Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3520: 0 years of prosperity

   The origin of the immortal realm, the heavenly path and the sun are just the greatest destiny left by the emperor.

   In addition, Huangji Lingxiao Palace is also a great fortune.

   Don’t forget that, as the main hall of the ancient heavenly court, the emperor lived forever, and the emperor’s Lingxiao Hall is naturally mysterious and extraordinary. The engraving imprints the charm of the infinite emperor way, the emperor character emerges, the emperor pattern is intertwined, and the ten thousand ways are involved.

   There is also a series of precious and priceless handwritings, left by the emperor himself, and by the emperors who followed in the past.

   The ancient heavenly court was powerful, not to mention the first power of the Chaos Sea, because there was more than one supreme, and the emperors coexisted, creating the boundless prosperity of the ancient heavenly court, the title of the chaotic sea.

   Even the Sword Emperor Tianxin, the ancestor of the Ye family of the emperor clan, was a disciple of the Emperor.

   The remnants of the heavenly emperors are naturally heaven-defying treasures, and many of them involve the supreme level.

  Especially the legacy of the Emperor of Heaven, it also involves the level of the supreme giants, and even the high levels of the giants, are extremely precious and invisible in the world, and the eternal giants must be moved.

  The influence of these on Ye Chen is extremely big.

   During the retreat, Ye Chen single-minded and double-purposed, on the one hand, he deeply studied the origin of the universe and proved himself.

   On the other hand, I am studying the various relics of the ancient heavens, and I have learned about the emperor's handwritten notes and the emperor's pattern. I have benefited a lot, and the Taoism has grown faster...

   This retreat, unknowingly, a hundred years have passed.

   One hundred years, saying that it is not long or short is not short, gradually allowing the entire Primordial Heaven Realm and even the Eight Realms of Ten Thousand Realms to recover from the previous war.

   Various places are prosperous again.

In addition, the sun of the heavens swallowed the Dao tenth and the corpses of many alien emperors, the origin is unparalleled, and thus promotes the prosperity of the heavens and the eight realms, and countless sources of blessing are derived from it. It is the great fortune of heaven. .

  Especially the Primordial Heavenly Realm, it is also the seat of the Heavenly Way and the Sun. Heavenly Way is perfect and flawless, which further makes the first realm of Ten Thousand Realms prosper.

   If it was a golden age in the past, then the current Primordial Heaven Realm is enough to call it a mythical flourishing age, with numerous talents and strong people emerging in endlessly.

Because this is the recent era after the consummation of the heavenly way, in the old days when the heavenly way was lacking, they were able to set foot on people such as majestic, god-king, quasi-king, etc., who is not the true tianjiao, and heavenly way complements and completes them. Has the greatest impact, and will break all kinds of shackles in a short time and rise to the sky.

   What's more, the heavenly sun swallowed the remains of the tenth Dao and foreign emperors, and fed back to the entire Primordial Heaven Realm, which made the ten thousand dao prosperous, and the spiritual energy surged countless, resulting in the birth and rise of a large number of powerful men in just a hundred years.

   In the past hundred years, a total of thirty-two people have been promoted to **** kings, eleven have become quasi-kings, and two have become primordial kings.

   As for the promoted under the **** king, there are countless ones, one after another.

   This mythical heyday era is far more influential than other eras.

  It is foreseeable that this is just the beginning. With the passage of time, the Primordial Heaven Realm and even the Eight Realms of Ten Thousand Realms will inevitably give birth to strong people continuously, leading the whole Eight Realms of Thousand Realms to further prosper.

   In the world, it is no longer the seven eternal inheritance. With the return of the deserted emperor clan, there are also other forbidden area masters who have successfully recovered the former emperor clan, a total of ten emperor clans.

   It's a pity that some emperors really died out with the wind.

   However, their supreme imperial soldiers stayed behind. When the imperial clan was destroyed in the past years, they were not captured and left.

   Now the Supreme Imperial Soldier has returned and is controlled by their respective clans.

  There are two other rulers of the restricted area. They are the only survivors of the former imperial clan. They are deeply wounded and have absolute hatred for foreign races. Otherwise, why would it be so.

   They joined the kingdom of heaven.

   On the one hand, it is the promise of the day to assist the master of the heavens, on the other hand, it is also the hope that he can follow Ye Chen to fight the alien race.

   At the same time, over a hundred years, new ancient powers have been born, and more than one are established by the new **** king.

   As for the other levels of forces under the ancient country, there are countless others.

   Hundreds of nations and thousands of religions all show the prosperity and prosperity of the Primordial Realm.

  After the eight realms of the ten thousand realms penetrated, a large number of tianjiao leaders emerged in the other seven realms, and the strong came out in large numbers. Compared with the Primordial Heaven Realm, it was not so conspicuous.

   Of course, no matter how the world changes, the heavenly power established by Ye Chen has been claimed to be No. 1 in the world since entering the Primordial Realm, and no one dares to object.

   Only because there is a well-deserved master of the heaven standing behind him, his strength overwhelms the invincible hand of the eight realms.

   What's more, there is an emperor who protects the way. The masters of the two restricted areas are guarded by the supreme imperial soldiers. Who dares to touch the edge.

   Fortunately, the kingdom of heaven transcends hundreds of nations and religions, and invisibly dominates the world, never occupying the slightest territory, because all territories are ruled by heaven.

   Secretly, many people have long believed that the Primordial Realm might be called the Realm of Heaven!

   Heaven, under the 100-year rule of the goddess and others, the influence has also been exerted to the extreme.

   is not only limited to the Primordial Realm, but even in the other seven realms, the influence of the kingdom of heaven is also far-reaching, and it has absorbed many talents who do not know how to join.

   is just a **** king character, silently, hundreds of countries and thousands of religions, but the ten great mythical emperors, more than 80% have all joined the heaven, or called worship, or called elders, sworn not to betray.

   quasi-kings, and even primordial kings, more than half joined.

   After all, the kingdom of heaven showed more amazing background than the mythical emperor, even the emperor Hunyue would preach regularly.

   The other five former rulers of the restricted zone often come to preach in the country.

   This also led to The King of the Ancients couldn't help but joined one after another.

What's more, there are countless resources for cultivation in the heavens. Many resources and even the Primordial Kings are extremely tempted. Many of them come from outside the Pangu universe. I heard that it involves the emperor. It is Ye Chen, the master of the heavens, who smashed the universe in the past. Obtained the gods outside.

  This has also led to the fact that the number of powerhouses in the kingdom of heaven has skyrocketed in a hundred years, no less than the Chaos Tianfu of the upper realm, and even surpassed.

   Invisibly, the kingdom of heaven has faintly become the controlling power of the eight realms of ten thousand realms. Ye Chen's master idol stands in countless places in the eight realms of ten thousand realms. I don't know how many planes believe in Ye Chen.

   The power of faith is more prosperous, unprecedented.

   However, the unattainable Tiandao Sun, and now Ye Chen, who has been closed for a hundred years, still has no signs of leaving.

   seems to keep going in such a closed-door retreat.

   But Ye Chen's long retreat did not affect the dominance of the kingdom of heaven. Under the control of the goddess and others, he became more prosperous. There were countless strong men and geniuses. The heavens, hundreds of nations and thousands of religions, all surrendered.

   So, another seven years have passed.

   This year, a major event that affected the entire eight realms of ten thousand realms occurred——

   Foreign race, penetrate the barriers of the two worlds, and completely descend to the lower world!


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