Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3482: End of life forbidden zone

   The world is silent!

   At this moment, the Lord of Heaven showed a much stronger strength than thirty years ago, suppressing all the enemies, and forcing the terrible enemies hidden in the deepest place to rescue him, but he did not help him.

   All these are enough to prove the unparalleled ruler of heaven.

   thus completely laid the foundation for the supreme sovereign.

   Heavenly ruler, from then on is the supreme overlord of heaven!

   The great world shakes, alarming the seven realms of ten thousand realms.

   Only the wasteland is always cut off by the rules of heaven, without knowing it.

   The young generation's battle for hegemony in the eight realms was also briefly suppressed, silently, and they all had to raise their eyes to the sovereign of the kingdom of heaven, standing high on the highest point in the world.

   Silently, Ye Chen returned to the sky, but did not return to the ancient land of desert for the first time, but walked into the life forbidden zone.

  Naturally, his every move has attracted much attention, and the world is paying attention to what other actions the kingdom of heaven will do next.

Today, Ye Chen forcefully pushes all the forbidden zone masters and confronts the terrifying strong man hidden in the deepest part of the alien race. He almost killed everyone. He possesses absolute strength and makes the world respect, and now he stepped into this life. restricted area.

   As the former master of the Primordial Heavenly Realm, he believes that there must be a rich gods in the restricted area of ​​life, which can greatly supplement the background of the heaven and even the chaos.

   As expected, he was the first to step into Kunxu, which is the life restricted zone of one of the few peerless kings in the world. The inside is a big world with countless gods, enough to drive all the ancient kings crazy.

   He entered for a moment, and directly walked the entire Kunxu, into the original universe within his body.

   Following the law, he successively went through the other eight life restricted zones.

   Even if the four life restricted areas in the past were behind the dominance of the Battle of Domination, there are still few people who can set foot, and they have all been arranged by the former forbidden area dominators. They are not the super kings to break into.

   Naturally, in front of Ye Chen, who has absolute combat power, it is not worth mentioning.

   Not to mention that his strength has become a big success, not to mention the formation of attainments is not trivial, the only formation can not stop his entry.

   In the end, within half a day, the nine life restricted areas were completely taken away, and the Primordial Heaven Realm disappeared completely.

   shocked the world!

   For countless years, the nine life forbidden zones have been passed down through the ages, and they have survived forever, never disappearing. On the contrary, they have evolved more with the change of time.

   But now he was taken away and disappeared. It was a shocking news that shocked the past and now.

   But I think that the other party is the ruler of the heaven, the invincible character in the wasteland, all this is expected.

   In today's world, apart from the existence of the Gedai overlord who is the ruler of the kingdom of heaven, how many people can do this?

   Everyone in the world is silent, and they can't find a few, or even how many people can't find one.

   believes that the contemporary celestial realm dominates the celestial ruins is not necessarily possible.

   After all, the masters of the nine restricted areas of life, no one in the past was the master of the heavens in an era.

   The ruler of the heavenly kingdom has dropped the nine life restricted areas in a row. Does it also prove that his strength is stronger than the ruler of the heavenly realm, and is above all of this?

   Secretly, but with unfathomable characters, he doesn't think this view.

   They looked at the Tianxu in the Middle Territory, their hearts sinking.

  , but this part of a very small number of them, I am afraid that few people in the world really know the terrible master of the contemporary heavenly realm.

   After walking through the nine life restricted areas one after another, Ye Chen did not check how many gods there were, but went directly to the Emperor God Kingdom, the only immortal kingdom of the seven eternal inheritance.

   I have to say that Ye Chen's appearance completely shook the Kingdom of Emperor God, and the whole country trembled and was very nervous, lest the ruler of the Kingdom of Heaven would come to deal with the Kingdom of Emperor God.

   Although the kingdom of the emperor was formed by the mythical emperor and also possesses the supreme emperor soldiers, the ruler of the heaven has as many as two supreme emperor soldiers.

   And they also know that the disappearance of the other six eternal inheritances was caused by the actions of the former masters of the heavens. Even with the supreme imperial soldiers, it is impossible to escape the catastrophe, not to mention the fact that they are unstoppable in the face of the more powerful and countless times.

   Even so, the sleeping and sealed primordial kings of the Emperor God Kingdom recovered for the first time and walked out one after another.

   The Emperor Shen Yuan appeared, looking at Ye Chen with a solemn expression, and said: "Master of the Kingdom of Heaven, you are--"

   The dignified Primordial Kings are so solemn, as if they are facing a major enemy, one can imagine how terrifying Ye Chen's power is at present.

   The emperor, the emperor, also said: "Heavenly ruler, in the land of mythological relics, our emperor and divine kingdom was willing to give you some help, and even took the supreme emperor's soldiers for you.

   Ye Chen understood the worries of Emperor Shen Yuan and the emperor, and also felt the fear of the former emperors of the other resurgent emperor kingdoms, and even sensed the vague recovery of the Supreme Emperor's soldiers.

He smiled, restrained the two supreme imperial soldiers, restrained, and calmly came to the Emperor's Capital of the Emperor God Kingdom, saying: "Don't worry, I will remember the kindness in my heart. It is impossible to take action against the Emperor God Kingdom, and come here this time The main thing is to understand something."

   "Understand things?"

  Emperor God Kingdom is all surprised, what else does the ruler of heaven do not understand?

   But after hearing his intentions, he was also relieved, otherwise, who would be willing to go against such a terrifying heavenly ruler.

   "Ask the Lord of Heaven to enter the temple for discussion!"

   Emperor Shen Yuan and several emperor kings who have recovered one after another appeared in the most magnificent and solemn imperial palace.

   The emperor also appeared, he was indeed an emperor, and his status was no lower than that of several imperial kings.

  The Emperor God Kingdom greeted Ye Chen's entrance with the highest standard of etiquette.

  Emperor Hall, but the emperor and Emperor Shen Yuan and other resurrected primordial emperors, quasi-princes were not eligible to enter.

   "I don't know what the Lord of Heaven wants to know when he comes here?"

   The powers of the Emperor God Kingdom are very respectful and nervous, and easily dare not neglect this unparalleled figure.

   "Ask something about the inheritance of the ages, the destruction, and even the dominance of the heavens." Ye Chen was straightforward.

  The expressions of the top powerhouses of the Emperor God Kingdom and the Emperor Lord changed slightly, because this involves absolute taboos.

   It's just that the Ye Chen in front of him is a gedai figure who smashes the entire Primordial Realm, and he also knows some inside stories.

   Emperor Shen Yuan did not answer immediately, instead he asked: "What does the ruler of heaven know?"

"I have been in contact with the mythical emperor that was destroyed, and learned that the eternal inheritance was transformed by the mythical emperor, and I also know that the six great eternal inheritances of the past were mostly destroyed by the masters of the heavens in the past era." Ye Chen briefly mentioned from Some of the content known by the Man God King and other populations, but did not mention that the Man Clan is the former Wild Emperor.

   Hearing this, everyone in the Emperor God Kingdom suddenly changed their expressions slightly, knowing that Ye Chen had come into contact with the deepest secrets, and he did not hide it.

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