm, and attracted the appearance of how many forces and strong people do not know.

For a time, countless more powerful people came one after another, just for the site of this relic.

It has long been rumored that the ancient ancient kingdom of Qianwu was suspected to have relics related to the mythical era, and it was not an ordinary relic, but now it is discovered that it is true.

Among the younger generation, there are countless Tianjiao rushing there, just to be the first to get that great good fortune.



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