Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3529: Pangu Palace


The barrier between the two worlds is extremely stable, even the ancient emperor cannot penetrate it for a long time, and must be sealed off at all times.

But Ye Chen is special. He uses the heavenly sun to traverse the passage, always uses a terrifying force that is beyond the ordinary and supreme to prevent the passage from closing, and has the power of endless faith to maintain stability.

This time, he intends to penetrate the two realms completely and not to close.

Because the power of the Ten Thousand Realms and the Eight Realms is also strong enough, the overall strength of the emperor and supreme at the peak level is not bad, and Ye Chen can always mobilize the power of the heavenly sun and endless faith. If it is an alternative great emperor, Can exert enough power on the battlefield of the universe.

It's time for the disaster of alien invasion of Pangu universe to be completely resolved.

The mighty, countless lower realm powerhouses followed Ye Chen and stepped into the upper realm of the heavens.

Coming to the face is an intact Heavenly Dao Qi machine.

It seems that the appearance of the Heavenly Dao Sun not only complements the incomplete Heavenly Dao in the Lower Realm, but also affects the entire Pangu universe, allowing the Heavenly Dao in the Upper Realm to resonate and complement it.

This is the method of the mythical emperors, and also the method of the emperor of heaven, which promotes the heavenly path of the Pangu universe to be truly complemented and better than ever.

However, although the heavens and domains have complemented the heavens and are also the land of the upper realm, they are slightly weaker than the Primordial Heaven Realm in all aspects.

After all, the Heavenly Dao Sun swallowed the remains of Dao Xian Shi and foreign emperors, and it was extremely prosperous. It also mainly fed back the entire Primordial Heaven Realm, causing the cultivation environment in all aspects of the Primordial Heaven Realm to be better than the heavens and ten thousand realms.

The poor world environment caused the powers of the lower realms to frown, but after all, they were truly strong, and soon adapted.

The breakdown of the passage between the two realms was boundless, and naturally shocked many large areas.

In particular, this big domain belongs to the front line between the alien race and the Pangu universe. Many powerful players on both sides have appeared one after another. A huge space-time black hole appeared between the sky and the earth, and the overlapping space-time forces spread between the rotations.

If looming, the space-time black hole seemed to overflow with a stalwart power beyond imagination, which could silence the Primordial King.

"who is it?"

There are strong people from both sides, and there are a lot of them, and streamers are flashing, gathering here.

It was also because this place was the frontline of the battle between the two ancient universes, and the leaders were all quasi-kings.

But after sensing the looming aura of the group of people who appeared in the space-time black hole, the strong on both sides directly changed color.

Swire King!

And there are not only one or two people, but more than the number of hands, and some of them are powerful, far better than the ordinary kings of the ancient times, and even separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, it also makes them have a kind of spirit to explode. Terrible heart palpitations.

"Sir, who are you?"

After feeling their terrifying aura, the strong on both sides became more cautious and did not dare to offend.

Secretly, he took out the jade card of communication and communicated with the king of the ancient times.

At the very least, the current situation requires the Primordial King to face it.

However, the powers of the Pangu Universe felt that the leaders in front of them were quite familiar.

"Pangu Palace?"

Ye Chen and the others glanced, and they saw that the powerhouse of the Pangu Universe had a special badge on their chest, which outlined the ancient characters of the Pangu Universe, which were exactly the three characters "Pangu Palace".

Obviously, not long after he left the upper realm, a lot of things happened in the upper realm. Perhaps this so-called Pangu Palace was established during the period.

And looking at its name, I am afraid that this Pangu Palace is not simple at all.


Behind Ye Chen, many people frowned, and one of them saw the foreign race and went forward without saying a word.


The mighty, incomparable king Tianwei is swept away by the storm, and the rule of the king is all over the sky, and the sky is overwhelming, and this is the foreign legion that comes.

Among them, including the quasi-monarch headed, after only a scream, his body and spirit were destroyed, and he could not die again.

This kind of method made the powerhouse of the Pangu universe frightened, but there was also a kind of luck.

Needless to say, these are super powers on their side, but they are slightly surprised that the impression is not very deep.

Especially at that time, the qi machine on the other side of the empty black hole continuously overflowed, which actually gave them a sense of comfort that the road was boiling.

Where are they sacred?

"I am the Saint King of Fighting, where is this? How is the battle in the upper realm now?"

Ye Chen stepped forward and directly stated his identity, which shocked these Pangu universe powerhouses first, and then was pleasantly surprised.

That flawless, unparalleled look and temperament is the only one in the world.

Although I am secretly curious about why the King of Fighting does not understand the situation in the upper realm, I think that two or three hundred years ago, I heard that the King of Fighting led many people to the land of the lower realm. Now it suddenly appeared, mostly from the lower realm. After returning, he was suddenly stunned and spoke, slowly telling Ye Chen about the current situation in the upper bound.

In this world, the situation of the heavens and domains once again fell into a disadvantageous direction.

All of this was due to the Great Alien's planning for many years, he did not hesitate to pay a huge price, sneaked into the center of Ten Thousand Regions, killed Pangu Universe by surprise, and successfully opened the Prison Heaven Prison, which led to the birth of many big culprits who were suppressed in the past and disaster to Ten Thousand Regions.

Prisoner Heaven Prison is the prison where the Pangu universe suppressed countless fierce crimes throughout the ages. It is a self-contained world. It has the blessing of the imperial path left by the ancient mythical emperors and suppresses the most terrifying existence.

Among them, there are three supreme alien emperors born out of prison!

"Three alien emperors!?"

Not to mention someone else, even Ye Chen's expression changed.

Although he had already guessed that the Prisoner Heaven Prison was mostly suppressing the existence of the alien great emperor level, he always thought that it was just one person, and he never expected that he would suppress the three emperors.

That was the great emperor of the ancients, once he was born, it represented the catastrophe that swept the entire Pangu universe.

You must know that at the beginning, it was only two alien emperors, which allowed the Pangu Universe to only have the upper hand for a while, and it was never effectively eliminated.

The birth of the three great aliens and the arrival of countless great evils have directly caused the most terrifying crisis in the history of the heavens and ten thousand domains.

But fortunately, the Pangu universe is also very powerful, especially the powerhouses who have been sleeping in the realm of the Supreme Emperor in the past three hundred years have all returned to the world and swept everything, which prevents the Pangu universe from being swept directly.

What's more, Prisoner Heaven Prison is an extraordinary prison, built by the mythical emperors, and contains the power to deprive the source. The three great emperors of the foreign race have been suppressed for endless years, just like the original Dao Xian, even if they were born, they have strength. Without depositing two or three tenths, it is impossible to display the supreme destruction of Dili.

In addition, there are four supreme-level existences in the Pangu universe, namely the Human Emperor, the Wuxiang Emperor, the Profound God Emperor, and the Taichu Emperor.

On the whole, the two sides are once again deadlocked.

But the power under the supreme, the alien side is inferior to the Pangu universe side, because the four emperors and many primordial kings have descended one after another, the power of the top level is diminished, and the alien can only temporarily retreat.

If it hadn't been for the joining of the many big criminals from the Prisoner Heaven, it would have been swept away, and it would not be enough to compete against the Pangu universe.

However, the return of the three alien emperors, as long as enough time is given, they will inevitably return to their peak, and by then, the entire Pangu universe will once again be in danger.

Of course, it's not that the Pangu Universe side didn't want to take advantage of his illness to kill him at this time, and take advantage of the three alien emperors' weaknesses to kill them completely, but the situation does not allow it.

The Emperor has an accident!

Not long after Prison Heaven Prison was broken open, the Human Sovereign slept directly in the Human Palace, the supreme aura was restrained, and the ten thousand ways disappeared.

If it weren't for being able to accurately feel the imperial aura, the world would think that the emperor was going to sit down.

In fact, before the accident happened, the emperor had a corresponding sign, and was weakened for a while, and only then was the alien found a chance to break through the prison hell.

It is precisely because the Emperor is asleep that the Pangu Universe lacks the most powerful supreme to sit, and its strength plummets.

Although the unphased king is strong, it can only be compared to a supreme one.

The Emperor Profound God is dependent on his injuries, and the emperor in the early days can only call the supreme, and the two can be comparable to a supreme.

Therefore, the current situation is very bad.

Unless a new supreme joins, for now, the Pangu universe can't help the alien.

What is even more frightening is that although the power under the Great Alien is not as powerful as that of the Pangu Universe, it also occupies more than half of the upper bounds, a full five thousand domains, each of which contains hundreds of millions of endless creatures.

During this time, the three great emperors of the alien race continued to devour hundreds of millions of creatures and restore them.

Although the King of No Phase and the others also wanted to stop them, they had nothing to do. The two alien great emperors in their peak state always showed the emperor to stop them, leaving them no other way.

In the current world, the two camps are in a stalemate. As for the human emperor's sleeping, it is only an announcement to the public that the human emperor is in retreat and enlightenment, in order to temporarily shock the alien race.

But the king of no phase and the supreme have a foreboding that the news that the emperor is sleeping will not be kept for too long, and the alien race is likely to launch the ultimate battle soon.

In order to deal with such a dangerous situation, the Pangu Universe side established the Pangu Palace of the Great Universe Alliance!

All the heavens and domains, but all the forces and strong people from the Pangu universe are all members of the Pangu Palace, and they obey all the dispatches of the Pangu Palace.

"Pangu Palace, indeed, only the power of the upper realm can contend with the current alien race."

Ye Chen nodded slightly. He was also surprised by the fact that the Emperor was sleeping, but fortunately, it was just a deep sleep after all.

"But don't worry, this return is to completely solve the scourge of the alien race, not to expel the Pangu universe, but to make the Pangu universe a burial place for all alien races."

The sonorous sound swept the 33rd heaven.

Powerful Qi Machines swept dozens of hundreds of domains.


The Waste Land, as the front line of the Pangu universe today, directly borders foreign races. It is also the place where the Emperor Wuxiang, the Great Emperor of Profound God, and the Emperor of Taichu personally sit.

Here, magnificent temples have been built, and even a continuous temple of heaven stands on the sky, and there are countless powerhouses in the Pangu universe.

Even, a majestic and astonishing Tianguan rises from the ground, and the Wuxiang King directly shoulders the immortal Tianguan behind the Purple Mansion Holy Land, suppressing it at the front line, across the two camps.

That kind of defense can be said to be inexhaustible, even if the emperor wants to set foot here silently.

With the passage of time, the various forces in the Pangu universe have arrived here, and have gradually formed an alliance together, turning into the Pangu Palace, an alliance organization that is now known as the two ancient universes!

Among them, standing at the forefront is an exceptionally huge palace. There is no so-called magnificence, the whole body is bronze, and it looks simple, but it has the spirit of war.

There is no doubt that this is where the main hall is. It is the place where one of the four great palace masters of Pangu Palace lived forever, and stayed here at all times.

At this moment, in the main hall, I don't know when, there are many super powers standing on the peak of the universe, forming a meeting.

"In the past hundred years, Pangu Palace has fought 137 wars with foreign races, of which 107 involved the Primordial King, 21 involved the emperor, and three supreme wars. Although many powerful foreign races were killed, Even the Palace of Different Emperors destroyed seven, but the Pangu universe also lost a lot of powerhouses."

In the main hall, the atmosphere is relatively solemn, and an ancient emperor gathers the battle conditions of a century.

Since the prisoner's prison was broken, the wars between the two ancient universes have become more frequent. In just a hundred years, no less than a hundred wars have been launched, of which the Supreme Wars are three times.

You must know that the Supreme War, in peacetime, does not necessarily occur once in an era, but now it has occurred three times in just a hundred years. It is conceivable how frequent it is.

Hearing that, the unphased king also nodded slowly.

Basically, he participated in the Supreme War personally. The purpose was to find the three alien great emperors who escaped. He wanted to pull them out in one fell swoop and completely destroy them while they were still weak.

Over the years, he has fought for a long time, fought against the supreme, the emperor's prestige is more prosperous, like a sea like a sea, his divine power has increased a lot, and it is stronger than before.

After all, the unphased king is not really the supreme, but the king of the ancient times has set foot on the road of eternity, and he has gone further on the road of eternity than the emperor of the early days and the tenth ~ and also more. As powerful.

Otherwise, why do you become the veritable first person under the supreme in the era of mythology?

"In fact, these things are okay, but recently we learned through some special channels that the alien race seems to know the truth about the human emperor's sleep and is no longer ready to bear it. Although the three alien emperors have not fully recovered yet, they hope to use the human emperor. During the sleep, launch a general attack on Pangu Universe, and also want to attack the sleeping Emperor."

The words fell, and immediately, the whole bronze main hall was quiet.

Launching a general offensive, but also want to shoot against the Emperor, this is not a good sign.

Especially at the moment, the emperor suddenly fell asleep, and even the no-phase emperor, such a supreme king, did not accurately understand the situation of the emperor.

If the entire army of foreign races attacked, especially if multiple foreign emperors attacked together, it would definitely be a huge disaster for the Pangu universe.

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