Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3493: The young ultimate battle begins

? Suddenly, a divine sword appeared in Ye Junlin's hand, and the chaotic light overflowed, performing a stunning sword move.

Hundreds of thousands of heavy sword glows were born out of thin air between heaven and earth. They overlapped and gathered together, and then turned into heavenly sword glow, colliding with Qin Shiqi's 16th sword.


The collision of two great sword moves can kill the Peerless King of Eight Tribulations.

The God of War broke apart and almost fell into disintegration.

Qin Shiqi was shocked. He didn't expect that Ye Junlin was also a swordsman **** king, and he was so powerful that he could withstand his sixteenth sword.

Immediately his expression was gloomy, and he shouted coldly: "Seventeenth!"

The last sword, also the strongest sword, gushes out the power of kendo, but it is not cut out with the sword of the **** king in his hand, but pointed out by the sword.

In the heavens and the earth, many divine swords are all clanging, flying and flying, as if to worship Qin Shiqi, the kendo **** king, and become one of them, attacking for the king.

A terrifying sword can cut time and space!

Ye Junlin's pupils shrunk slightly: "No sword is better than a sword, this Qin Shiqi's perception of kendo has reached such a level, he is indeed a rare genius of kendo!"

I have to say that Qin Shiqi's ability to become the super arrogant of the emperor list indeed has the capital of his pride.

Not to mention him, even if he was replaced by another super arrogant emperor, it is far from being as easy as imagined to stop this sword, it needs to pay a great price, and it may not be successful.

But who is Ye Junlin, the son of Ye Chen, the chaos true dragon, inherited the chaos avenue, facing the seventeenth sword of Qin Shiqi's strongest sword, with a soft cry, he also abandoned the divine sword in his hand and pointed with the sword. Out


Slashing against the avenue can slash the heavens and the earth. It is a peerless sword art he has developed for a century.

Even the heavens can be cut off!


The Dao Sword Art and the Seventeenth Sword arbitrarily collided with a clang, shattering all directions, and the entire God of War had a terrible collapse scene.

Jianmang was eloquent, and it was difficult for others to see the result.

Until a long time later, the law of brilliance slowly dissipated, and it was the first to see that Ye Junlin pierced through the right chest, a sword mark penetrated the front and back, and the blood stained with chaotic energy flowed.

"Ye Junlin lost?"

"Has Qin Shiqi defeated Ye Junlin? As expected, he is the number one super arrogant in the realm, and an old powerhouse on the emperor list. Ye Jun is too young to be his opponent after all."

Others marveled again and again. The new emperor ranking arrogant who was stronger than Ye Junlin also lost. Qin Shiqi can continue to dominate the emperor list, and will even become the first person of the young generation in the eight realms!

One side of the realm cheered again and again, and Qin Shiqi defeated Ye Junlin, which represented the first generation of young people in the eight realms in the future.

It’s just that the king’s overlord of the environment has a slightly dark face. When everyone is surprised, he finds that the brilliance of the law on the other side has spread. Only the figure of Qin Shiqi has also appeared, but it is not safe, the opposite is half. Kneeling on the ground, the eyebrows were pierced, and it was vaguely visible that the spirit villain inside, the wisps of chaotic sword light filled, almost spreading here.

It can be seen that Qin Shiqifei was defeated, on the contrary, it was defeated. The defeat was very thorough, and the sword light surrounded his spirit.

Ye Junlin could kill the soul of Qin Seventeen as long as his heart moved.

The surroundings are shaking, and all the wastes are shocked!

Ye Junlin won the battle for the emperor list!

Shake the world.

Ye Junlin not only possesses the strength of Emperor Bang Tianjiao, but also has the terrifying strength to defeat the Emperor Bang Tianjiao.

The world has no choice but to make Ye Junlin the heir of the heavenly ruler really look high.

Faintly, Ye Junlin has a tendency to dominate the first person of the young generation in the eight realms.

Ye Junlin also truly grew up, no longer under the protection of his family, and gradually saw the menacing and tragic of the world, and gradually grew his mentality. He no longer seemed so shy, but inherited Ye Chen's strength and domineering .

"It seems that the younger generation of the Eight Realms is respected by Ye Junlin."

Everyone sighs.

A few months later, the ultimate battle for hegemony among the young generations of the Eight Realms also began. In the middle of the Primordial Realm, where the seven eternal heritages, countless Tianjiao gathered.

Even with the Emperor Bang Tianjiao, he still came.

Everyone hopes to fight for a glorious future, enter the ancient heaven, and obtain good luck against the sky.

The battle for hegemony began, and countless Tianjiao in the Eight Realms of Ten Thousand Realms went to war, including the alien Tianjiao who descended on the lower realm.

If yes, the other four young overlords of the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao from other races also took the initiative to seek out Ye Junlin to encircle and suppress them invisibly.

Ye Chen saw this scene, as always, without intervening.

Looking at the entire Primordial Heaven Realm, the light does not come with the mighty power of hundreds of millions of beliefs all the time.

Today, when a total of seventy-seven ancient nations have returned to the deserted ancient nations, the power of faith is even more terrifying.

It's just that Ye Chen continued to accumulate as always, and never used the slightest.

He always sat cross-legged on the highest place of the sky, looking up at the Central Territory Tianxu, and sensing the boundless power of faith, he became more and more prone to boiling, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Almost a hundred years have passed, still haven't you done it?"

One hundred years after the establishment of the Ancient Desolate Country, Ye Chen finally completely refined the Dao Tiantu and became his own strength.

He is now more powerful than the second dominance battle.

In all aspects, it is completely comparable to the Nine Heavens Kings, and even the Chaos Eucharist is particularly superior.

In the hundred years that the Lord of the Heaven Ruins did not appear, he alone suppressed the Primordial Heaven Realm, and completely became the master of the Heaven Realm, and even dominated the eight realms of the Ten Thousand Realms.

It's just that during a hundred years, the Lord of the Tianxu has completely dormant, and even the eight realms of the Ten Thousand Realms and the remnants of the alien races of the past, basically dormant, but apart from the younger generation, basically no one appears.

"Lord of the Tianxu, Foreign Race, what are your plans?"

Ye Chen's eyes were deep, and he didn't know what to think.

But the divine power is deeper, and a day is much stronger than a

At this time, the young generation's war has reached its peak.

The chaos is overflowing, and that is Ye Junlin's shot, using the chaos method to fight against the four young overlords of the different races with one enemy and four.

Everyone on the other side is a super power in the Divine King Realm, whether it is an emperor or an emperor or a Dzogchen supreme arrogant, flawless, invincible existence of the same level.

What's more, the four people unite everything to deal with others. It is simply a **** blocking and killing the gods and the Buddha blocking and killing the Buddha.

The world is amazed. Although Ye Junlin is very strong, he is the heir of the ruler of heaven. He cultivated his father's chaos and invincible Taoism, but it was also difficult to match the four equally invincible young overlords.

During the war, Ye Junlin saw blood from time to time, not only bleeding from the corner of his mouth, but also wounds on his body from time to time. Chaos blood was splashing everywhere, and he looked quite embarrassed.

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