Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3519: Before retreat

   A dazzling passage appeared, leading to a mysterious and unknown place, suspected to lead to a more vast and infinite world.

   Soon after, the figure sank into the passage, and soon the passage disappeared.

  It is looming, and it seems that there is a supreme Qi machine of the emperor level remaining here...

   Someone once saw the place where the contemporary heaven dominates the manifestation. The chaos and haze are hidden, and the figure is invisible, but the qi is so shocking.

   "The crisis in the lower realm has basically been resolved. After this retreat, it is time to return to the upper realm and fight the alien race."

   Ye Chen whispered to himself, his eyes seemed to penetrate the two barriers, seeing the back of the Lord of Tianxu resolutely leaving.

   After the war, there are still many problems in the legacy of the Primordial Realm, large or small.

   But with Ye Chen's supreme status dominated by the heavenly realm, it only took less than a year, and all subsequent major problems were easily solved.

   After the death of the super power of the alien race, the long-standing devilish pollution was destroyed by his supreme means.

   As for the strong man hidden by the alien race, he can't completely hide in front of him.

  He is the ruler of the heavens, and he also controls the sun of the heavens, which is the place of the heavens of the entire Primordial heavens and even the eight realms of ten thousand realms.

   There is no way to hide the place where the Heavenly Dao has passed, but all the powerful aliens at the level of the Primordial King can be found.

   didn't take the shot himself, but let his wife and children take the shot.

   Naturally, he follows his side and will not allow all accidents to happen.

  Although there are still many problems, they are all minor problems. As the master of the heavens, Ye Chen no longer wastes unnecessary time to solve them, and hands them to others.

   He is about to start retreating.

Although his current deity's strength is already comparable to that of the Nine Heavens King, but it is only the Nine Heavens Elementary Level. This kind of combat power is indeed very strong. If you master the rules of thousands of kings, it will be enough to easily kill ordinary kings, but it still cannot be truly true. Left and right cosmic war.

   The battle at that level requires at least the emperor level to be able to control it to a certain extent, even the supreme level.

   Not to mention facing the entire alien ancient universe, and even the future is blood-stained.

   For this, Ye Chen needs to further improve his strength.

   He wants to become stronger and can't live up to everyone's expectations of him.

   The burden on my shoulders is very heavy, very heavy.

But fortunately, if you can only use endless time to cultivate as a normal practitioner in the past, but he has the emperor's standing fortune, obviously does not need to be like this, this is the origin of the universe of the prehistoric immortal world, and the ancient heavenly realm. As long as he is used well, he is afraid that he can become stronger in a short time.

   "I'm going to retreat. I don't know how many years it will take for this retreat. If there is anything important, please notify me directly, and I will go out directly."

   Ye Chen said, saying so to the people around him.

   And said that when he leaves the customs, it is also the time to return to the heavens and ten thousand realms.

   It has been more than a hundred years since I came to the Lower Realm, and I don’t know how the heavens and domains have changed.

   Although there are strong aids from the ancient path of origin, and the strongest of the Taisheng Emperor Realm returning one after another, there is still some worry.

   After all, he is facing a foreign race, so he can't take it lightly.

"Don't worry, but this month you have become the first person in the eight realms of the ten thousand realms, the master of the contemporary heavens, and invincible forever. You can retreat and leave other things to us. During this time, you can also absorb many arrogant talents. Expanding the kingdom of heaven, once the Chaos Tianfu is summarized in the future, it may not be impossible to become the number one power in the Pangu universe."

  Goddess Zhao Jingruo said, other relatives and friends also signaled that Ye Chen didn't need to worry, even though she was in retreat.

   The scourge of the alien race has basically been solved, so who dares to offend under that reputation.

   Invisibly, the kingdom of heaven has overwhelmed the mythical emperor, becoming the first force in the eight realms of the ten thousand realms.

"it is good."

   Ye Chen entered the Imperial High Peak Palace, pinched the seal and submerged into the heavenly sun with great mana, and officially closed the door.

   As long as he is not around him, no one can influence him in retreat.

   "I hope this retreat can bring me enough strength growth."

   With a whisper, he took out the origin of the prehistoric fairy world, immersed himself in his mind, and officially retreats to practice.

Outside, Zhao Jingruo restored the majesty of being the Lord of the Moon Palace, noble and awe-inspiring, like a female emperor, proudly in the world, saying: "The moon has been closed, I will wait for other things to be resolved, and mobilize the forces of the world to give all foreign remnants If you find it out, you must be extinct and not harm the eight realms of the ten thousand realms."


Below   , the Heavenly Kingdom and Chaos Tianfu experts responded.

And silently, the entire Little God Realm moved into the realm of the Primordial Heaven, and the forces of the Heavenly Kingdom went straight into the realm of the Primordial Heaven Realm. With an unstoppable posture, they occupied the vast and vast territory and became the new overlord force. Diverge away.

   There are seven eternal heritages, hundreds of nations and thousands of religions, and I dare not stop them.

  Because behind it, standing is the ruler of the kingdom of heaven who dominates the heavens!

   The emergence of the kingdom of heaven is nothing more than to completely lay the foundation for Ye Chen, the ruler of the heavens, to be a further master.

   Ye Chen has always been a hand shopkeeper, but the goddess and others are not. The Moon Palace has already been established on the ultimate ancient road, and the ultimate hegemonic power, but the current generation of Ye Chen to control the kingdom of heaven is just a familiar one.

   What's more, there are more powerful kings in the world than the number of hands, and there is even Hunyue Emperor, the real emperor. She is like a female emperor, on behalf of Ye Chen to dominate the world during the retreat, and further develop the power of faith.

   And to absorb more Qingying Tianjiao, join the heaven.

   At this point, the purpose of the goddess is very simple.

   The heavens and domains of the upper realm must have Chaos Tianfu.

   The Eight Realms of the Ten Thousand Realms of the Lower There must be heaven.

   The two big forces ruled the upper and lower realms, absorbed countless geniuses, and further strengthened Ye Chen's power heritage.

  As a wife, how could she not know that Ye Chen's ultimate goal is to reverse the blood-stained future.

   In terms of strength, she knew that it was difficult to help Ye Chen, but at least behind her, she needed to help Ye Chen to guard her as a mountain and not fall down.

   To some extent, if Ye Chen and others are an emperor, the goddess is the queen, assisting Ye Chen, and even ruling everything, making Ye Chen more powerful with peace of mind.

   Yiwu, Chen'er, Yuqing, Abenu and others naturally have no opinion. For Ye Chen, they have done their best to develop the kingdom of heaven while practicing.

   I don’t know the time has passed in the so-called cave.

In the Palace of Emperor Lingxiao, Ye Chen had long returned the emperor’s reincarnation body, and the two chaotic holy soul villains were united, reaching the peak state in all directions. All the mystery of the origin.

   and also evolving the original universe in the body, confirming each other again and again.

   Silently, his Taoism is growing, much faster than before.

   Especially the changes in the original universe are even more obvious.

   Besides, the good fortune left by the emperor is not only these.


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