Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3513: Heavenly Emperor Invincible (2 in 1)

   Visible to the naked eye, the Lord of the Tianxu, who was originally standing still and calm as a mountain, at this moment, the figure that was bigger than the starry sky was trembling.


   The Lord of Tianxu immediately roared.

  Because he felt that the power of faith in his body was constantly overflowing along all the pores, the stalwart power of the supreme level was constantly leaving the body.

"Do not--"

He roared, was frightened, and dormant for eternity, silently arranged a method that did not know how many tens of thousands of years, and the power of faith that had just gathered from one era after another, was lost by the remnant of the emperor. Control, completely get rid of your own control.

   This is simply unbearable.

   How can the plan for eternity be lost at this moment?

   "Bring me back!"

   The Lord of Tianxu roared, running the supreme power, and wanted to regain all the power of faith.

In   , the will of one foreign emperor after another is illusion, and the will of the ancestor of the divine chaos is in the center, roaring, showing the most terrifying power, and wanting to deprive the endless power of faith again.

   "It's chaotic, you can't stop this."

   However, the ancient sword of Heavenly Punishment appeared on the palm of the Remnant Shadow of the Heavenly Emperor, and he waved lightly, "Go, cut everything!"

   Silently, the Ancient Sword of Heaven's Punishment seemed to cut all connections.

The lord of    Tianxu lost complete control over the power of endless faith, as if he had never controlled it before.

   After all the power of belief was deprived, his breath suddenly fell off a cliff. In a short time, he fell from the supreme realm that rivals the supreme to an emperor, and even the emperor is inferior.

   only because it was so strong back then was due to the will of the emperors of the Pangu universe mythology, but now it has been stripped away, naturally not reaching the level of emperors.

   The lord of the Tianxu is no longer, and replaced by a collection of the will of the alien emperor headed by the ancestor of the Shenluan Emperor. It is weak, not as good as the emperor, but also comparable to the peak level of the emperor.

Angrily glanced at the remnant of the Emperor of Heaven, and the Emperor God of Chaos roared: "The Emperor of Heaven, what if you have deprived all living beings of the power of faith? There is still no one in this world that can stop me, including you. Is the emperor really lingering and surviving?"

   "Hundreds of millions of years of arrangement, how can this emperor only have this second hand, and your Primordial Realm!"

   "The emperor originally didn't want to use this back hand, but if you forced the emperor, the emperor wanted the entire Primordial Realm to bury him!"

   A loud roar, shaking the Primordial Realm.


  In the abruptly, on the ground of the Primordial Realm below, a large formation slowly emerged.

   This large array is astonishingly huge and too vast.

   As far as you can see, the entire big formation covers all the territory of the Primordial Heaven Realm, which is unimaginable.

   You must know the vast territory of the Primordial Heaven Realm, which is an endless territory that is one-tenth the size of the heavens and ten thousand realms, but now it is completely covered by a large array.

   Visible to the naked eye, where the large array is shrouded, there are countless small arrays constantly emerging, densely packed, and also covering every inch of the Primordial Realm.

   The people of the world are horrified, and they didn't even know that there is such a terrifying super circle in the Primordial Heaven Realm, completely enveloping the Primordial Heaven Realm.

  I don't know why, when this immeasurable circle appeared, the billions of creatures in the Primordial Sky, whether they were Human Race, Monster Race, or Sea Race, all felt a sense of inexplicable horror.

   It seems that the magic circle contains extremely terrifying power, once it is truly recovered, it can deprive the world of life.

   In the midfield of the Primordial Heaven Realm, the six mythical emperors are all trembling.

   This magic circle, they all saw the real mystery——

   "Holy Festival Great Formation!"

   The mythical emperor is horrified, this is the saint sacrifice array, and it is also a super huge saint sacrifice array, too huge.

   It is conceivable that once this holy sacrificial formation is fully operational, the entire Primordial Realm is afraid that hundreds of millions of living beings will become sacrificial offerings and sacrifice everything, whether it is flesh or soul.

   The sacrifices were obviously the will of the emperors of other races such as Shenluan Dizu.

   "Hahaha, the emperor, although you are strong, once this emperor sacrifices the entire Primordial Realm, not only can he obliterate you, but even if he comes back to life, it is not impossible."

   Divine Rebellion Emperor Zu laughed loudly, filled with endless coldness, and at this moment, he directly operated the entire holy sacrificial array.


I can feel that when the Holy Sacrifice Array is running, the entire Primordial Realm is shaking, but in the place shrouded by the Array, billions of living beings feel that their vitality is being deprived at this moment. , Turned into a power of vitality, soaring into the sky, and even rushing towards the collective will of the emperors of the different races such as the God of Chaos.

   The world is horrified. In this way, don't everyone have to be sacrificed and become the victims of the will of the emperors of the foreign races?

And it can be clearly seen that at the moment of the Holy Sacrifice Array, a halo enveloped the will of the foreign emperors. The Divine Chaos Emperor Ancestor was obviously prepared for it. With the protection of this iris, the Holy Sacrifice Array would not end until the end. It may stop.

   I have to admit that, in order to resurrect, the will of the foreign emperors really prepared enough back, link after link, almost incomprehensible.

The emperor looked at the will of the foreign emperors headed by the ancestor of the divine chaos, still did not change his face, said: "Divine chaos, my emperor is invincible in my life, even if the myth is destroyed by the original design and forced to face the supreme evil of each era. , Still fearless, not to mention just the mere tricks you left behind."

   "As the emperor, if you are not afraid of everything, how can you care about your unique methods."

   "Today, I will let you see, why my heavenly emperor has crushed the endless years of the Chaos Sea and called the eternal giant to bow his head."

   At this moment, the emperor seems to be not just a shadow, but the deity of the emperor, who has crushed the heavens forever, as all enemies in the world.


   Above the sky, the Heavenly Dao Sun suddenly shook, and it gradually merged with the afterimage of the Heavenly Emperor.

Silently, the emperor's figure gradually emerged from the blurry to become clear, the stalwart shoulders capable of supporting the universe are looming, and at the same time, a wave of stalwart aura that suppresses the ages is gradually emerging. .

   And in the Palace of Emperor Lingxiao, in the heart of Ye Chen's eyebrows, the crown of eternity flew out, and the source of chaos thunder and water of chaos also flew out one by one, falling on the emperor one by one, making his figure clearer and stalwart.

   An invincible force emerges from the chaotic thunder source and chaotic water source, intertwined on the ancient sword of Heaven’s Punishment, this sword of Heaven emperor's war sword reveals the aura that traverses the long river of years.

   On the crown of eternity, the light of the chaotic nine immortals and the golden nine colors descends, resonating with the emperor.

   Tiandao Sun is completely integrated into the body of the Emperor.

  In an instant, the entire Primordial Heaven Realm lost the radiance of the Heavenly Dao Sun, but it did not fall into darkness, because infinite light emerged from the Heavenly Emperor, which was light, shining on the Primordial Heaven Realm, and even the Eight Realms of Ten Thousand Realms.

   The vastness is boundless, infinite.

   The Highest Emperor, as if he really descended into the territory of the Primordial Heaven.

   That boundless destiny is also appearing.

   Most of the starry sky was shattered by the war of dominance in the past, the endless star market is being reorganized, and one star after another is recovering, shining shining stars.

The eight realms of the Ten Thousand Realms, centered on the Primordial Heaven Realm, the seven realms of Earth, Profound, Yellow, Universe, Universe, Hong, and Desolation revolve around the Primordial Heaven Realm, and a wave of mighty forces continue to emerge and sink into it. It is blessing on the emperor of heaven.

   In a daze, the Emperor of Heaven seemed to be incarnate into the ancient chaos universe, stalwart and endless, making the giants of the ages bow their heads.

   "The Emperor of Heaven!"

  The collection of the will of the foreign emperors headed by the ancestor of the **** of chaos is horrified. At this moment, there is a kind of face that can't compete with the invincible **** of heaven.

  Especially who he is, he saw the special characteristics of the Crown of Eternity, the Source of Chaos Lightning, and the Source of Chaos Water, and he was surprised: "There are so many holy objects of origin!"

   "Eight poles of ten thousand realms, sun, moon and stars, cut!"

   The emperor of heaven opened his mouth, with unparalleled majesty, so that all the infinite creatures in the eight realms of the ten thousand realms were worshipped, and he also cut a sword that is unparalleled in the world.


   Cut out with a sword, the sword light flooded the Primordial Heaven Realm, and then disappeared.

   What disappeared along with it was the sacred sacrificial formation that enveloped the entire Primordial Realm!

   completely disappeared from the world.

   The life essence of hundreds of millions of creatures in the Primordial Heaven Realm, never submerged into the will of the foreign emperors, they slowly returned to their bodies, as if nothing had ever happened.

   The will of the alien emperors is a collection. The remnant will of the ancestor of the divine chaos emperor recovered calm from shock, and he abruptly sighed: "The Emperor of Heaven, this Emperor finally understands why you are called the Emperor of Heaven."

   He turned and looked at the wasteland, as if looking outside the Pangu universe, with a wry smile: "Since entering this Pangu universe, this emperor has no hope of returning to his hometown."

   "It's a pity, it's a pity!"

   sighed twice.


   The collection of the will of the foreign emperors suddenly exploded and turned into a vast number of flying ash stars, like a dazzling rain, completely disappearing from the world.

   The invincible divine chaos emperor ancestor, the last remaining will, has completely disappeared in the world, and there is no chance that it will appear again.

   That sword, traversed through the ages, and completely cut off the last remaining will of the foreign emperors!

   "The Emperor of Heaven!"

   In the Primordial Realm, hundreds of millions of creatures called the mountains, the biggest crisis was resolved, and the eternal emperor of heaven appeared across time and space and saved them.

   Heavenly Emperor's figure is slightly blurred, obviously that sword has also paid a lot of money, after all, this is not the deity, it is just an afterimage, with the help of various powers, it was only displayed.

   But he has no regrets. The purpose of his existence is to protect the Pangu universe.

   his eyes turned back and looked towards the wasteland.

   Everything is also reflected in the depths of the eyes.

  All the powerful aliens are like thorns on their backs, feeling like their body and spirit will be frozen by ice.

  Especially Dao Xian Shi, looked at the heavenly emperor in the Primordial Realm in horror.


   Even if he is the invincible eternal emperor, known as the invincible under the supreme, he also deeply understands the terrible emperor.

   In the era of rising, I have heard various legends about the Emperor of Heaven countless times.

   It can be said that the emperor of heaven, the first generation, and the emperor of the universe, known as the most powerful group of people in the Chaos Sea, are invincible existences that even the giants of the ages will bow their heads.

He also knew that if it were not for the great wisdom of the first generation, but also enough means to attract the supreme evil of each era, gather on the long river of years, go to the Pangu universe, and force the single person of the emperor to stop. The myth of the past may not go so smoothly.

   As the eternal emperor, he is even more hopeful to ascend the eternal giant. He is pinned by the entire alien ancient universe with infinite hope, but he is deeply aware of some horrible rumors about the emperor.

  According to legend, in the ancient era, the emperor once beheaded the eternal giants!

   That's right, it's an eternal giant, not a supreme!

   The eternal giants are the strongest emperors and immortal kings. They are above the supreme, and they are generally known as the king of the supreme.

   Generally speaking, an eternal giant is enough to become the strongest person in a chaotic ancient universe, and it is also the real master.

   The world is vast, who dare to say that it can kill the giants of the ages.

   Even the eternal giants such as Taishenghuang and Fighting Saint Ancestor who shook the past and the present, dare not say that they can be killed.

The strongest chaotic ancient universe, such as the prehistoric immortal world and alien ancient universe, is unwilling to offend an eternal giant without a last resort, because the revenge of the eternal giant is definitely a big threat to any chaotic ancient universe. .

   But the Emperor of Heaven can kill the eternal giants.

He and Shidai are both invincible existences that emerged in the same period. There are too many legends in the Chaos Sea, creating the Divine King Realm, and is also the Ten Tribulations God King of the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao. From the quasi-king, it is the eternal road Walker...

   As it is said that facing the afterimages of other eternal giants, Dao X still has a glimmer of hope to escape, but in front of the invincible of Chaos Sea, the Emperor of Heaven, he lost his courage.

   Because he deeply knows Not to mention the present, even if he is at his peak, and even if he is certain to become the eternal giant himself in the future, he is afraid that he is not the opponent of the Emperor.

  The Emperor of Heaven is almost synonymous with the despair of all enemies.

   "Since I have appeared, the remaining power will not last forever in the world. There is no need to let the clansmen cause unnecessary casualties. I will solve them today."

   Silently, the emperor of heaven has already crossed the distance of tens of millions of miles.

   Unthinkable speed, unthinkable distance, but it is close to the end of the heavens in the emperor of heaven, coming in one step.

   From the central place of the Primordial Heaven to the central place of the Wasteland.

  The distance between each other is so long that even hundreds of millions of miles are just a small number.

   But in the eyes of the Emperor, it's just a step away.

   Raise your foot and cross the endless sky.

   can be called teleport, but big shift!

   The Emperor of Heaven appeared in a wasteland, and the supreme majesty above everything fell down, sweeping across the six and eight wastes, and also stopped all battles in the wasteland.

   Whether it's the Pangu universe or the alien.

  Under the mighty power of heaven, no one can do anything.


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