Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3494: Chaos True Dragon


In the deserted ancient palace, everyone was paying attention to all this nervously, and Chen Xi was even more worried about her younger brother, hoping that her father would take action.

But Ye Chen looked calm and said, "The confrontation between their new generation is life or death, and you should not interfere."

Back then, he also walked step by step like this. The peers never had anyone behind him intervened to help him. After countless life and death dangers, he was able to come to this step and dominate the eight realms.

As its son, it is the Chaos True Dragon, who has high hopes, and naturally will not let it be protected everywhere, otherwise it will no doubt grow up with the flowers in the greenhouse.

Although the goddess, Yi Wu and other mistresses were worried, they understood what Ye Chen was thinking.

Of course, once Ye Junlin had an accident, they would do anything at all, even if Ye Chen hindered him.

What's more, don't forget that Ye Junlin still has a ten-day realm of ancient ancestor dragon veins sealed in his body. Its strength is comparable to that of a quasi-king. Unless the ancient king takes action, it is impossible to have an accident.


The dragon roared, Ye Junlin was covered in blood, but at this moment, the infinite chaotic path was filled with it, and if a supreme real dragon appeared looming, the dragon might appear, suppressing the Eight Wastes.

In the face of all kinds of terrifying and powerful enemies, he had to show many amazing hole cards and also exposed his identity as a true chaos dragon.

When his identity was exposed, Ye Junlin's combat effectiveness had undoubtedly increased dramatically, and all aspects had improved a lot.

The true dragon's versatility came out, and he blasted an alien young overlord by surprise, exploding half of his body, blood and bones dripping.

"The complete True Dragon Absolute Technique can only be displayed by pure blood true dragons. Who are you and why I am able to master the chaos and also display the sacred technique of the true dragon line!"

The alien young overlord was shocked and couldn't believe the appearance of this scene.

"I am Ye Junlin, the son of the Fighting Saint King!"

Although Ye Junlin was covered in blood, all his injuries were repaired. Chaos light flooded his body, ten thousand ways appeared, and ten dragons around his body, set off so unparalleled, like a chaotic god, and like a dragon. the Lord.

Streaks of blood are stained between the hair, with its own chaotic blood and the blood of the enemy, born in the blood!

"Be careful, he is not a simple chaos cultivator, he not only inherited the chaos tactics of the fighting king, but also the true dragon physique, he is the legendary chaos true dragon!"

Another alien young overlord shouted, full of unspeakable shock.

The chaotic real dragon is like a myth in mythology.

In the endless years, there once existed a true chaos dragon, that is, the ancestor dragon, bred from chaos, and then surpassed the supreme, became the supreme giant, powerful, and the chaos sea can be called invincible.

Later, although the pure-blooded true dragons in the line of the true dragons were extremely powerful, they still had a huge gap with the chaotic true dragons, and endless years passed, one epoch after another ups and downs, and only the ancestor dragon was chaotic true. Long.

I didn't expect to see a second true chaos dragon today, even the heir of the fighting king.

"Kill him, you can't let him grow into the second ancestor dragon!"

At the same time, the four young alien overlords were all staring at Ye Junlin.

Originally, Ye Jun had to die for the reason that he was the heir of Ye Chen. What's more, he was also the Supreme Heavenly Pride of Dzogchen, but now he has been discovered to be the Chaos True Dragon. There is a reason to kill!

Secretly, the foreign race naturally paid attention to all of this, realizing that Ye Junlin was actually outside the chaos true dragon, with unlimited killing intent, and spreading out if there is no place.

The Chaos True Dragon is so terrible, it can be seen from the Ancestor Dragon.

At the moment when the killing intent was filled, Ye Chen's eyes turned back, and he simply slapped it, slapped into the void.

The void shuddered slightly, leaving behind a clear black hole in the palm of the hand, and a palm strength pierced through the void. In an instant, I didn't know how many hundreds of millions of miles had been shuttled in the void, and immediately appeared in the place where the murderous intent was looming.

It is one of the hidden places of the alien race, where there is an alien king, five alien quasi-kings, and seventeen alien **** kings.

At this moment, Zhang Jin suddenly appeared at this moment, and then a huge palm print was born out of thin air.

The palm print seems to be very small to the Primordial King, but the moment it appeared, all the alien creatures, including the Primordial King, all the giants were reduced to normal size, and the Primordial King was only a hundred miles away.

The fall of the palm prints contained unspeakable space-time power, and they were not allowed to break free at all, and even their thinking stopped for a while, unable to function effectively.


A soft voice came from a barren ancient palace hundreds of millions of miles away. It was very familiar. It belonged to Ye Chen.


The palm prints of Wanli fell, and the world of thousands of miles of life was photographed and turned into a thin piece of paper in the blink of an eye. Everything was squeezed in this place, and it burst into pieces and disappeared.

In an instant, all the alien races that gave birth to killing intent were wiped out.

Anyone who pays attention to all this is frightened.

Heaven dominates the action, it is indeed a lore!

Primordial King, as weak as it is!

At the same time, Ye Chen's eyes turned back and looked at other places, seeming to sigh: "You can hide so deeply and kill you, otherwise I really want to kill more alien races with one slap!"

The world is shaking!

The ruler of the kingdom of heaven is really magnificent and terrifying, and it is so embarrassing to say that all the powerful foreigners are so unbearable, and want to kill a few more with one slap.

However, when he came back to his senses, it was also a matter of course. As powerful as the ancient king, he was also slapped to death.

How many people can have this kind of mighty power in the world?

Silently, there seemed to be many auras full of endless resentment and killing intent between the world and the earth, but no one dared to look at Ye Chen for fear of being sensed by him and slapped to death like before.

Everyone in the world sighs that this is the ruler of the heaven, the invincible ruler of the heaven, the mighty power, far superior to the rulers of the heavens of all ages through the ages.

At this time the world is again paying attention to the ultimate battle against the younger generation.

Especially Ye Junlin, the heir of the ruler of heaven, has attracted the attention of the world.

As the heir of the ruler of heaven, he is also the legendary chaos true dragon, which is even more amazing than the identity of the emperor, the daughter, and the personal disciple of the emperor.

Chaos lights are overflowing, laws are splashing, ten thousand ways tremble, and the peak duel is going on.

His strength was much stronger than when he faced Qin Seventeen, and it was like a world of difference.

This made Qin Seventeen look sad for a while.

Originally, he thought that Ye Junlin's victory over him was just a fluke, and he had already practiced hard when he returned, hoping to go further and defeat Ye Junlin in the future.

But when I saw it today, I discovered that Ye Junlin had a lot of reservations in the battle with him that day. It wouldn't be so simple to keep that battle. I'm afraid it won't take a hundred rounds to win.

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