Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3470: Ye Chen shot

? Immortal Emperor Medicine also went crazy, a full nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine trees and vines swung across his body suddenly, all the power emerged in an instant, and it directly collided with the three foreign kings.

The Emperor Medicine of Immortality, although not a true Primordial King, was absolutely extraordinary in strength. Once it showed all its strength, it was absolutely terrifying.

During the duel, the heavens and the earth broke directly, hundreds of millions of miles of land collapsed, and the land of mythical relics was about to be completely destroyed.

The powers on all sides are horrified. They haven't really snatched the treasures of the mythical relics yet, so are they going to follow them to destruction so soon?

The three foreign kings went and returned. Although they were injured, they were not serious. They continued to grow strong. Seeing the undead emperor medicine slowly falling down the trunk, they were full of greed: "This is the best time!"


They shot past.

Emperor Shen Yuan's expression was extremely ugly, while the opponent's Cliff King laughed loudly: "Hahaha, the emperor undead medicine will eventually fall into the hands of the ancient universe of our world."

At this moment, in a place no one noticed, Ye Chen turned to look at the passage of the mythical relics, and said, "After waiting so long, are you still unwilling to appear?"

"Fine, since that's the case, I have to take the shot first."

Silently, he appeared in front of the three kings of alien races.

Ye Chen's appearance out of thin air made the three slightly surprised, but the terrifying Emperor Tianwei overwhelmed the past, it was a natural power emanating, and it was mainly aimed at the Emperor Medicine to the Undead.

As for Ye Chen

In their eyes, they were like ants, they would turn into smoke and dust the moment they knew the impact of the mighty sky, and they didn't even care.

Far from the sky, Manhu saw this scene with surprise and worry.

He vaguely felt that Senior Ye Chen's strength was far superior to that of the Barbarian God King, but it was difficult to know how high it was. Now, seeing him run in front of the three alien kings, he was also a little worried.

"Do you think of me as an ant?"

Ye Chen smiled slightly, but directly saw through the contempt of the three alien kings, and immediately said domineeringly: "The three ordinary kings do not have such qualifications to regard me as ants. Generally speaking, only I regard you as ants."

Shake the sky!


The world exploded, and Ye Chen reached out his palm, snow white as jade, but it contained the most terrifying physical power in the world, breaking through the nine heavens and ten earth in an instant, and breaking through the heavy emperor Tianwei.

His figure, like a god, was awe-inspiring. Facing the slightly surprised gaze of the three alien kings, he smiled coldly: "You know? When I slaughtered the alien king, you were still hiding behind the base camp."

His voice shook the entire land of mythological remains.

Shaking Tianshou shot it out, and rushed into the ancient king of the Buddha Emperor Clan.

"The tone is really not small, the mere arrogance of the human race, really the Primordial King of the Ancient Universe in our world is the weak? It is ridiculous, today I will let you see what the real Primordial King is."

The ancient king of the Buddha's clan gave a grin, with absolute arrogance, the king's Tianwei instantly climbed to the extreme, sweeping across the vast land of mythological relics.

The immeasurable power spreads violently, and even the powerful of all parties who are hundreds of millions of miles away have been greatly impacted and continue to regress.

The slightly weak, such as the saints and the gods, were all knocked down from the sky by this king's heavenly power, and even many people were broken to pieces, directly exploded by the gods, and died.

Man Hu also felt a monstrous sense of oppression, almost torn his entire body and spirit to pieces.

At this time, the power of the ancient emperor's bloodline in the body is recovering, and the power of the bloodline is surging like a sea boiling, as if there is a divine emperor dormant in the body, voluntarily disintegrating and resisting the emperor Tianwei.

Fortunately, hundreds of millions of miles away, it was only a trace of the emperor's heavenly power that really descended on him, and the power of the imperial bloodline accumulated from generation to generation was extremely strong, otherwise it would be difficult to resist.

Zhu Qiang was horrified. This is the true Primordial King. Under the release of the immeasurable Tianwei, who in the world will stop?

The quasi-monarch will have a desperate way to face it!

At the same time, the buddha emperor Ge in the hands of the emperor of the Futu emperor clan contained a few traces of the charm of the real emperor of the emperor.

It was an attack on the undead emperor medicine incidentally, but it also possessed absolute power, shattering the infinite sky, and rushing towards Ye Chen with heavy destruction.

In the eyes of everyone, in the face of such absolute power, even if Ye Chen could crush the previous emperor Tianwei, he would definitely die.


The sky is shaking, I don't know how many miles of sky have been collapsed, and how many miles of heaven and earth have been destroyed, as if everything is in absolute destruction.

But I saw that in that monstrous light of destruction, the handsome Human Race Tianjiao always stood in the shattered void, unmoving like an ancient emperor, and that palm was still as white as jade and flawless.

On the contrary, the Primordial King of the Buddha Emperor Clan not only exploded the Buddha Emperor Ge's shape containing the charm of the Emperor Dao, and even his deity shattered half of his body in the collision.

That slender jade hand grasped the head of the alien king, completely alarming everyone.

"The alien king is defeated?"

"The dignified generation of Primordial Kings is vulnerable!"

"It's impossible. That's the Primordial King. Although it is not the top Primordial King, it is so powerful that the quasi-prince far surpasses the top quasi-prince. What's more, the Supreme Imperial Soldier he holds is a god, even if it is not real. The form is transformed, but with the imperial blood condensing a few strands of the imperial Taoism, it is definitely stronger than the average emperor immortal soldier, how could it be shattered?"

"Who is that man? Why can I defeat the Primordial King of a foreign race in a flash?"

Don't say that it is the strongest of all parties, that is, the pupils of the several great ancient kings present instantly shrink to the size of a pinhole.

They felt the absolute power displayed by Ye Chen at that moment more intuitively than anyone. UU reading

When facing each other, the Emperor of the Buddha's clan was defeated.

The speed, simplicity, and roughness of this process shocked them all.

Suddenly, he seemed to be facing Emperor Geshi!

This person, who is sacred, could destroy an ancient king in the face.

The emperor of the Buddha clan was terrified: "Who are you?"

He felt a familiar feeling when the opponent used the mysterious jade hand, but he defeated him so fast that he fell into such a situation before he could react.

Ye Chen held his head, the palm of his hand was still Xuanyu Wushuang, and smiled faintly: "Don't you feel what I am displaying now?"

Slightly sensed, that innate sense of hostility changed the color of the monarchs of the Buddha's clan: "The Holy Method of Fighting! You, you are the Holy King of Fighting!"

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