Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3483: 3 questions

   The emperor Shen Yuan said positively: "What the Lord of Heaven said is true. The inheritance of the eternity is indeed transformed by the mythical emperor, and the six great inheritances of the past are indeed caused by the rule of the heaven."

Although Ye Chen knew it for a long time, he really learned from the power of the Emperor God Kingdom that the destruction of the six eternal inheritance was really caused by the former ruler of the heavens, and he couldn't help being slightly gloomy, saying: "As far as I know, the ruler of the heavens During the age, all major Eternal Legacy must avoid three-pointers, and they have never faced each other head-on. Why do they want to attack Eternal Legacy?"

What's more, the mythical emperors are all descendants of the great emperor of the mythical era. The great mythical emperors sacrificed their lives in order to protect the Pangu universe. Many emperors were perished in the Great Shattered Myth, but their descendants of blood left in the world were It's simply intolerable to slaughter people like this.

   But thinking of the secret collusion between these heavenly masters and alien races, I vaguely understood a little bit, secretly guessing, is it related to alien races?

At this time, it was the emperor that spoke. Although he was only in the realm of the gods, as an emperor, an absolute high-ranking figure, his status was only higher than that of the emperor Shen Yuan. He said: "I don't know, although these days There are many reasons for dominating, such as offending their majesty, wanting to provoke their dominance of the heavens, such as attempting to accept the dominator of the heavens as subordinates, and so on. But we all know that the Eternal Heritage cannot do this. Stupid things, knowing the terrible dominance of heaven."

   "The so-called reason has always been just an excuse for the master of the heavens to deal with the eternal inheritance."

   "As for why they insist on destroying the eternal inheritance, we don't know. Perhaps this involves the eternal inheritance is the root cause of the mythical emperor, or it may have a deeper reason, which involves a lot."

   Ye Chen glanced at his eyebrows. The Emperor God Kingdom, one of the seven eternal heritages that lasted forever, didn't even know the root cause?

   He also mentioned that when dealing with the Eternal Legacy, the Heavenly Realm Lord also has the Supreme Emperor Soldier, and it is suspected that there are other Eternal Legacy shots behind it.

  The emperor of the kingdom of God is not surprised at all, he has known this for a long time, and his expression is complicated: "Someone secretly used the hand of the heavenly master to eradicate our mythical emperors."

"who is it?"

"I don't know yet." They shook their heads and mentioned that it is precisely because of endless years that the eternal inheritance has been destroyed one after another, and they also learned that someone secretly borrowed the Supreme Emperor's soldiers, which caused the great eternal inheritance to be different from each other. Trust and suspicion are serious.

  Similarly, because of these suspicions, other Eternal Inheritances also watched as the Eternal Inheritance was destroyed by the dominion of the heavens, stood by and waited coldly, and never treated each other.

   Ye Chen couldn't help shaking his head after hearing this.

   At this time, can’t you feel a sense of crisis?

I don’t want to face the supreme existence of the Heavenly Realm Dominator. I don’t want to be an enemy. I also have some suspicions. But maybe it’s the step by step of boiling the frog in such warm water that led to the passage of one era, the past 130,000 ancient heritage. It has become the seven eternal heritage of today.

   The six eternal inheritances that have disappeared are the heavy price paid by these mythical emperors. They used to watch them coldly, but in the future, they will inevitably fall on them.

   At that time, they would also feel the cold eyes of other mythical emperors, knowing the situation and mentality of the mythical emperor who was destroyed at that time.

   Ye Chen sighed softly and informed this.

   In any case, the Emperor God Kingdom was always willing to help him in the eternal heritage, and even loaned the Supreme Emperor Soldier to him, with a certain goodwill.

The Emperor God Kingdom naturally thought of this, all with a deep complexion, and the Emperor Shen Yuan smiled bitterly: "I also know this, but there is no way. The various emperor clans have serious suspicions between each other and cannot unite. Even if this goes on, it will basically be your turn in the end."

  The emperor clan is susceptible to each other, and they are also worried that even if they unite and have allies secretly cut in, it would be better to take care of themselves, perhaps they can live longer.

   The mentality that really wants is nothing more than nothing to do with oneself, to hang up high!

Shaking his head, shaking his head away from the doubt, Ye Chen said, "Have you ever thought about why the masters of the heavens in all ages will eventually leave and evolve the life restricted zone? Why do they secretly collude with alien races? Why fight Have you never used the power of faith?"

   He threw three questions to the Emperor God Kingdom in a row.

   The people of the Emperor God Kingdom suddenly changed their colors when they heard this.

   The first question, they haven't thought about it, but the second question is that they have never suspected that these heavenly masters are colluding with alien races.

   knows this only after knowing the battle of dominance thirty years ago.

   As for the third question, I never thought about it.

Because these celestial masters of the past era are strong and invincible, even if the eternal inheritance of the emperor family does not use the supreme imperial soldiers, they cannot be forced to use their full strength, even if they use the supreme imperial soldiers, they also have the supreme Emperor soldiers, never thought about why they didn't use the power of Now I want to come to war with Ye Chen, the ruler of heaven, and really never used the power of faith.

   If Ye Chen hadn't proposed it, they would have ignored it.

   Three questions, one is more difficult to answer than one.

   Ye Chen did not continue to ask, believing Huang Shen Guo would find the answer himself.

   left the Emperor God Kingdom, let this immortal dynasty countless powerful people all breathe a sigh of relief.

   At that time, I was really worried that the ruler of heaven would take action against them.

   Now, Ye Chen no longer conceals himself. There is a vast chaotic avenue stretched under his feet, stretching hundreds of millions of miles, directly across hundreds of nations and religions, returning from the land of the central region to the land of the east, and descending directly into the ancient land of the desert.

   I have to say, now his every move has attracted the attention of the world, especially when he appeared in the ancient country, it is even more surprising.

   Because Ye Chen has long since restored his former perfect appearance, this is the first time he has shown the world after the war of self-slaughter.

   Of course, many caring people have guessed many things vaguely.

   Maybe the rise of the Barbarian tribe, the return of the Barbarian King, and the emergence of the Desolate Ancient Kingdom are all due to the dominance of the kingdom of heaven.

   Ye Chen's return was greeted by all the clansmen of the Man clan led by the Man God King.

   The Ju clan was both amazed and shocked, how could it be possible that a senior in the past had such an amazing origin.

   Ye Chen no longer concealed his supreme dominance. The two dominance battles 30 years ago and later crushed the Primordial Realm and shook the past and shone the present. He completely laid the foundation for his supreme dominance.

   Faintly, he has great influence to overthrow the Lord of the Heavenly Ruins of the current world and achieve a new Lord of the Heavenly Realm.

  His real appearance in the ancient country of desolation has naturally attracted the attention of the world.

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