Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3471: Identity exposure

? Like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, the young generation of Chaos Sea crossed and smashed many other princes and princes and daughters, and even had to break the rules of heaven thirty years ago to enter the Primordial Realm and kill many masters. The fighting saint king of the strongest is in front of you?

Other alien kings also changed colors.

Gein Ye Chen’s reputation is too loud, with invincible combat power comparable to peerless kings, and the promotion of the eternal quasi-king in the legend, the legendary chaos practitioner, the key person in the Pangu universe, etc., who Can not be afraid.

Now, the **** of great slaughter actually appeared in front of his eyes, causing all the other three alien kings to change their colors.

The alien races in the land of mythological relics have also changed color.

Especially the Demon God of the Far Desolate, even more killing intent, but it is filled with a deep sense of powerlessness.

Because he knew that he was the same Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, and the difference between him and the fighting sage king was beyond description, it was a mess.

He can disregard the younger generation, but the power of the fighting sage king has long entered the realm of kings, and even killed many primordial kings of the alien ancient universe alone. The real big horror is the indispensable person of the alien ancient universe. Kill the people on the list.

Now, seeing that the fighting sage king defeated the Emperor of the Buddha clan in the face of his face, the feeling of powerlessness became even stronger.

I'm afraid that if I face this fighting king, the opponent's finger will be enough to crush him thousands of times.


Ye Chen's whole body began to undergo amazing changes.

Originally he was considered a handsome and tall young man, but at this moment, his whole person, no matter his appearance or temperament, was completely transformed.

In the end, a most handsome man who was carved from heaven appeared before the eyes of the world.

They have never seen such a perfect person, especially a man who looks like he is only in his early twenties, but his face is unparalleled, and he looks like a supernatural carving. With the looming golden section figure in the broken armor, he seems to be the world. The most perfect existence in time, unable to fault the slightest flaw.

His perfection surpassed the imagination of the world.

This is the true face of Ye Chen, the perfect appearance of the eternal king, even if compared to the fairy, it will be eclipsed.

At this moment, Ye Chen's perfect face was full of sarcasm: "Congratulations, you guessed it!"


The palm of the hand was hard, and in an instant, the head of the emperor of the Buddha clan exploded, and even the emperor's heavenly soul of Niwan Palace was also squeezed.

This is the horror of the Chaos Eucharist, it is so powerful.

What about the Primordial King, as long as it is not a super king-level figure in the sixth or seventh heaven or even higher, it is not so weak in his eyes.

"Brother Dao!"

The other three foreign kings exclaimed, and they also carried incomparable anger, and at this moment they were full of endless killing intent on Ye Chen.


Ye Chen directly swallowed all the flesh and blood and heavenly soul fragments of the Emperor of the Buddha Clan out of thin air, and the Chaos Saint Body gave birth to light.

Even if the true spirit in the heavenly soul fragments has not been completely annihilated, it doesn't matter. Its chaotic sacred body is like a chaotic cauldron, smelting all the impurities.

In an instant, the curse and wounds in his body resolved a lot, and there were numerous drops of pitch-black blood flowing out, each of which contained absolute curse power, which made the Primordial King almost change his color.

This kind of curse power is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary kings. Although a few drops are fearless, if they increase, even the Primordial King will be in great trouble.

If it was looming, the great ancient kings could all see that Ye Chen contained an indescribable dark power, and the power of the curse was far more terrifying than the black blood that was forced out.

In an instant, they all understood.

Ye Chen must have suffered terrible Dao injuries, and it was not a normal Dao injury, but a curse of Dao injury.

Reminiscent of the battle for dominance thirty years ago, he stood alone against the masters of the nine life restricted areas, as well as the super kings of foreign races, the curse wounds in his body must be left at that time.

Emperor Shen Yuan seemed to understand Ye Chen's true identity, and he exclaimed after a moment of silence: "I didn't expect your Excellency to have such a big origin."

By his side, the emperor's blessed lord also sighed slightly.

This person is actually the legendary ruler of heaven.

So young, yet so invincible.

The world only knows that the kingdom of heaven is invincible, but he does not know that he is so young.

Although it was vaguely heard in the battle 30 years ago that the ruler of the kingdom of heaven mentioned that the monkhood was less than a thousand years old, it was often shocked by its true combat power for many years, and it suppressed the ruler of the nine life restricted areas, and the crushing originated from darkness. The alien super king, so much that he forgets his true age.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, even the emperor would not dare to believe that the ruler of heaven was so young, in a sense, he was a young talent of the same generation.

However, it is just such a young Tianjiao who has reached such a height early, making him feel that he is far inferior to the emperor and child-level figures.

You know that he is the emperor, inheriting the most powerful and pure supreme bloodline, but he has to admit that he is inferior.

After the three great alien kings experienced a brief shock, they looked at Ye Chen with a sneer and said: "Battle Saint King, we have to admit that you are indeed very powerful. You can be compared to peerless kings in the past, and even stronger. But. We also know that you must have suffered the most terrible injury in the Battle of Domination thirty years ago. The curse was the one that was left behind."

"Although just now, you solved the Buddha Emperor's Dao brothers in the face-to-face room, showing an absolutely powerful side, but we don't believe how much power you have. It must be to forcibly raise the peak combat power."

"I just don't know how long you can last in this state."

The words The three big alien kings all looked at Ye Chen like their prey.

Fighting Saint King, the strongest arrogant that the alien race must eradicate no matter what, the strongest arrogant of Chaos Sea in this era, there is no one.

Once it grows up, it may have the opportunity to grow to the point where it is comparable to the original generation and the emperor, and it is extremely threatening to the entire alien ancient universe.

How can they allow such a terrifying enemy to fully grow up.

And once the Fighting Saint King is beheaded, he will definitely get the most generous reward, and no one can be unmoved.

At this moment, in their eyes, the Fighting Saint King is undoubtedly a prey to be slaughtered.

"Oh? Really?"

Ye Chen smiled slightly, but the smiles were full of sarcasm: "You really think that the Saint King of Fighting is a prey that you can only slaughter at will. Do you really think that I just used the current limit strength and cannot last?"

(End of this chapter)

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