Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3518: The Lord's Choice

   Yes, the origin of the universe.

   is the cosmic origin of the complete chaotic ancient universe, and the origin of the small universe that is not Ye Chen can be compared.

   Not much, the origin of the universe is only about the size of a human head. However, such a small group of origin of the universe contains endless mystery, which is countless times greater than the origin of the world, and contains many mysteries of the ancient universe.

   Even if the Supreme wants to understand all the mysteries, it takes a lot of time.

   There is no doubt that this is of great help to Ye Chen, because he is sitting on a primitive universe. As long as he perceives the related mystery of the chaotic ancient universe, it will help him promote the further growth and perfection of the primitive universe.

   The stronger the Origin Universe, the stronger his strength.

   In the future, once the original universe has completely transformed and perfected to the level of the ancient chaotic universe, then every gesture can drive the power of the ancient chaotic universe, how terrible.

   The supreme can be killed, the eternal giants are fearless, and it is even possible to be invincible like the emperor of the universe, not weaker than the emperor, the first generation, and rank among the strongest in ancient and modern times.

   More importantly, the origin of the universe left by the emperor is not the origin of the Pangu universe, but the origin of another chaotic ancient universe.

   If the origin of the Pangu universe is extremely extraordinary, because Pangu may be the only eternal existence in the Chaos Sea, the Pangu universe may be transformed by the fusion of Pangu and the imperfect Chaos Ancient Universe, which contains the secret of eternity.

   Then the origin of the universe is the same.

  Because it is the origin of the universe of the prehistoric immortal world, he can clearly feel the aura of this origin of the universe.

  The realm of the great and desolate fairyland, the first chaotic ancient universe on the surface of the world, and even overwhelming the ancient alien universe.

   In the universe of the fairy world, there are eternal immortals, and even the giants of the ancient and modern immortal kings standing side by side. Their original imprints are basically imprinted in the universe.

   It can be said that the origin of the primordial immortal realm contains to some extent the important secret of becoming a celestial being and even becoming a king.

   Immortal Path is also a path of cultivation and evolution leading to the eternal realm.

   As long as refining the origin of the prehistoric immortal realm, it can help Ye Chen to further perfect the chaos avenue, and even if he can master the mystery of becoming immortal, it may be able to completely break the shackles that chaos cannot fully prove Dao and become emperor.

  Nature, even if these are not mentioned, the origin of the universe of the Primordial Immortal Realm is extremely powerful. Being the most powerful ancient Chaos universe helps Ye Chen to evolve and perfect the origin universe into a more powerful ancient Chaos universe.

   I have to say that the good fortune left by the emperor is not big enough.

   Ye Chen didn't know how the Heavenly Emperor intercepted such a part of the origin of the Primordial Immortal Realm, but the process must be very difficult. It should be known that the Primordial Immortal Realm also has an invincible person comparable to the Emperor of Heaven, the First Generation, and the Great Universe.

   Besides, there are so many supreme immortals, and immortal king giants.

   They won't let the emperor get the origin of the immortal world easily, even if only the size of a human head.

   The origin of the universe cannot be said to be unimportant.

   Invisibly, Ye Chen owed a huge favor to the Emperor.

  Similarly, he also knew how heavy responsibility he shouldered.

  He is the key person in the Pangu universe and needs the future to reverse the blood-stained future.

   "This kind of grace will never be forgotten!"

   Ye Chen whispered in his heart, immersed in his mind, decided to retreat, and study the heavenly sun, the universe and the origin of the primordial fairyland.

   Of course, now that the first battle of the eternal conspiracy has ended, there are still many problems to be solved.

For example, after the Great War, although most of the alien races were eradicated, the main thing was the extinction of the alien powerhouses in the deserted territory. However, there were still many alien superpowers in the Primordial Sky region, many of which were the Primordial Kings. The wives and children who delayed Ye Chen.

The Emperor of Heaven took action and directly killed the most powerful group of alien powerhouses, all of whom were Kings of the Seventh Heaven and above. As for the following are still alive, they fled and disappeared for the first time after the Emperor of Heaven killed the Dao 10th. Eight areas of the world.

   These are all deliberately left by the Emperor of Heaven, but to sharpen the eight realms of the ten thousand realms, so that people in the eight realms of the ten thousand realms know that the crisis is still there, and they cannot be careless.

   As the wasteland shattered nearly half of the plane world after the First World War, the creatures were burnt out, and even the great world with the wasteland overlord was also shattered.

   Some plane worlds also shattered the boundary walls, and endless space turbulence flowed back into the plane world, and began to cause the collapse of the plane world. It was necessary to make up for or transfer the creatures in the world to a safe plane world.

   Just as some super-powerful alien races are left behind, but there is still a terrible devilish energy. If they are not extinct, they will inevitably pollute the land of the eight realms, making Pangu universe creatures likely to fall into demons...

   There are many problems. As the ruler of this generation of heaven, Ye Chen naturally has the responsibility to solve these problems, so that he can retreat with peace of mind.

The will of the foreign emperors disappeared, the will of the mythical emperors was reorganized under the action of the emperor, and the true Lord of the Tianxu appeared again, sacred and wise, and different from the past, he appeared to be born as unselfish as the gods. Holy King, I'm sorry."

   He is made by the will of the mythical emperors, and he has the guardianship of the mythical emperors to the Pangu universe. He is an absolute square character.

   Ye Chen did not blame, the Lord of the Tianxu was only contaminated because he suppressed the remains of foreign emperors for a long time.

   What's more, among them is the Divine Chaos Emperor Ancestor, an alien giant. Although the Lord of Tianxu is strong, facing a supreme giant, even a fallen giant cannot really contend.

   Otherwise, the will of other foreign emperors might not be able to pollute.

"My existence was originally to protect the Primordial to suppress the remains of foreign emperors and avoid polluting the eight realms of the ten thousand realms. Now the source of pollution has been solved, and the Emperor Dao X has been killed by His Majesty the Emperor. After accomplishing his accomplishments and retreat, he should perform his final duties."

The lord of    Tianxu said in a serious manner that he is about to leave the Primordial Realm and go to fight the alien race.

   In the Primordial Realm, there is Ye Chen, the new ruler, and I believe it will be better than when he ruled over the years.

   Ye Chen didn't stop it. After all, the lord of the Tianxu was comparable to the existence of the emperor, and it also contained the imprint of the emperors. The power he exerted in the battle against the foreign race was probably stronger than that of the ordinary emperors.

   The Primordial Heaven Realm does not need his protection. The Heavenly Dao Sun is so prosperous, and with his will blessing, it can be the top battle against a foreign emperor.

The lord of    Tianxu has left, and since this day, he is missing and invisible in the world.


   The hearts of the people of the world jumped, and only felt that for a moment, the eight realms of the ten thousand realms were shaken.

   The heavenly powerhouses, above the **** king, are frightened, looking at a direction.

   That position is located at the highest point of the Primordial Heaven Realm. It is unattainable, and the place where the sun is overwhelmed by the heavenly path is difficult for the Primordial King to approach.

   Suddenly, it seemed to see a towering and magnificent figure of Gedai, collapsed to show the most blazing power, intertwined with the supernatural power that surpassed the immortal king, and hit the nine heavens.


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