Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3517: God fortune

   "I'm sorry, kid."

   There was a long silence, and the emperor could only sigh helplessly.

   is the strongest person in the ages, can cut through the ages, can crush the heavens, can kill the supreme, but when facing her daughter, the only thing is full of guilt and tenderness.

Ruoxi's eyes are dim, and she shook her head lightly: "No, my daughter doesn't blame you. My brother said, father, if you do this, you must be helpless. Now your daughter also understands that you are alone in the face of the supreme evil in every era. It must be extremely dangerous, and what you did in the past was also due to helplessness."

   The Emperor of Heaven smiled, but his figure was extremely hazy and he couldn't see anything clearly, but the light laughter came out slowly.

   "That kid..."

   He owes a favor to the little guy who is in the line of fighting saints.

Immediately, the light fell on the innocent white beast Yi Yi with **** eyes in Ruoxi’s arms. Even if he faced himself, the emperor, he was never in awe, like a child, showing a look of surprise: "The race against heaven. It is indeed fate that one of the members also came to Pangu universe."

   "One day, that ancient road may really pass through."

   "If you can get the power of that sky-defying race, maybe it doesn't need to be so simple to stain the future."

  In words, it seems that the god-defying race behind Yiyi is highly regarded.

   Ruoxi opened her eyes, and she was very curious about the origin of Yi Yi, and even understood to a certain extent that the myth of the past was shattered, and the Heaven-defying race behind Yi Yi helped Pangu universe.

   Just before Ruoxi asked, the Emperor of Heaven soon felt guilty: "Child, my child, I'm sorry, my father has little time left, so I can't tell you for a long time."

   "No, father, my daughter doesn't blame you." Ruoxi smiled in her tears, very touching.

   has regrets and regrets, but also understands that the deity of father is not here.

   "Believe in your father, it won't take long for your father to return and greet you personally."

   The words fell, the Heavenly Emperor's light and rain completely dissipated, no longer existed, only the voice echoed between the world.

   Ruoxi cried and laughed, but with joy.

   She believed that her father would not break his promise.

  In the Palace of Emperor Lingxiao, after the Emperor of Heaven turned into a rain of light, the crown of eternity, the source of chaos, and the source of chaos that had flown earlier also slowly fell down and returned to Ye Chen's body.

   Sitting on the supreme seat, Ye Chen silently saw all that.

   Ruoxi is indeed the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven.

   This point has long been suspected, and now it has been confirmed, not surprisingly.

But I also have to marvel at the strangeness of the world. How can I know that I picked up a sister in the small hills of the Little God Realm, and she has been dependent on each other for many years since she was a child. I never thought that her true identity was the first person in the Pangu universe. Daughter.

   couldn't help but smile, but no matter what he said, Ruoxi's confession was a good thing.

   Ye Chen is pleased, and also happy for Ruoxi.

   Although Ruoxi has been commensurate with his siblings for so many years, she is not a real blood relative after all, and she silently sees that she is recognized by her blood relatives in this life, and it is impossible not to envy him.

   Although Ye Chen’s parents considered her a daughter, in the final analysis, there was a slight difference. Sometimes Ye Chen could also feel Ruoxi’s slight loss.

   He didn't know how to comfort him, and he couldn't comfort him, but now that the younger sister finally confessed, she is naturally happy.

And clearly felt that the Qi in Ruoxi's body showed an explosive skyrocket. When he met the Emperor, in a short time, he had directly reached the level of the Peerless King of the Eighth Heaven, even in his state of mind. Not to be reconciled to a stunned and deeply helpless smile.

It should be noted that although Ye Chen's life is only a thousand years of cultivation, he said that it is not long, but it is not short. It has gone through countless catastrophes, large and small, and finally reached this step. The deity can be compared with nine times. Heavenly King, can be called a true peerless powerhouse.

   The hard way is not enough for outsiders.

   But it is finally a brilliant achievement. Looking at the Pangu universe, looking at the Chaos Sea, how many people of the same age can reach such a state at this age?


   Maybe there are only the most outstanding people in the ages, who can compare Ye Chen at such an age.

   However, the younger sister Ruoxi, who just awakened the blood of the Heavenly Emperor in her body, crossed several heavens at once, from the primary level of the emperor to the level of the peerless emperor of the eight heavens.

   You must know that this is not a semi-god state, nor is it a low-level realm such as transforming gods and holy Tibetans, but the realm of the Primordial King, which has always been a day.

Generally speaking, it would take a long time for the Emperor of the Primordial Kings to ascend to the first level, even if the emperor of the past, such as the emperor of the early days, the unborn emperor, and other peerless Tianjiao, did not know how long it took to reach the next level. day.

   Now, Ruoxi has just exploded in less than half an hour. It has to be said that such an increase in speed is enough to shake the Chaos Sea, and even break the promotion record of the past and present is not an exaggeration.

   If that's the case, that's all. After all, such a radical increase in speed often means that the foundation is unstable, and it takes a long time to cultivate and solidify.

   It's just that Ye Chenguan is quite solid, as if he had spent endless years working hard step by step, if he was Xi Qiji, he had to sigh the importance of reincarnation.

  Some people are indeed destined to stand at the end that countless people want to pursue.

   And Ruoxi, the real starting point is the unattainable height of countless people.

   Only under the dominion of the emperor, the bloodline of the emperor was truly awakened, and it suddenly reached such a state, indicating that the Supreme Dao is really expected.

At the same time, he was also amazed at the Heavenly Emperor’s bloodline, because Ye Chen clearly felt that the Heavenly Emperor’s bloodline in Ruoxi was still awakening. Obviously, reaching the eighth heaven and peerless king was not the ultimate, and there was still room for continuous improvement. But it's slowing down for now.

   The blood of the heavenly emperor is so powerful, even if it is as strong as him, it feels like an ancient emperor sleeping in it.

   Maybe there will be the last day, the moment of full and complete awakening, it is not impossible to Serve the Supreme.

   Inexplicably, such a thought came to mind, and he couldn't help but startled.

   Because such thoughts are too scary.

   I just thought that it was the Emperor of Heaven, one of the strongest people in the Primordial Chaos Sea, and it was rumored to have killed the giants of the ages. As his heir, Ruoxi, who inherited the most powerful blood of the Emperor, was not impossible to achieve this step.

   After all, he hadn’t heard that the Emperor of Heaven had other heirs, inheriting the power of the most powerful bloodline in ancient and modern times, and the potential is infinite, and it is almost inevitable to prove the Supreme Being.

   Of course, Ye Chen didn't say how to envy about this, but was more happy for Ruoxi.

   Similarly, this is not the path he needs to take.

   Ruoxi's bloodline of the Emperor of Heaven is indeed very powerful, but his own chaotic body bloodline is no less than any bloodline in the world, and has unlimited possibilities.

   He believes that one day, he will eventually reach a height comparable to the emperor of heaven, the first generation, and the emperor of the universe, and even if it is possible, it is not impossible to aspire to belong to the eternal state of the legend.

   silently retracted his eyes, sat on the supreme seat, silently feeling the good fortune left by the emperor.

   At the moment when the Emperor of Heaven disappeared, Huangji Lingxiao Hall, the main hall of the ancient heavenly court, also lost control.

   Ye Chen tried to refine and found that everything was natural and there was no resistance.

   And he put a copy of his original mark into the heavenly sun, just as easy and natural.

   Silently, he sensed the connection between himself and the Heavenly Dao Sun, and he also felt the stalwart power of the Heavenly Dao Sun. He could mobilize the infinite power of the entire Primordial Heaven Realm at any time, and even affect the power of the entire Ten Thousand Realms.

   "Is this the power of the Sun? It is indeed the origin of the Primordial Heaven Realm!"

   Ye Chen groaned slightly, her eyes blazing.

  The power of that level, between the gestures, is boundless.

   It even made him feel that there is no need for the reincarnation of the great emperor, nor the need to resuscitate the two supreme emperor soldiers, when he can strike the true supreme.

  Even, Ye Chen felt that with such power, it might be much stronger than the average supreme.

  Because the Sun of Heaven, which merged with the heavens of the ten-wheel avenues, was supreme, but now it has swallowed so many alien emperors and even the Dao X and many alien kings. It is much stronger.

   just made him a little puzzled, why the emperor wants him to master such unmatched power.

  Because after mastering such infinite power, he can directly confront the great emperor ancient emperor, so he doesn't want to continue to practice, which hinders his path of cultivation.

   He felt that there must be his deep meaning behind the Emperor of Heaven.

   Soon, Ye Chen suddenly realized that he knew what the Emperor meant.

   It is very possible that the Emperor of Heaven used the infinite power of the Primordial Heaven Realm to sharpen his state of mind and make his Daoist more determined.

   After all, with such invincible power, even the cultivation is a little impetuous and unwilling. As long as it really settles down, the Dao Heart will be firmer.

   "As expected to be the emperor of heaven, this intention is not simple, but I still believe that I am invincible and that my body is eternal!"

   Ye Chen said firmly, his eyes remained steady!

Of course, although he does not need to rely on external objects, Tiandao Sun, as the origin of the Primordial Heaven Realm, and even part of the remnants of the Primordial God Realm formed in the past, but contains the origin of the Primordial God Realm, and also involves a small part of Pangu. For him, the origin of the universe has great advantages, which can well assist the origin universe to further expand and improve.

   At the same time, the power of faith collected by the Lord of the Tianxu over the endless years also rose to the sky.

   The number of powers of faith is endless, and it is even more profound than the stars.

   It can be said that the power of faith used by the Lord of the Tianxu not long ago was less than half of it.

   After seeing that all the power of faith has been extracted, it is as boundless as a sea like a sea, Ye Chen and other knowledgeable people can't help but take a breath of cold.

   "From the ages to the present, it can be regarded as more than half of the epoch. I never thought that so much power of faith was collected."

Ye Chen sighed, his eyes were shining, but only the Primordial Heaven Realm and other special super realms, where the wind of cultivation is extremely strong, and even the overall strength is much stronger than that of the heavens and ten thousand domains thousands of years ago. What a terrible power of faith.

  Similarly, this can be regarded as a gift left by the emperor to him, a key person.

  The power of faith is as powerful as the ancient emperor, and even stronger.

   If Ye Chen is willing, with the help of this endless power of faith, he can directly climb to the Supreme Realm in a short time.

   After all, the power of faith can be regarded as a kind of power to a certain extent, which can help others to improve.

   But he wouldn't do it, nor would he have this idea.

   The power of faith is after all external power, not from one's own cultivation. Although historically it is not the power of faith to prove Dao becoming emperor, but it is not the path he wants to embark on.

   Of course, such an infinite power of faith, if used well, is also a huge wealth.

   He suddenly remembered the ancient road of the ultimate, the ancient star of the Jiuyan Emperor Clan Xiguo prince Yan Wushuang, his direct disciple, is to embark on the power of faith to prove the path of emperor.

   For hundreds of years, I don’t know how this disciple is now, whether he has become the master of the ancient star of the Jiuyan Emperor.

   He was thinking that this disciple Yan Wushuang is more suitable for practicing the power of faith than him, and that the power of faith is enough for him to prove Dao and become emperor.

   "Today, I shall be the master of heaven!"

   Ye Chen sits on the supreme seat, and his voice shakes the entire Primordial Realm, and even the eight realms of Ten Thousand Realms.


  Billions of Swiss colors bloom, shining in the heavens and the world.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

   In the place of the Primordial Heavenly Realm, all the master idols that belonged to the Lord of the Tianxu collapsed one after another, replaced by a Ye Chen idol condensed by invisible power.

   He has become a new generation of heavenly realm masters, and also the real heavenly realm masters, surpassing the previous generations of heavenly realm masters, and obtained the control of the entire Primordial Heaven Realm, all power is controlled by him.

   "Meet the Lord of Heaven!"

  The Primordial Realm, the six mythical emperors, hundreds of nations and thousands of religions, and even the powerful from the other seven realms, all bowed down and worshiped.

   Heaven dominates, heaven dominates, the difference in one word is a huge difference.

   If it is said that the ruler of the kingdom of heaven is only the ruler of the kingdom of heaven, one of the overlord forces in the wasteland.

  The ruler of the heavenly realm is the absolute ruler of the entire Primordial Heavenly Realm.

   Ten thousand people!

   is supreme!

Five Forbidden Zones Dominates The five generations of Heavenly Realm Lords of the past sighed slightly, their expressions were very complicated, but they also understood that compared to Ye Chen, the real Heavenly Realm Lord, they were nothing but heavens. The puppet body in front of the main curtain of the ruins is never the master.

   And from now on, they will completely surrender and assist this heavenly master.

   Primordial realm, hundreds of millions of creatures call!

   In an instant, the power of faith surged, and the power of faith in the entire Primordial Realm flew out from all directions and sank into the ocean of power of faith.

  A hundred countries and ten thousand religions are all surrender!

  So, Fang is the master!

   smiled, and immediately Ye Chen sensed everything in the Palace of Emperor High Peak.

  The Emperor of Heaven, who left good fortune to him, naturally cannot ignore it.

   And this is especially important to him, this key person.

"Come out."

   Ye Chen gave a soft drink, and on the upper seat, a ray of light appeared, with strands of original power.

  The God of Good Fortune!

   Ye Chen refining, naturally succeeded. After thorough refining, he still couldn't help laughing in his current state of mind, very happy.

   This source is not the same as the source of the Primordial Heaven Realm, but is a cosmic source.


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