Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3514: The 10th generation of the ultimate sublimation (2 in 1)

   "The Emperor of Heaven!"

   is as strong as Emperor Hunyue, and is very likely to prove that the Supreme Chaos Holy Spirit Emperor, facing the eternally invincible emperor, also has a sense of horror, surrender and awe from the heart, and even a strong respect.

   On the Pangu universe side, the characters on all sides are all in awe and passion.

   Tiandi, the first person in the Pangu universe!

   is also the goal that countless people hope to pursue in their entire lives.

   However, the alien side is full of horror on the contrary.

   She Dao Shidao, including the unknown alien emperor, and other alien super kings such as Wu Jian Jujun, all felt their own smallness as dust.

   The dignified Primordial King, the dignified super king, the strong among the overlords of the universe, is as weak as an ant in front of the afterimage of the emperor.

   Not to mention other people, but one by one froze, unable to move at all.

  The power of the emperor, terrifying!

   The Emperor of Heaven stretched across the desolate realm to the highest point of the sky, condescending, overlooking everything, and looking towards the Dao X.

   "You, Dao X, are the little guy who was called by many people to have the hope of becoming another giant of another race."

   The emperor said slowly, his tone was calm, and his eyes appeared relatively peaceful.

   Dao X is an invincible person under the supremacy of the ancient alien universe, and can sweep the existence of emperors from all sides. In the mythical era, he is also a peerless figure who is mainly cultivated in the ancient alien universe, hoping to cultivate a new eternal giant.

   was extremely famous at the time, and he is one of the best future giants in the Chaos Sea.

   Even when he is weak now, he can't underestimate it. What's more, it is a horrible existence that has lived for more than an era, but in the eyes of the emperor, he is actually called a "little guy."

   But no one doubts that the age of the Emperor of Heaven is immeasurable, spanning one era after another, and is also the oldest emperor in the Pangu universe.

   The tenth world of Dao in an era, in the eyes of the emperor, is indeed as young as a little guy.

   Dao Xian opened his four eyes, and faced the emperor with a deep awe and even horror. He actually appeared respectful and respectful: "The younger generation is the Dao Xian."

  The Emperor of Heaven, surpassing the other giants of the ages, can be said to be walking at the forefront of the eternal realm. It is far out of reach, even beyond reach.

   For this class of characters, as a hostile alien of the ancient universe, he still respects from the heart, pure respect for the strong.

The Emperor of Heaven smiled lightly: "Dao, do you want to live the tenth generation? But unfortunately, the world has turned away that person, no one can do it, even other people who have the tenth rebellion against the sky, your name It seems a little overbearing, but your way is worthy of the tenth world, one life, and embarking on the path of eternity, you are indeed qualified to aspire to the domain of eternal giants."

   This is the compliment of the emperor, the Dao Xian is indeed extraordinary, and the road he walks is also unique.

   The world only knows his name, but few people know what path he is taking?

   But under the gaze of the Emperor of Heaven, nothing can be hidden, all the secrets in his body are all manifested.

  The tenth generation of Dao has ten eyes. Although they are born, they also have big ambitions, secretly transforming them into one life, and each has its own experience and struggle in a different world.

   Ten eyes are ten different worlds, and they are also waiting for the ten generations of practice at the same time.

   And the emperor of heaven can see that the ten Taoism and ten generations in the ten-eye world are not weak in Taoism, reaching the extraordinary realm, and they are the emperor's level.

   is also the case, just now it has the supreme fighting power that surpasses the ordinary emperor, set foot on the eternal road, and become the eternal emperor who can be called the supreme in the legend.

  The tenth generation's ambition is also quite big. I hope that the tenth generations will cultivate to the most extreme, and eventually they want to combine the power of the tenth generation to surpass everything.

   I have to say that this is an extremely terrifying way against the sky, and there are few people in the Chaos Sea.

   Dan Dao X also has such qualifications, and in the past he also became the eternal emperor, and was suppressed for an era of immortality.

  It is foreseeable that as long as you return to the ancient alien universe, you will surely return to the peak, and the suppression of the era of an era is also the tempering of its avenues, and it is always honed in the ten-membrane world for generations and generations.

   To return to the peak in the next day, it is also the time when his tenth generation is united, hitting the supreme, and even looking at the eternal giant in the distance.

   Hearing this, the Dao tenth world was horrified, feeling that there was no secret at all in his body, and he did not expect that his secrets would be discovered by the Emperor.

   had to admit that he was indeed a character, and he no longer concealed it, saying, "As expected, he is the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, I really cannot hide it."

   All parties were shocked, and Dao Xing was too scary.

   Not far away, the eyes of the reincarnation of the great emperor flickered. Isn't it the same as that of the tenth generation of cultivation that is similar to the tenth generation.

   It’s just that the ten-me-ten tenth cultivation practice of the tenth generation of Dao may be more suitable for cultivation, which can be practiced at the same time, saving a lot of time.

   Ten reversals turn against the sky, but they are transformed into one life after another, and each is different.

   I just don’t know the Tao of the tenth generation. Compared with the ten rebellion against the sky, which one is stronger and weaker?

The emperor smiled: "It's a pity, in peacetime, I don't mind you growing up, and I am curious about your way, but unfortunately, I don't allow it now. I can't let Pangu Universe be threatened by a future giant for my own desires. ."

   The meaning of the words is clear and clear, to eradicate the threat of Dao X, the future giant.

   "Tiandi, as a tycoon of the supreme tycoon, it seems unreasonable for you to attack a junior of me."

The Dao tenth world suddenly changed color, and had no intention of fighting against the emperor. Even if it was just an afterimage, but after witnessing the will of the foreign emperors headed by the divine chaos emperor was so vulnerable, he had no intention of resisting it, but at this moment Also has the desire to survive.

   He is the eternal emperor, and even the future eternal giant, not willing to be obliterated just like this.

   At this moment, I can only ask the Emperor of Heaven not to kill him in the name of the younger generation.

   The Emperor of Heaven was silent, as if he was pondering, making the powerhouse of Pangu Universe anxious, but he did not dare to offend the Emperor of Heaven.

Dao X was overjoyed, but soon his heart sank completely, only to hear the emperor speak, and said: "You are a junior, but you are the enemy of my Pangu universe. Before that, I saw you destroy many plane worlds and swallow Hundreds of millions of creatures feed on blood, and even the younger generations cannot be forgiven."

   "So, I can only shoot!"

   Flip the palm of the finger and pat it down, like a seal of the worldly emperor, killing it.

"Do not--"

  The tenth world yelled in horror, feeling the complete sense of crisis, and immediately released the unprecedented eternal power of the emperor, and even the closed six eyes were opened.

   He firmly believes that the afterimage of the Emperor of Heaven cannot last for long, as long as it survives this catastrophe, the follow-up will inevitably be many times easier.





   It can be seen clearly that in the ten eyes, each has a different world. It is not true, but deduced and different, but without exception, it is generally vast.

  It is looming, ten Dao and Ten generations are deducting different lives in different worlds, but the same is that each Dao and Ten generations are extremely powerful, revealing the emperor's vitality, and become the master in the ten-eye world.

   In the daytime, the ten Dao and Ten generations in the ten-eye world are dormant, each practicing, but this moment has to emerge.

  In an instant, the weak Qi of the Dao Xian suddenly climbed steadily, climbing to the extreme almost in an instant, returning to its peak state before endless years, an intact eternal emperor realm.

   Of course, to return to such a peak state, Dao Xian must also pay an unimaginable heavy price, otherwise, when the previous confrontation with the reincarnation of the emperor, he would directly return to the peak state.

   Now facing a mortal situation, the Dao tenth world did not hesitate to burn everything, and reached the peak state, with the eternal emperor's pinnacle power to counter the handprint of the emperor.

   is just clearly visible. The peak power of the eternal emperor can be called the supreme, but it appears so fragile in front of the emperor, and it is broken every inch.

   This is the Heavenly Emperor Geshi, unparalleled in the past, invincible in the past, and the afterimage of the body can still sweep the world invincible!

  The seal of emperor is approaching, and it will almost fall on Dao Shi.

   It was a complete crisis of life and death. Dao Xian felt that once he was shot on him by the emperor, even if he was in the most extreme state, his body and spirit would inevitably be extinct, and he could not die again.

   Even just approaching, it was his life that suppressed his eternal emperor-level pinnacle energy and devil energy.

   Suddenly, it was not an afterimage, but an unparalleled giant who shot himself.

   It is unimaginable, the deity of the Heavenly Emperor is not there, and with the afterimage of the body, he can show such supreme power.

   "No, I can't die, I'm going to be a giant of the ages, and I'm proud of the past and the present, how can I fall here."

   "Extremely sublimated!"

   At this time, when it is a matter of life and death, a loud roar shakes the eight realms of the ten thousand realms, and roars time and space.

   Dao Xian no longer dare to have the slightest reservation, and even sacrifice the last resort.

   This is a hole card that cannot be displayed unless it is a last resort. Once it is sacrificed, it also represents the last chance, and it will also pay a huge price.

   But at this time, it has to be so.


   In the world of ten eyes, only ten Dao Xingshi appeared at the same time, detached from the world, and then quickly approached each other, violently colliding with each other, and there was a tendency to merge into one.


   At the moment of fusion, just like the ten-wheel avenues of the past, the qi of the tenth world rose again, shaking the heavens and the world.

   That kind of power, there is a kind of transcendence above the eternal emperor, reaching a realm comparable to the real supreme.


   shocked the world!

   "Supreme! The tenth emperor will attack the supreme, and completely become a transcendent Supreme Emperor!"

"It can be said that the Dao Xian performed the final ultimate sublimation. Originally, the eternal emperor could be called the supreme, and after the ultimate sublimation, when the true supreme of the peak battle, even this ultimate sublimation is the alternative supreme, also It hits a stronger level in the Supreme Realm."

   "I dare not imagine, being sealed for almost a full epoch, obliterating the infinite origin, the tenth emperor of Dao has such a background, which can impact the supreme!"

   "This is the eternal emperor, different, the strongest emperor who has set foot on the path of eternity!"

   "It is worthy of being the tenth emperor of Dao, the eternal emperor in the legend, the tenth body was bred in the world of ten eyes, and now the fusion possesses such power!"

   The powerhouses of the two ancient universes were shocked, because Dao Xian was hitting the supreme level, and the immeasurable might that was continuously released from his body was obviously enough to truly step into the immortal realm of that time.

   You must know that Dao X is not in its peak state, but has been sealed for many years. Its origin is less than half of its peak period, but it can still hit the Supreme.

   And that kind of situation, it is obvious that it will not affect the Supreme, but one can imagine the terrible aspects of the tenth generation.

   However, as long as the level of the Primordial King, especially the super powers of the two sides above the Super King, they have different opinions.

   "Does Master Dao X want to be promoted to supreme forcibly?"

   "No, Master Dao X is a helpless sublimation, struggling to reach the supreme state. Although it can be smoothly proclaimed to the supreme, but the most week requires a very heavy price."

   The expressions of the foreign powers are ugly, especially the foreign emperor.

   The main purpose of the lower realm this time is to save the Dao X and return. After all, the Dao X has the absolute potential to ascend to the supreme giant.

   Supreme, is a very important figure for the alien ancient universe.

   But the eternal giants are even more important, and even indispensable.

   A supreme giant, often in other ancient chaotic universes, is enough to become the master of the big universe, and can support the prosperity of the entire ancient chaotic universe one after another.

   It is precisely because of this that the foreign race will not hesitate to save the tenth world, and must be cultivated to become another supreme giant in the future.

   But now, although they have saved their tenth debut, the ending is not as expected as expected.

The Dao X had not fully recovered, so he had to make the ultimate forcibly attacking the supreme. This will inevitably create terrible defects. If you want to attack the supreme giant in the future, I am afraid it is not that simple .

   There is even a high probability that it will leave a great limit.

   For the entire alien ancient universe, it is a huge loss.

"Is he going crazy? He was already suffering heavy losses, lacking in his origins, and being promoted to supreme forcibly, although he can immediately gain infinite combat power, but for the same kind of promotion, he is likely to pay a huge price and create an unstable foundation. Delayed for many thousands of years, and even in this life, there is no hope of setting foot in the field of eternal giants."

   "No, the tenth world is not crazy. If you are not crazy at this time, you will definitely be killed by the Emperor of Heaven. There will be no way to survive by then."

"It's a pity. Although it is an enemy, Dao Xian Shi is indeed a peerless figure. The ten-eyed world gave birth to the tenth body. As long as enough time is given, the tenth body may become the supreme, and then fit like this. One, you can surpass the supreme and become an eternal giant in one fell swoop."

  Pangu Universe's other powers were equally amazed. As an enemy, they had to admit that Dao X was extraordinary.

   Emperor Hun Yue's eyes flickered, and he also sighed again and again. It can be said to be a sigh of relief, because in this way, it would be many times more difficult for Emperor Dao X to reach the top and become an eternal giant.


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